about_redditcomment SHORT DESCRIPTION Describes the RedditComment Class LONG DESCRIPTION The `RedditComment` class houses a comment returned from the Reddit API. The `RedditComment` class is imported automatically when you import the PSRAW module. CONSTRUCTORS RedditComment() Default Constructor creates an empty `RedditComment` object. [RedditComment]::new() RedditComment(RedditOAuthToken AccessToken, System.Management.Automation.PSObject Object) Creates a `RedditComment` object for the give `RedditOAuthToken` and `PSObject`. The Values from Properties on the `PSObject` will be used to populate the properties of the `RedditComment`. [RedditComment]::new([RedditOAuthToken]$AccessToken, [System.Management.Automation.PSObject]$Object) PROPERTIES AccessToken The Access Token used to request the comment. Name: AccessToken Type: RedditOAuthToken Hidden: True Static: False ApiEndpointUri Static string containing a template URL to fetch information about comments. Name: ApiEndpointUri Type: String Hidden: False Static: True approved_by The moderator who approved the comment. Name: approved_by Type: String Hidden: False Static: False archived If true the comment is archived. Name: archived Type: Boolean Hidden: False Static: False author The user who wrote toe comment Name: author Type: String Hidden: False Static: False author_flair_css_class The CSS Class for the author's flair. Name: author_flair_css_class Type: String Hidden: False Static: False author_flair_text The text of the author's flair. Name: author_flair_text Type: String Hidden: False Static: False banned_by The moderator who banned the comment. Name: banned_by Type: String Hidden: False Static: False body The body of the comment Name: body Type: String Hidden: False Static: False body_html HTML format of the comment body. Name: body_html Type: String Hidden: False Static: False can_gild If true, this comment can be gilded. Name: can_gild Type: Boolean Hidden: False Static: False controversiality The controversiality score of the comment Name: controversiality Type: Double Hidden: False Static: False created A `RedditDate` containing the date the comment was created. Name: created Type: RedditDate Hidden: False Static: False created_utc A `RedditDate` containing the date the comment was created in UTC. Name: created_utc Type: RedditDate Hidden: False Static: False depth The depth of the comment in the thread. Name: depth Type: Int64 Hidden: False Static: False distinguished If the comment is distinguished this will be either `admin` or `moderator`. If this is empty then the comment is not distinguished. Name: distinguished Type: String Hidden: False Static: False downs The number of downvotes. (includes own) Name: downs Type: Int64 Hidden: False Static: False edited If true then the comment has been edited. Name: edited Type: Boolean Hidden: False Static: False gilded The number of times the comment has been gilded. Name: gilded Type: Int64 Hidden: False Static: False id The comment ID Name: id Type: String Hidden: False Static: False likes `true` if comment is liked (upvoted) by the user, `false` if comment is disliked (downvoted), null if the user has not voted or you are not logged in. Name: likes Type: String Hidden: False Static: False link_id ID of the link this comment is in Name: link_id Type: String Hidden: False Static: False mod_reports Collection of reports made by moderators on this comment. Name: mod_reports Type: RedditModReport[] Hidden: False Static: False name Fullname of comment, e.g. `t1_c3v7f8u` Name: name Type: String Hidden: False Static: False num_reports How many times this comment has been reported, null if not a mod Name: num_reports Type: String Hidden: False Static: False parent_id ID of the thing this comment is a reply to, either the link or a comment in it Name: parent_id Type: String Hidden: False Static: False Prefix The Reddit "Thing" type prefix. Should always be `t1` Name: Prefix Type: RedditThingPrefix Hidden: False Static: False removal_reason Reason provided by moderator for removal of the comment. Name: removal_reason Type: String Hidden: False Static: False replies A collection of child comments for this comment. Name: replies Type: PSObject[] Hidden: False Static: False report_reasons A string array containing report reasons supplied by users. Name: report_reasons Type: String[] Hidden: False Static: False saved True if this post is saved by the logged in user. Name: saved Type: Boolean Hidden: False Static: False score The net-score of the comment Name: score Type: Int64 Hidden: False Static: False score_hidden Whether the comment's score is currently hidden. Name: score_hidden Type: Boolean Hidden: False Static: False stickied True if the Comment is set as the sticky in its thread. Name: stickied Type: Boolean Hidden: False Static: False subreddit Subreddit of comment excluding the `r/` prefix. "pics" Name: subreddit Type: String Hidden: False Static: False subreddit_id The id of the subreddit in which the comment is located Name: subreddit_id Type: String Hidden: False Static: False subreddit_name_prefixed Subreddit of comment including the `r/` prefix. "pics" Name: subreddit_name_prefixed Type: String Hidden: False Static: False subreddit_type The subreddit's type - one of "public", "private", "restricted", or in very special cases "gold_restricted" or "archived" Name: subreddit_type Type: String Hidden: False Static: False ups the number of upvotes. (includes own) Name: ups Type: Int64 Hidden: False Static: False user_reports A collection of reports made against this post by other users. Name: user_reports Type: RedditUserReport[] Hidden: False Static: False METHODS GetApiEndpointUri() Returns the API endpoint URL for the comment. Name: GetApiEndpointUri Return Type: String Hidden: False Static: False Definition: String GetApiEndpointUri() GetFullName() Retrieves the Reddit Fullname ID for the comment. Name: GetFullName Return Type: String Hidden: False Static: False Definition: String GetFullName() ToString() Overrides `ToString()` to return the contents of the the `Body` property. Name: ToString Return Type: String Hidden: False Static: False Definition: String ToString() EXAMPLES Example 1 $result = Invoke-RedditRequest -Uri 'https://oauth.reddit.com/api/info?id=t1_dl8o3mb' $Comment = [RedditComment]::New($Token,$Result.ContentObject.data.children[0]) SEE ALSO about_RedditComment https://www.reddit.com/wiki/api https://github.com/reddit/reddit/wiki/JSON https://psraw.readthedocs.io/ |