# =========================================================================== # Repair-PocsPapis.ps1 ---------------------------------------------------- # =========================================================================== # function ---------------------------------------------------------------- # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Repair-PocsPapis { <# .SYNOPSIS Validates an existing papis environment and repair it, if needed. .DESCRIPTION Checks, whether the referenced virtual environment can be found, the package papis is installed and its configuration file exists. If it is needed a new virtual environment will be created, papis installed and a new configuration file generated. .INPUTS None. .OUTPUTS None. #> [CmdletBinding(PositionalBinding)] [OutputType([Void])] Param() Process { if (-not $(Get-VirtualEnv -Unformatted | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $PSPocs.VirtualEnv})){ Write-FormattedWarning -Message "Virtual environment '$($PSPocs.VirtualEnv)' cannot be found. Installation of new virtual environment." -Module $PSPocs.Name New-VirtualEnv -Name $PSPocs.VirtualEnv } if (-not $((Get-VirtualEnv -Name $PSPocs.VirtualEnv -Unformatted) | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq "papis"})){ Write-FormattedWarning -Message "Package 'papis' can not be found in virtual environment '$($PSPocs.VirtualEnv)' can not be found. Installation of 'papis'." -Module $PSPocs.Name Install-VirtualEnv -Name $PSPocs.VirtualEnv -Package "$($PSPocs.PapisPckg)" } if (-not $(Test-Path -Path $PSPocs.PapisConfig)){ Write-FormattedWarning -Message "Papis configuration file '$($PSPocs.PapisConfig)' cannot be found." -Module $PSPocs.Name Invoke-VirtualEnv -Name $PSPocs.VirtualEnv -ScriptBlock {papis config dir} -Silent } } } |