
Function Get-RTConfig {
        Get PSRT module configuration.
        Get PSRT module configuration
    .PARAMETER Source
        Get the config data from either...
           Variable: the live module variable used for command defaults
           Path: the serialized PSRT.xml that loads when importing the module
        Defaults to Variabls
        If specified, read config from this XML file.
        Defaults to UserName-ComputerName-PSRT.xml in the module root
        Request Tracker

    [cmdletbinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'variable')]
        $Source = "Variable",

        $Path = "$ModuleRoot\$env:USERNAME-$env:COMPUTERNAME-PSRT.xml"

    if(-not (Test-Path -Path $Path -PathType Leaf -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue))
            Write-Verbose "Did not find config file [$Path] attempting to create"
                BaseUri = $null
                Credential = $null
                Referer = $null
            } | Export-Clixml -Path $Path -Force -ErrorAction Stop
            Write-Warning $_
            Write-Warning "Failed to create config file [$Path]"
    if($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'variable' -and $Source -eq "variable" -and -not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Path'))
        Import-Clixml -Path $Path