Function Remove-PSProjectTask { [cmdletbinding(SupportsShouldProcess)] [OutputType('None')] Param( [Parameter( Position = 0, Mandatory, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, HelpMessage = 'Enter the task ID')] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [Alias('ID')] [Int[]]$TaskID, [Parameter( HelpMessage = 'Enter the parent path to the psproject.json file, e.g. c:\scripts\mymodule.')] [ValidateScript({ Test-Path $_ })] [alias('FullName')] [String]$Path = '.' ) Begin { Write-Verbose "[$((Get-Date).TimeOfDay) BEGIN ] Starting $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)" Write-Verbose "[$((Get-Date).TimeOfDay) BEGIN ] Running under PowerShell version $($PSVersionTable.PSVersion)" Write-Verbose "[$((Get-Date).TimeOfDay) BEGIN ] Using PowerShell Host $($Host.Name)" $cPath = Convert-Path $Path $json = Join-Path $cPath -ChildPath psproject.json If (Test-Path -Path $json) { Write-Verbose "[$((Get-Date).TimeOfDay) BEGIN ] Processing tasks in $json" $in = Get-Content -Path $json | ConvertFrom-Json } else { Write-Warning "[$((Get-Date).TimeOfDay) BEGIN ] Can't find psproject.json in the specified location $cPath." } } #begin Process { If ($in) { foreach ($item in $TaskID) { $t = Get-PSProjectTask -id $item if ($t.TaskID -gt 0) { Write-Verbose "[$((Get-Date).TimeOfDay) PROCESS] Removing task $($t.TaskDescription) [$($t.TaskID)]" $updated = $in.tasks | Where-Object { $_ -ne $t.TaskDescription } $in.Tasks = $updated } else { Write-Warning "Could not find a task with an ID of $TaskID" } } #foreach item } #if $in } #process End { Write-Verbose "[$((Get-Date).TimeOfDay) END ] Saving changes to $json" $in.LastUpdate = Get-Date $in | ConvertTo-Json | Out-File -FilePath $json Write-Verbose "[$((Get-Date).TimeOfDay) END ] Ending $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)" } #end } #close New-PSProjectStatus Register-ArgumentCompleter -CommandName Remove-PSProjectTask -ParameterName TaskID -ScriptBlock { param($commandName, $parameterName, $wordToComplete, $commandAst, $fakeBoundParameter) #PowerShell code to populate $WordToComplete Get-PSProjectTask | ForEach-Object { # completion text,listitem text,result type,Tooltip [System.Management.Automation.CompletionResult]::new($_.TaskID, $_.TaskID, 'ParameterValue', $_.TaskDescription) } } |