Function Invoke-PSQuickQuiz { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'all')] Param( [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'single')] [ValidateScript( { Get-Module $_ -list })] #You can specify a single module for testing. The default is all modules. [String]$ModuleName, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'all')] [Parameter(HelpMessage = 'Enter a comma separated list of module names to ignore. You can use wildcards.')] [string[]]$Exclude, [Parameter(HelpMessage = 'This is used to indicate a continuing test. You should never need to use this parameter.')] [Switch]$NextQuestion, [Parameter(HelpMessage = 'Enter a path and filename for a quiz transcript.')] [ValidateScript( { $parent = Split-Path $_ if (Test-Path $parent) { return $True } else { Throw "Failed to find $parent for your transcript." return $false } })] [alias('transcript')] [String]$Path ) If ($Path -AND (-not $NextQuestion)) { #first time through so initialize a new transcript file. $header = @" PowerShell Quiz - $(Get-Date) ------------------------------------- PowerShell version: $($PSVersionTable.PSVersion) User : $($env:USERDOMAIN)\$($env:username) Quiz parameters : $(($PSBoundParameters | Out-String).trim()) ------------------------------------- "@ #create a new transcript file Set-Content -Value $header -Path $Path } Clear-Host Write-Verbose "Starting $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)" Write-Verbose 'PSBoundParameters:' Write-Verbose $($PSBoundParameters | Out-String).Trim() if (-Not $NextQuestion) { Write-Verbose 'First question setup' #initialize some variables to keep track of correct answers $global:QuestionCount = 0 $global:CorrectCount = 0 $global:CommandCache = @() if ($ModuleName) { $Status = "Getting commands from module $ModuleName." Write-Verbose $Status Write-Progress -Activity $MyInvocation.MyCommand -Status $status -CurrentOperation 'Please wait...' $global:CommandCache = Get-Command -CommandType Cmdlet, Function -Module $ModuleName } else { $status = 'Getting commands from all available modules.' if ($exclude) { $status += " Excluding these modules: $($exclude -join ',') " #define a separate filter because this causes a problem in PowerShell v6 if $exclude is not specified $filter = { $_.Source -AND $_.source -notmatch $($exclude -join '|') } } else { $filter = { $_.Source } } Write-Verbose $status Write-Progress -Activity $MyInvocation.MyCommand -Status $status -CurrentOperation 'Please wait...' #get cmdlets and function that have a defined source which should be a module or snapin $global:CommandCache = (Get-Command -CommandType Cmdlet, Function).Where($filter) } Write-Progress -Activity $MyInvocation.MyCommand -Completed Write-Verbose "Added $(($global:commandCache).count) commands to the command cache" if ((($global:commandCache).count) -eq 0) { Write-Warning 'Failed to find commands in any matching modules.' #bail out Return } } else { Write-Verbose 'Continuing the quiz' Write-Verbose "Current question count: $($global:QuestionCount)" Write-Verbose "Current correct count: $($global:CorrectCount)" Write-Verbose "Current command cache: $(($global:commandCache).count)" } #select a random command with a legitimate synopsis Write-Verbose 'Selecting a random command' do { $cmd = $global:CommandCache | Get-Random $synopsis = ($cmd | Get-Help).synopsis } until ($synopsis -notmatch '(This cmdlet is not supported)|\[|(Fill in the Synopsis)' -AND $synopsis -match '\w{4,}') #get other noun related commands #[object[]]$commands = #@($cmd) $commands = [System.Collections.Generic.List[object]]::New() $commands.Add($cmd) #$commands += Get-Command -Noun $cmd.noun | Where-Object { $ -ne $ } | Select-Object -First 4 Get-Command -Noun $cmd.noun | Where-Object { $ -ne $ } | Select-Object -First 4 | ForEach-Object { $commands.Add($_) } #get additional random commands if there are not enough noun-related if ($commands.count -lt 5) { Write-Verbose 'Getting supplemental commands for answers' While ($commands.count -lt 5) { $add = Get-Command -CommandType Cmdlet | Get-Random | Where-Object { $ -NotContains $ } # $commands += $add $commands.Add($add) } } #randomize $commands = $commands | Get-Random -Count $commands.count $Title = 'PowerShell Pop Quiz' $Cue = @" Given this short cmdlet description: $synopsis What command would you use? "@ for ($i = 1; $i -lt $commands.count + 1; $i++) { $Cue += " [$i]`t$($commands[$i-1].Name)`n" } Write-Host $Title -ForegroundColor Cyan Write-Host $Cue -ForegroundColor Yellow If ($Path) { Add-Content -Value $cue -Path $Path } Do { try { [ValidateRange(1, 5)][int32]$r = Read-Host -Prompt 'Select a menu choice [1-5]' -ErrorAction stop Write-Verbose "You entered $r" } Catch { #ignore the error Write-Warning $_.exception.message $r = 0 } } Until ($r -ge 1 -AND $r -le 5) #increment the question counter $global:QuestionCount++ if ($commands[$r - 1].name -eq $cmd.Name) { $global:CorrectCount++ Write-Host "`nYou are Correct!!" -ForegroundColor green If ($Path) { Add-Content -Value "$($ is correct!" -Path $Path } } else { $msg = "`nThe correct answer is $($" Write-Host $msg -ForegroundColor Red if ($Path) { Add-Content -Value $msg -Path $Path } } [String]$s = Read-Host "`nDo you want another question? Press any key to continue or Q to quit" if ($s -match '^q') { $score = Get-GPA -Correct $global:CorrectCount -Possible $global:QuestionCount $result = "`nYou scored {0} correct out of {1} for a GPA of {2}. Your grade is {3}." -f $global:CorrectCount, $global:QuestionCount, $score.gpa, $score.Grade #colorize output based on gpa if ($score.Grade -match 'A') { $fg = 'green' } elseif ($score.grade -match 'B|C') { $fg = 'yellow' } else { $fg = 'red' } Write-Host $result -ForegroundColor $fg if ($path) { Add-Content -Value $result -Path $Path Add-Content -Value "`nEnding PowerShell Quiz $(Get-Date)" -Path $Path Write-Host "`nSee $path for a transcript of this quiz." -ForegroundColor Green } Remove-Variable CorrectCount, QuestionCount, CommandCache -Scope global } else { if (-Not ($PSBoundParameters.containsKey('NextQuestion'))) { Write-Verbose 'Flagging for next question' $PSBoundParameters.add('NextQuestion', $True) } Write-Verbose 'Invoking quiz' #Write-Verbose ($MyInvocation.MyCommand | Out-String) &$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) @PSBoundParameters } } |