
function Find-Script {
    script finder
    reviews locations known to have script files in them for specified string
    Find-Script -Search event -Type ps1
    Example searches for the string 'event' in filenames with extension matching ps1
    Find-Script -Search audit -Type sql -includecontent
    Example searches for the string 'audit' in file names and content with extension matching sql

    param (
        # The string you want to search for
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]$Search,
        # The file type you want to search for
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]$Type,
        # Do you want to search in file content too
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)][switch]$IncludeContent
    $Type = '*.' + $Type
    $List = Import-Csv 'C:\Users\jonallen\OneDrive\PowerShellLocations.csv'
    # $Results = [[PSCustomObject]@ {
    # MatchType = $null
    # FileName = $null
    # FilePath = $null
    # }]
    $Results = ForEach ($Item in $List) {
        ".. Checking $($ .."
        foreach ($doc in Get-ChildItem $item.Folder -Recurse -include $Type) {
            if ($doc -match $search) {
                    MatchType = "FileName"
                    FileName  = $($doc.Name)
                    FilePath  = $($doc.FullName)
            else {
                if ($IncludeContent) {
                    try {
                        $content = Get-Content $doc
                        if ($content -match $Search) {
                                MatchType = "Content"
                                FileName  = $($doc.Name)
                                FilePath  = $($doc.FullName)
                    catch {
                        write-verbose "unable to open $doc"
    return $Results