# # Module manifest for module 'PSQuizMaster' @{ RootModule = 'PSQuizmaster.psm1' ModuleVersion = '1.3.0' CompatiblePSEditions = @('Desktop', 'Core') GUID = '3f2c62ca-3370-4173-92d5-6b2b4da136a7' Author = 'Jeff Hicks' CompanyName = 'JDH Information Technology Solutions, Inc.' Copyright = '(c) 2017-2024 JDH Information Technology Solutions, Inc.' Description = 'A module for running and creating quizzes to learn PowerShell. Quizzes are stored as JSON files.' PowerShellVersion = '5.1' FunctionsToExport = @( 'Invoke-PSQuiz', 'Get-PSQuiz', 'New-PSQuizQuestion', 'Invoke-PSQuickQuiz', 'New-PSQuizQuestion', 'New-PSQuizFile', 'Set-PSQuizFile', 'New-PSQuiz', 'Set-PSQuizPath', 'Remove-PSQuizSetting', 'Copy-PSSampleQuiz', 'Protect-PSQuizFile', 'Unprotect-PSQuizFile' ) FormatsToProcess = @( 'formats\psquiz.format.ps1xml', 'formats\psquizItem.format.ps1xml', '.\formats\psquizresult.format.ps1xml' ) CmdletsToExport = '' VariablesToExport = 'PSQuizPath' AliasesToExport = @('Start-PSQuiz', 'Make-PSQuiz') PrivateData = @{ PSData = @{ Tags = @('teaching', 'learn', 'quiz', 'training') LicenseUri = '' ProjectUri = '' # IconUri = '' ReleaseNotes = @" ## 1.3.0 ### Added - Added missing online help links. ### Changed - Modify masking commands to also obfuscate or reveal distractors. [Issue #3]( - Updated `Invoke-PSQuickQuiz` to use `System.Collections.Generic.List[]` instead of an array. Full release change log at "@ } } } |