
function Update-AllTheThings {
    Update all the things!
    A script to automatically update all PowerShell modules, PowerShell Help, and packages (apt, brew, chocolately, winget).
    .PARAMETER SkipModules
    Skip the step that updates PowerShell modules.
    .PARAMETER SkipScripts
    Skip the step that updates PowerShell scripts.
    .PARAMETER SkipHelp
    Skip the step that updates PowerShell help.
    .PARAMETER SkipWinGet
    Skip the step the updates WinGet packages.
    .PARAMETER IncludeChocolatey
    Include Chocolatey package updates.
    Updates all of the things it can!
    Author: Sam Erde
    Version: 0.5.9
    Modified: 2024-10-23

        HelpUri = ''
    [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseSingularNouns', 'Update-AllTheThings', Justification = 'This is what we do.')]
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSAvoidUsingWriteHost', '', Justification = 'Interactive Use')]
    param (
        # Skip the step that updates PowerShell modules

        # Skip the step that updates PowerShell scripts

        # Skip the step that updates PowerShell help

        # Skip the step that updates WinGet packages

        # Skip the step that updates Chocolatey packages

    begin {
        # Spacing to get host output from script, winget, and choco all below the progress bar.
        $Banner = @"
  __ __ __ __ ___ ____
 / / / /__ ___/ /__ _/ /____ / _ | / / /
/ /_/ / _ \/ _ / _ `/ __/ -_) / __ |/ / /
\____/ .__/\_,_/\_,_/\__/\__/ /_/ |_/_/_/
 ___/_/__ ________ _
/_ __/ / ___ /_ __/ / (_)__ ___ ____
 / / / _ \/ -_) / / / _ \/ / _ \/ _ `(_-<
/_/ /_//_/\__/ /_/ /_//_/_/_//_/\_, /___/
                                 /___/ v0.5.9

        Write-Host $Banner
    } # end begin block

    process {
        Write-Verbose 'Set the PowerShell Gallery as a trusted installation source.'
        Set-PSRepository -Name 'PSGallery' -InstallationPolicy Trusted
        if (Get-Command -Name Set-PSResourceRepository -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) {
            Set-PSResourceRepository -Name 'PSGallery' -Trusted

        #region UpdatePowerShell

        # ==================== Update PowerShell Modules ====================

        # Update the outer progress bar
        $PercentCompleteOuter = 1
        $ProgressParamOuter = @{
            Id               = 0
            Activity         = 'Update Everything'
            CurrentOperation = 'Getting Installed PowerShell Modules'
            Status           = "Progress: $PercentCompleteOuter`% Complete"
            PercentComplete  = $PercentCompleteOuter
        Write-Progress @ProgressParamOuter

        if (-not $SkipModules) {
            # Get all installed PowerShell modules
            Write-Host '[1] Getting Installed PowerShell Modules'
            $Modules = (Get-InstalledModule)
            $ModuleCount = $Modules.Count
            Write-Host "[2] Updating $ModuleCount PowerShell Modules"
        } else {
            Write-Host '[1] Skipping PowerShell Modules'

        # Estimate 10% progress so far and 70% at the next step
        $PercentCompleteOuter_Modules = 10
        [int]$Module_i = 0

        # Update all PowerShell modules
        foreach ($module in $Modules) {
            # Update the module loop counter and percent complete for both progress bars
            [double]$PercentCompleteInner = [math]::ceiling( (($Module_i / $ModuleCount) * 100) )
            [double]$PercentCompleteOuter = [math]::ceiling( $PercentCompleteOuter_Modules + (60 * ($PercentCompleteInner / 100)) )

            # Update the outer progress bar while updating modules
            $ProgressParamOuter = @{
                Id              = 0
                Activity        = 'Update Everything'
                Status          = "Progress: $PercentCompleteOuter`% Complete"
                PercentComplete = $PercentCompleteOuter
            Write-Progress @ProgressParamOuter

            # Update the child progress bar while updating modules
            $ProgressParam1 = @{
                Id               = 1
                ParentId         = 0
                Activity         = 'Updating PowerShell Modules'
                CurrentOperation = "$($module.Name)"
                Status           = "Progress: $PercentCompleteInner`% Complete"
                PercentComplete  = $PercentCompleteInner
            Write-Progress @ProgressParam1

            # Do not update prerelease modules
            if ($module.Version -match 'alpha|beta|prerelease|preview') {
                Write-Information "`t`tSkipping $($module.Name) because a prerelease version is currently installed." -InformationAction Continue

            # Finally update the current module
            try {
                Update-Module $module.Name
            } catch [Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WriteErrorException] {
                # Add a catch for mismatched certificates between module versions.
                Write-Verbose $_

        # ##### Add a section for installed scripts +++++
        if (-not $SkipScripts) {
            Write-Host '[2] Updating PowerShell Scripts'
        } else {
            Write-Host '[2] Skipping PowerShell Scripts'
        # ##### Add a section for installed scripts +++++

        # Complete the child progress bar after updating modules
        Write-Progress -Id 1 -Activity 'Updating PowerShell Modules' -Completed

        # ==================== Update PowerShell Help ====================

        # Update the outer progress bar while updating help
        $PercentCompleteOuter = 70
        $ProgressParamOuter = @{
            Id               = 0
            Activity         = 'Update Everything'
            CurrentOperation = 'Updating PowerShell Help'
            Status           = "Progress: $PercentCompleteOuter`% Complete"
            PercentComplete  = $PercentCompleteOuter
        Write-Progress @ProgressParamOuter

        if (-not $SkipHelp) {
            Write-Host '[3] Updating PowerShell Help'
            # Fixes error with culture ID 127 (Invariant Country), which is not associated with any language
            if ((Get-Culture).LCID -eq 127) {
                Update-Help -UICulture en-US -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
            } else {
                Update-Help -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
        } else {
            Write-Host '[3] Skipping PowerShell Help'
        #endregion UpdatePowerShell

        #region UpdateWinget
        # >>> Create a section to check OS and client/server OS at the top of the script <<< #
        if ($IsWindows -or ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion -le [version]'5.1')) {

            if ((Get-CimInstance -ClassName CIM_OperatingSystem).Caption -match 'Server') {
                # If on Windows Server, prompt to continue before automatically updating packages.
                Write-Warning -Message 'This is a server and updates could affect production systems. Do you want to continue with updating packages?'

                $Yes = New-Object System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription '&Yes', 'Description.'
                $No = New-Object System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription '&No', 'Description.'
                $Options = [System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription[]]($Yes, $No)

                $Title = 'Windows Server OS Found'
                $Message = "Do you want to run 'winget update' on your server?"
                $Result = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice($Title, $Message, $Options, 1)
                switch ($Result) {
                    0 {
                    1 {
                        $SkipWinGet = $true

            if (-not $SkipWinGet) {
                # Update all winget packages
                Write-Host '[4] Updating Winget Packages'
                # Update the outer progress bar for winget section
                $PercentCompleteOuter = 80
                $ProgressParamOuter = @{
                    Id               = 0
                    Activity         = 'Update Everything'
                    CurrentOperation = 'Updating Winget Packages'
                    Status           = "Progress: $PercentCompleteOuter`% Complete"
                    PercentComplete  = $PercentCompleteOuter
                Write-Progress @ProgressParamOuter
                if (Get-Command winget -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) {
                    winget upgrade --silent --scope user --accept-package-agreements --accept-source-agreements --all
                } else {
                    Write-Host '[4] WinGet was not found. Skipping WinGet update.'
            } else {
                Write-Host '[3] Skipping WinGet'
        } else {
            Write-Verbose '[4] Not Windows. Skipping WinGet.'
        #endregion UpdateWinget

        #region UpdateLinuxPackages
        # Early testing. No progress bar yet. Need to check for admin, different distros, and different package managers.
        if ($IsLinux) {
            if (Get-Command apt -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) {
                Write-Host '[5] Updating apt packages.'
                sudo apt update
                sudo apt upgrade
            if (Get-Command dnf -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) {
                Write-Host '[5] Updating dnf packages.'
                sudo update
        } else {
            Write-Verbose '[5] Not Linux. Skipping section.'
        #endregion UpdateLinuxPackages

        #region UpdateMacOS
        # Early testing. No progress bar yet. Need to check for admin and different package managers.
        if ($IsMacOS) {
            softwareupdate -l
            if (Get-Command brew -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) {
                Write-Host '[6] Updating brew packages.'
                brew update
                brew upgrade
        } else {
            Write-Verbose '[6] Not macOS. Skipping section.'
        #endregion UpdateMacOS

        #region UpdateChocolatey
        # Upgrade Chocolatey packages. Need to check for admin to avoid errors/warnings.
        if ((Get-Command choco -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) -and $IncludeChocolatey) {
            # Update the outer progress bar
            $PercentCompleteOuter = 90
            $ProgressParamOuter = @{
                Id               = 0
                Activity         = 'Update Everything'
                CurrentOperation = 'Updating Chocolatey Packages'
                Status           = "Progress: $PercentCompleteOuter`% Complete"
                PercentComplete  = $PercentCompleteOuter
            Write-Progress @ProgressParamOuter
            Write-Host '[7] Updating Chocolatey Packages'
            # Add a function/parameter to run these two feature configuration options, which requires admin to set.
            if (Test-IsElevated) {
                # Oops, this depends on PSPreworkout being installed or that function otherwise being available.
                choco feature enable -n=allowGlobalConfirmation
                choco feature disable --name=showNonElevatedWarnings
            } else {
                Write-Verbose "Run once as an administrator to disable Chocolately's showNonElevatedWarnings." -Verbose
            choco upgrade chocolatey -y --limit-output --accept-license --no-color
            choco upgrade all -y --limit-output --accept-license --no-color
            # Padding to reset host before updating the progress bar.
            Write-Host ' '
        } else {
            Write-Host '[7] Skipping Chocolatey'
        #endregion UpdateChocolatey

    } # end process block

    end {
        Write-Host 'Done.'
        # Update the outer progress bar
        $PercentCompleteOuter = 100
        $ProgressParamOuter = @{
            Id               = 0
            Activity         = 'Update Everything'
            CurrentOperation = 'Finished'
            Status           = "Progress: $PercentCompleteOuter`% Complete"
            PercentComplete  = $PercentCompleteOuter
        Write-Progress @ProgressParamOuter
        # Complete the outer progress bar
        Write-Progress -Id 0 -Activity 'Update Everything' -Completed
