"$schema": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jdhitsolutions/PSQuizMaster/main/psquiz.schema.json", "metadata": { "name": "My Demo Quiz", "author": "Jeff Hicks", "description": "This is a demo quiz file", "version": "0.3.0", "id": "795a13d6-5054-4b94-8c5d-2e9033593ab2", "updated": "2023-06-29 13:15:26Z" }, "questions": [ { "question": "What is the preferred technique for listing all running services?", "answer": "Get-Service | Where-Object {$_.status -eq \"running\"}", "distractors": [ "Get-Service -running", "Get-Process -type service", "Find-Service | where running", "Where-object {$_.status -eq running} | Get-Service" ], "note": "You could also use (Get-Service).where({$_.status -eq \"running\"})" }, { "question": "Which of the following is an alias for Get-Process?", "answer": "gps", "distractors": [ "pr", "gpr", "proc", "p" ], "note": "Run: Get-Alias -Definition Get-Process to see all defined aliases." }, { "question": "What variable will show you the PowerShell version?", "answer": "$PSVersionTable", "distractors": [ "$PSVersion", "$PS", "$Edition", "$version" ], "note": "" }, { "question": "What is the remoting protocol used by Windows PowerShell?", "answer": "WSMan", "distractors": [ "WinRM", "SSH", "TCPIP", "NetBios" ], "note": "The WinRM service manages the WSMan protocol" }, { "question": "What is the PowerShell edition associated with Windows PowerShell 5.1?", "answer": "Desktop", "distractors": [ "Core", "Windows", "pwsh", "Powershell" ], "note": "The edition for PowerShell 7 is Core" }, { "question": "What is the name of PowerShell's basic command element?", "answer": "Cmdlet", "distractors": [ "Function", "PSCmdlet", "Module", "PSCmd" ], "note": "A function is like a cmdlet, but it is written in PowerShell's scripting language." }, { "question": "What parameter would you use with Get-ChildItem to display only folders?", "answer": "Directory", "distractors": [ "Folder", "Recurse", "/S", "Subfolder" ], "note": "Use -File to see only files." } ] } |