function Show-WithoutEmptyProperty { <# .SYNOPSIS Show an object without its empty properties. .DESCRIPTION This function shows the properties of an object with all of its empty properties filtered out. .PARAMETER Object The object to show. .EXAMPLE Show-WithoutEmptyProperty -Object $Object .EXAMPLE $Desk = [PSCustomObject]@{ Model = 'PSDesk' Height = $null Width = $null Colors = @('Black', 'Gray') Adjustable = $true } $Object = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $Desk Show-WithoutEmptyProperty -Object $Object This example creates an object from a hash table and then shows that object's properties that have values. .EXAMPLE Show-WithoutEmptyProperty -Object (Get-Item $HOME) This example gets the home folder object while invoking the function. .EXAMPLE $Object | Show-WithoutEmptyProperty This example shows how an object can be piped to the function. .EXAMPLE Get-ChildItem $HOME | Select-Object -First 1 | Show-WithoutEmptyProperty This example gets the home folder object and pipes it to the Show-WithoutEmptyProperty function. .NOTES Author: Sam Erde Version: 1.0.0 Modified: 2024-10-23 I am grateful to Jeffrey Hicks for guiding me towards an understanding of how to complete this function and for providing even nicer code than I started with. I encourage you to reach out to him for PowerShell training and subscribe to his newsletter! 🙏 #> [CmdletBinding(HelpUri = '')] [OutputType('PSCustomObject')] param ( # The object to show without empty properties [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline, Position = 0)] [Object] $Object ) begin { } process { $Object.PSObject.Properties | Where-Object { $_.Value } | ForEach-Object -Begin { $JDHIT = [ordered]@{} [void]$JDHIT # Suppress code analyzer errors during build. } -Process { $JDHIT.Add($, $_.Value) } -End { New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $JDHIT } } end { } } |