about_redditapiresponse SHORT DESCRIPTION Describes the RedditApiResponse Class LONG DESCRIPTION The `RedditApiResponse` is returned by the `Invoke-RedditRequest` function. It is used to house the response from the Reddit API. The `RedditApiResponse` class is imported automatically when you import the PSRAW module. CONSTRUCTORS RedditApiResponse() Creates a new `RedditApiResponse` object. [RedditApiResponse]::new() PROPERTIES AccessToken The `RedditOAuthToken` used to authenticated the API request that resulted in this `RedditApiResponse`. Name: AccessToken Type: RedditOAuthToken Hidden: False Static: False ContentObject Will either be a `System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject` or `System.String`. This is the converted content from the Reddit API response. Most responses from the API should be JSON object. This will be converted to `System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject`. Other responses will be stored as `System.String`. Name: ContentObject Type: Object Hidden: False Static: False ContentType The `Content-Type` response header returned from Reddit. Name: ContentType Type: System.String Hidden: False Static: False Parameters These are the parameters that were used with `Invoke-WebRequest` when it is called by `Invoke-RedditRequest`. The `Authorization` header will be truncated to protect the Access Token. Name: Parameters Type: System.Collections.Hashtable Hidden: False Static: False RequestDate This is the date the request was made to the API as determined by the API response (Reddit's Servers). This may differ from the local time. Name: RequestDate Type: DateTime Hidden: False Static: False Response This is the response object returned from `Invoke-WebRequest` when it is called by `Invoke-RedditRequest`. Name: Response Type: Object Hidden: False Static: False METHODS EXAMPLES Basic Example $Params = @{ ContentType = 'application/json' Uri = 'https://oauth.reddit.com/api/v1/me' Method = 'Get' ErrorAction = 'Stop' UserAgent = $AccessToken.Application.UserAgent WebSession = $AccessToken.Session UseBasicParsing = $true Headers = { Authorization = 'Bearer {0}' -f $AccessToken.GetAccessToken() } } $Result = Invoke-WebRequest @Params [RedditApiResponse]@{ AccessToken = $AccessToken Parameters = $Params RequestDate = $Result.Headers.Date Response = $Result ContentObject = $Result.Content | ConvertFrom-Json ContentType = $Result | Get-HttpResponseContentType } This example demonstrates using a `RedditOAuthToken` to make an authenticated web request to `https://oauth.reddit.com/api/v1/me` and creating a `RedditApiResponse` with the results. This is basically what is done within `Invoke-RedditRequest` SEE ALSO about_RedditApplication about_RedditOAuthToken Invoke-RedditRequest Invoke-WebRequest https://psraw.readthedocs.io/ |