#these are the module's private helper functions function _getRemote { [CmdletBinding()] Param() if (Test-Path .git) { $remotes = git remote -v if ($remotes) { foreach ($remote in $remotes) { $split = $remote.split() $Name = $split[0] $Url = $split[1] $Mode = $split[2].replace('(', '').Replace(')', '') [PSProjectRemote]::new($name, $url, $mode) } #foreach } #if remotes found else { Write-Debug $strings.NoGitRemote } } #if .git found else { Write-Warning $strings.NoGitFolder } } function _getLastCommitDate { [CmdletBinding()] Param() if (Test-Path .git) { $dt = git log --max-count 1 --date=iso | Select-String Date if ($dt) { $split = $dt -split ':', 2 #Get the date $split[1].Trim() -as [DateTime] } } } function _getLastPushDate { [CmdletBinding()] Param([String]$Remote) if (Test-Path .git) { $dt = git log --remotes=$remote --max-count 1 --date=iso | Select-String Date if ($dt) { $split = $dt -split ':', 2 #Get the date $split[1].Trim() -as [DateTime] } } } function _verbose { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Position = 0)] [string]$Message, [string]$Block = 'PROCESS', [string]$Command ) #Display each command name in a different color sequence if ($global:PSProjectAnsi.ContainsKey($Command)) { [string]$ANSI = $global:PSProjectAnsi[$Command] } else { [string]$ANSI = $global:PSProjectAnsi['DEFAULT'] } $BlockString = $Block.ToUpper().PadRight(7, ' ') $Reset = "$([char]27)[0m" $ToD = (Get-Date).TimeOfDay $AnsiCommand = "$([char]27)$Ansi$($command)" $Italic = "$([char]27)[3m" #Write-Verbose "[$((Get-Date).TimeOfDay) $BlockString] $([char]27)$Ansi$($command)$([char]27)[0m: $([char]27)[3m$message$([char]27)[0m" if ($Host.Name -eq 'Windows PowerShell ISE Host') { $msg = '[{0} {1}] {2}-> {3}' -f $Tod, $BlockString, $Command, $Message } else { $msg = '[{0} {1}] {2}{3}-> {4} {5}{3}' -f $Tod, $BlockString, $AnsiCommand, $Reset, $Italic, $Message } Write-Verbose -Message $msg } ###################################################### #for possible future use Function _getStatusEnum { [CmdletBinding()] Param() [enum]::GetValues([PSProjectStatus]).foreach({ $_.ToString() }) } |