.SYNOPSIS Handles the migration of user data, optionally for a specific folder. .DESCRIPTION Uses Robocopy to copy data from the source to the destination, excluding specific file types. Supports migrating a specific folder if specified. .PARAMETER SourcePath The full path to the source directory. .PARAMETER DestinationPath The full path to the destination directory. .PARAMETER LogFilePath The full path to the log file. .PARAMETER Folder The specific folder to migrate (e.g., "Desktop"). Optional. If not provided, the entire source directory is migrated. .PARAMETER DryRun Optional switch to test the migration process without copying files. .EXAMPLE Move-UserData -SourcePath "\\testing\w10-home\testu" -DestinationPath "\\testing\w10-home\test.user" -LogFilePath "C:\Logs\MigrationLog.log" .EXAMPLE Move-UserData -SourcePath "\\testing\w10-home\testu" -DestinationPath "\\testing\w10-home\test.user" -LogFilePath "C:\Logs\MigrationLog.log" -Folder "Desktop" #> function Move-UserData { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)] [string]$SourcePath, [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)] [string]$DestinationPath, [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)] [string]$LogFilePath, [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)] [string]$Folder, # Optional parameter for a specific folder to migrate [switch]$DryRun # Optional switch to test without actually copying files ) # Define file exclusions $excludedFiles = '*.pst', '*.ost', '*password*' # Validate source and destination paths if (-not (Test-Path -Path $SourcePath)) { Write-Log -Message "ERROR: Source path does not exist: $SourcePath" -LogFilePath $LogFilePath throw "Source path does not exist: $SourcePath" } if (-not (Test-Path -Path $DestinationPath)) { New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $DestinationPath | Out-Null Write-Log -Message "INFO: Destination path created: $DestinationPath" -LogFilePath $LogFilePath } # Adjust source and destination paths if a specific folder is provided if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Folder')) { $SourcePath = Join-Path -Path $SourcePath -ChildPath $Folder $DestinationPath = Join-Path -Path $DestinationPath -ChildPath $Folder # Validate the specific folder if (-not (Test-Path -Path $SourcePath)) { Write-Log -Message "ERROR: Specified folder does not exist in the source path: $SourcePath" -LogFilePath $LogFilePath throw "Specified folder does not exist: $SourcePath" } } # Log start of migration Write-Log -Message "INFO: Starting migration" -LogFilePath $LogFilePath Write-Log -Message "SOURCE: $SourcePath" -LogFilePath $LogFilePath Write-Log -Message "DESTINATION: $DestinationPath" -LogFilePath $LogFilePath Write-Log -Message "EXCLUDED FILE TYPES: $($excludedFiles -join ', ')" -LogFilePath $LogFilePath # Define Robocopy command with detailed logging $tempLogPath = [System.IO.Path]::GetTempFileName() $robocopyParams = @( '/E', # Copy all subdirectories, including empty ones '/Z', # Restartable mode '/COPY:DAT', # Copy data, attributes, and timestamps '/R:2', # Retry twice on failed files '/W:1', # Wait 1 second between retries '/MT:16', # Multithreaded copy '/V', # Verbose logging (detailed file and folder info) '/XF', # Exclude files $excludedFiles # List of excluded files ) $robocopyCommand = "robocopy.exe `"$SourcePath`" `"$DestinationPath`" *.* $($robocopyParams -join ' ') /LOG:`"$tempLogPath`"" # Dry run mode if ($DryRun) { Write-Log -Message "DRY-RUN MODE ENABLED: No files will be copied." -LogFilePath $LogFilePath Write-Log -Message "DRY-RUN COMMAND: $robocopyCommand" -LogFilePath $LogFilePath return } # Execute Robocopy Write-Log -Message "INFO: Executing Robocopy..." -LogFilePath $LogFilePath Invoke-Expression -Command $robocopyCommand # Check for success if ($LASTEXITCODE -le 7) { Write-Log -Message "SUCCESS: Migration completed successfully." -LogFilePath $LogFilePath } else { Write-Log -Message "ERROR: Migration encountered issues. Exit code: $LASTEXITCODE" -LogFilePath $LogFilePath } # Parse detailed log from temporary Robocopy log Write-Log -Message "DETAILS: Files copied during the migration:" -LogFilePath $LogFilePath Write-Log -Message "-----------------------------------------------------" -LogFilePath $LogFilePath Get-Content -Path $tempLogPath | ForEach-Object { if ($_ -match "New File") { # Extract the file name only and clean the log format $fileName = ($_ -split "New File")[1].Trim() -replace '.*\\', '' # Extract only the file name $destinationFilePath = Join-Path -Path $DestinationPath -ChildPath $fileName Write-Log -Message "File '$fileName' copied to '$destinationFilePath'" -LogFilePath $LogFilePath } } Write-Log -Message "-----------------------------------------------------" -LogFilePath $LogFilePath # Clean up temporary log file Remove-Item -Path $tempLogPath -Force } |