function Connect-Psat { <# .SYNOPSIS Saves the Api token from Psat into an environment variable. #> param ( [String] $ApiToken, [Switch] $Force ) if ($Force) { # Reset the local file and environment variables $env:PsatApiToken = "" Remove-Item -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue "$env:USERPROFILE/.psat/psat.json" Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow "All Api Tokens removed. Run the Connect-Psat command again to reconnect." Exit 0 } if ($ApiToken) { $env:PsatApiToken = $ApiToken Save-Token -ApiToken $ApiToken } elseif (Test-Path "$env:USERPROFILE/.psat/psat.json") { $env:PsatApiToken = (Get-Content "$env:USERPROFILE/.psat/psat.json" | Convertfrom-json).apiToken Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow "Api Token automatically loaded from user profile." } else { $env:PsatApiToken = Read-Host "Please enter the Psat Api Key" -MaskInput Save-Token -ApiToken $env:PsatApiToken } } function Save-Token { <# .SYNOPSIS Prompts the user to save to Api token into a file for later use. #> param ( [String] $ApiToken ) $Title = "Do you want to save this token in your user profile for later use?" $Prompt = "Enter your choice" $Choices = [System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription[]] @("&Yes", "&No", "&Cancel") $Default = 1 # Prompt for the choice $Choice = $host.UI.PromptForChoice($Title, $Prompt, $Choices, $Default) switch ($Choice) { 0 { $JsonContent = [PSCustomObject]@{ apiToken = $ApiToken } $JsonContent | ConvertTo-Json | Out-File ( New-Item -Path "$env:USERPROFILE/.psat/psat.json" -Force ) Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow "Api Token sucessfully saved into the user profile." } 1 { Continue } 2 { Exit } } } function Send-ApiRequest { <# .SYNOPSIS Build requests and send it to the Psat Api. #> param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [String] $Endpoint, [ValidateSet('GET')] [String] $Method = 'GET', [ValidateSet('0.1.0', '0.2.0', '0.3.0')] [String] $ApiVersion = "0.1.0", [hashtable] $Body ) If ($null -eq $env:PsatApiToken) { Throw [Data.NoNullAllowedException]::new('No token has been provided. Please run Connect-Psat.') } $Hostname = "" $Arguments = @{ 'Method' = "GET" 'Uri' = "https://$Hostname/api/reporting/v$ApiVersion$Endpoint" 'Body' = $Body 'Headers' = @{ 'x-apikey-token' = $env:PsatApiToken 'User-Agent' = "PowerShell/$($PSVersionTable.PSVersion)" 'Content-Type' = "application/json" 'Accept' = 'application/json' } } Return (Invoke-RestMethod @Arguments) } function Set-RequestCommonParameters { <# .SYNOPSIS Helper function to simplify the building of the request parameters hashtable #> param ( [Int32] $PageSize = 20, [Int32] $PageNumber, [String[]] $UserEmailAddress, [String[]] $CampaignName, [String[]] $Action, [String] $EventTimestampStart, [String] $EventTimestampEnd, [String] $CampaignStartDateStart, [String] $CampaignStartDateEnd, [String] $ReportedDateStart, [String] $ReportedDateEnd, [String] $ReceivedDateStart, [String] $ReceivedDateEnd, [String] $AssignmentStartDateStart, [String] $AssignmentStartDateEnd, [String] $QuestionDateStart, [String] $QuestionDateEnd, [String[]] $AssessmentType, [String] $AttemptDateStart, [String] $AttemptDateEnd ) $RequestParameters = @{} if ($PageSize) { $RequestParameters.Add("page[size]", $PageSize) } if ($PageNumber) { $RequestParameters.Add("page[number]", $PageNumber) } if ($AssessmentType) { $FormattedString = $AssessmentType -join "," $RequestParameters.Add("filter[_assessmenttype]", "[$FormattedString]") } if ($AttemptDateStart) { $FormattedString = $AttemptDateStart -join "," $RequestParameters.Add("filter[_attemptdate_start]", "[$FormattedString]") } if ($AttemptDateEnd) { $FormattedString = $AttemptDateEnd -join "," $RequestParameters.Add("filter[_attemptdate_end]", "[$FormattedString]") } if ($UserEmailAddress) { $FormattedString = $UserEmailAddress -join "," $RequestParameters.Add("filter[_useremailaddress]", "[$FormattedString]") } if ($CampaignName) { $FormattedString = $CampaignName -join "," $RequestParameters.Add("filter[_campaignname]", "[$FormattedString]") } if ($Action) { $FormattedString = $Action -join "," $RequestParameters.Add("filter[_action]", "[$FormattedString]") } if ($EventTimestampStart) { $RequestParameters.Add("filter[_eventtimestamp_start]", $EventTimestampStart) } if ($EventTimestampEnd) { $RequestParameters.Add("filter[_eventtimestamp_end]", $EventTimestampEnd) } if ($CampaignStartDateStart) { $RequestParameters.Add("filter[_campaignstartdate_start]", $CampaignStartDateStart) } if ($CampaignStartDateEnd) { $RequestParameters.Add("filter[_campaignstartdate_end]", $CampaignStartDateEnd) } if ($ReportedDateStart) { $RequestParameters.Add("filter[_reporteddate_start]", $ReportedDateStart) } if ($ReportedDateEnd) { $RequestParameters.Add("filter[_reporteddate_end]", $ReportedDateEnd) } if ($ReceivedDateStart) { $RequestParameters.Add("filter[_receiveddate_start]", $ReceivedDateStart) } if ($ReceivedDateEnd) { $RequestParameters.Add("filter[_receiveddate_end]", $ReceivedDateEnd) } if ($AssignmentStartDateStart) { $RequestParameters.Add("filter[_assignmentstartdate_start]", $AssignmentStartDateStart) } if ($AssignmentStartDateEnd) { $RequestParameters.Add("filter[_assignmentstartdate_end]", $AssignmentStartDateEnd) } if ($QuestionDateStart) { $RequestParameters.Add("filter[_questiondate_start]", $QuestionDateStart) } if ($QuestionDateEnd) { $RequestParameters.Add("filter[_questiondate_end]", $QuestionDateEnd) } Return $RequestParameters } function Get-PsatUsers { param ( [Int32] $PageNumber, [Int32] $PageSize, [String[]] $UserEmailAddress, [Switch] $IncludeDeletedUsers, [Switch] $FormatJson ) $Params = Set-RequestCommonParameters -PageSize $PageSize ` -PageNumber $PageNumber ` -UserEmailAddress $UserEmailAddress if ($IncludeDeletedUsers) { $Params.Add("filter[_includedeletedusers]", "TRUE") } if ($FormatJson) { Return (Send-ApiRequest -Endpoint '/users' -Body $Params) | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 5 } else { $Data = (Send-ApiRequest -Endpoint '/users' -Body $Params).Data $FormattedData = $Data | Select-Object -Property id, type -ExpandProperty attributes Return $FormattedData } } function Get-PsatPhishing { param ( [Int32] $PageNumber, [Int32] $PageSize, [String[]] $UserEmailAddress, [String[]] $CampaignName, [Switch] $IncludeDeletedUsers, [Switch] $FormatJson, [String] $EventTimestampStart, [String] $EventTimestampEnd, [String] $CampaignStartDateStart, [String] $CampaignStartDateEnd, [Switch] $IncludeNoAction, [Switch] $IncludeArchivedCampaigns ) $Params = Set-RequestCommonParameters -PageSize $PageSize ` -PageNumber $PageNumber ` -UserEmailAddress $UserEmailAddress ` -CampaignName $CampaignName ` -EventTimestampStart $EventTimestampStart ` -EventTimestampEnd $EventTimestampEnd ` -CampaignStartDateStart $CampaignStartDateStart ` -CampaignStartDateEnd $CampaignStartDateEnd if ($IncludeNoAction) { $RequestParameters.Add("filter[_includenoaction]", "TRUE") } if ($IncludeArchivedCampaigns) { $RequestParameters.Add("filter[_includearchivedcampaigns]", "TRUE") } if ($IncludeDeletedUsers) { $Params.Add("filter[_includedeletedusers]", "TRUE") } if ($FormatJson) { Return (Send-ApiRequest -ApiVersion '0.3.0' -Endpoint '/phishing' -Body $Params) | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 5 } else { $Data = (Send-ApiRequest -ApiVersion '0.3.0' -Endpoint '/phishing' -Body $Params).Data $FormattedData = $Data | Select-Object -Property id, type -ExpandProperty attributes Return $FormattedData } } function Get-PsatPhishAlarm { param ( [Int32] $PageNumber, [Int32] $PageSize, [String[]] $UserEmailAddress, [ValidateSet("Opened", "Opened in Preview Pane", "Unopened")] [String[]] $Action, [Switch] $IncludeDeletedUsers, [Switch] $FormatJson, [String] $ReportedDateStart, [String] $ReportedDateEnd, [String] $ReceivedDateStart, [String] $ReceivedDateEnd, [Switch] $IncludePlatformNotification ) $Params = Set-RequestCommonParameters -PageSize $PageSize ` -PageNumber $PageNumber ` -UserEmailAddress $UserEmailAddress ` -CampaignName $CampaignName ` -ReportedDateStart $ReportedDateStart ` -ReportedDateEnd $ReportedDateEnd ` -ReceivedDateStart $ReceivedDateStart ` -ReceivedDateEnd $ReceivedDateEnd if ($IncludeNoAction) { $RequestParameters.Add("filter[_includenoaction]", "TRUE") } if ($IncludePlatformNotification) { $RequestParameters.Add("filter[_includeplatformnotifications]", "TRUE") } if ($IncludeDeletedUsers) { $Params.Add("filter[_includedeletedusers]", "TRUE") } if ($FormatJson) { Return (Send-ApiRequest -Endpoint '/phishalarm' -Body $Params) | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 5 } else { $Data = (Send-ApiRequest -Endpoint '/phishalarm' -Body $Params).Data $FormattedData = $Data | Select-Object -Property id, type -ExpandProperty attributes Return $FormattedData } } function Get-PsatKnowledgeAssessment { param ( [Int32] $PageNumber, [Int32] $PageSize, [String[]] $UserEmailAddress, [String[]] $AssignmentName, [String] $AssignmentStartDateStart, [String] $AssignmentStartDateEnd, [String] $QuestionDateStart, [String] $QuestionDateEnd, [Switch] $IncludeDeletedUsers, [Switch] $IncludeNotStarted, [Switch] $IncludeDeletedAssignments, [Switch] $FullQuestion, [Switch] $FormatJson, [ValidateSet('Randomly Generated', 'Administrator Defined', 'Predefined', 'Automatically Generated')] [String[]] $AssessmentType ) $Params = Set-RequestCommonParameters -PageSize $PageSize ` -PageNumber $PageNumber ` -UserEmailAddress $UserEmailAddress ` -AssignmentName $AssignmentName ` -AssignmentStartDateStart $AssignmentStartDateStart ` -AssignmentStartDateEnd $AssignmentStartDateEnd ` -QuestionDateStart $QuestionDateStart ` -QuestionDateEnd $QuestionDateEnd ` -AssessmentType $AssessmentType if ($IncludeNotStarted) { $RequestParameters.Add("filter[_includenotstarted]", "TRUE") } if ($FullQuestion) { $RequestParameters.Add("filter[_fullquestion]", "TRUE") } if ($IncludeDeletedAssignments) { $RequestParameters.Add("filter[_includedeletedassignments]", "TRUE") } if ($IncludeDeletedUsers) { $Params.Add("filter[_includedeletedusers]", "TRUE") } if ($FormatJson) { Return (Send-ApiRequest -Endpoint '/cyberstrength' -Body $Params) | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 5 } else { $Data = (Send-ApiRequest -Endpoint '/cyberstrength' -Body $Params).Data $FormattedData = $Data | Select-Object -Property id, type -ExpandProperty attributes Return $FormattedData } } function Get-PsatTraining { param ( [Int32] $PageNumber, [Int32] $PageSize, [String[]] $UserEmailAddress, [String[]] $AssignmentName, [String] $AttemptDateStart, [String] $AttemptDateEnd, [String] $AssignmentStartDateStart, [String] $AssignmentStartDateEnd, [String] $AssignmentDueDateStart, [String] $AssignmentDueDateEnd, [Switch] $IncludeDeletedUsers, [Switch] $IncludeNotStarted, [Switch] $IncludeDeletedAssignments, [Switch] $FormatJson, [ValidateSet('Randomly Generated', 'Administrator Defined', 'Predefined', 'Automatically Generated')] [String[]] $AssessmentType ) $Params = Set-RequestCommonParameters -PageSize $PageSize ` -PageNumber $PageNumber ` -UserEmailAddress $UserEmailAddress ` -AssignmentName $AssignmentName ` -AssignmentStartDateStart $AssignmentStartDateStart ` -AssignmentStartDateEnd $AssignmentStartDateEnd ` -QuestionDateStart $QuestionDateStart ` -QuestionDateEnd $QuestionDateEnd ` -AssessmentType $AssessmentType ` -AttemptDateStart $AttemptDateStart ` -AttemptDateEnd $AttemptDateEnd if ($IncludeNotStarted) { $RequestParameters.Add("filter[_includenotstarted]", "TRUE") } if ($IncludeDeletedAssignments) { $RequestParameters.Add("filter[_includedeletedassignments]", "TRUE") } if ($IncludeDeletedUsers) { $Params.Add("filter[_includedeletedusers]", "TRUE") } if ($FormatJson) { Return (Send-ApiRequest -ApiVersion '0.3.0' -Endpoint '/training' -Body $Params) | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 5 } else { $Data = (Send-ApiRequest -ApiVersion '0.3.0' -Endpoint '/training' -Body $Params).Data $FormattedData = $Data | Select-Object -Property id, type -ExpandProperty attributes Return $FormattedData } } <# TODO: - Training Enrollments #> |