
# ===========================================================================
# Module-Tools.ps1 --------------------------------------------------------
# ===========================================================================

# function ----------------------------------------------------------------
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
function Set-PocsLibrary {

        Set environment variable for using literature and document manager in current session.



        [Parameter(Position=1, HelpMessage="Name of literature and document library.")]
        [System.String] $Name,

        [Parameter(Position=2, HelpMessage="Name of virtual environment, which should be started.")]
        [System.String] $VirtualEnv

    Process {
        # checks whether a literature and document manager session has been already running
        $pocs_lib_old = Get-ActivePocsLib
        if($pocs_lib_old) {
            [System.Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable($PSPocs.ProjectEnvOld, $pocs_lib_old, "process")

        # start literature and document manager session
        if ($Name) {

            #set literature and document manager environment variable
            [System.Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable($PSPocs.ProjectEnv, $Name,"process")

        # start corresponding virtual environment
        if ($VirtualEnv -or $PSPocs.Library.VirtualEnv) {
            $venv = $VirtualEnv
            if (-not $venv) {
                $venv = ($PSPocs.Library | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq $Name} | Select-Object -ExpandProperty VirtualEnv)
            Set-VirtualEnv -Name $venv

# function ----------------------------------------------------------------
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
function Restore-PocsLibrary{
        Restore environment variable, which are set by Set-PocsLibrary.
    .PARAMETER VirtualEnv



    Param (
        [Parameter(HelpMessage="Possible running virtual environments will be stopped.")]
        [Switch] $VirtualEnv

    Process {
        # stop literature and document manager session
        [System.Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable($PSPocs.ProjectEnv, $Null,"process")

        # restart previously running literature and document manager session
        $pocs_lib_old = [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable($PSPocs.ProjectEnvOld, "process")
        if($pocs_lib_old) {
            [System.Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable($PSPocs.ProjectEnvOld, $Null, "process")
            Set-PocsLibrary -Name $pocs_lib_old

        if ($VirtualEnv) {

# function ----------------------------------------------------------------
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
function Get-ActivePocsLib {

        Detects activated literature and document manager session.
        System.String. Activated literature and document manager session.



    Process {
        $pocs_lib = [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable($PSPocs.ProjectEnv, "process")

        if ($pocs_lib) {
            return $pocs_lib

# function ----------------------------------------------------------------
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
function New-TemporaryConfig {

        Creates a temporary file and writes libraries to this.
    .PARAMETER Library
        System.Object. Library
        System.String. Activated literature and document manager session.




        [Parameter(Position=1, ValueFromPipeline, HelpMessage="Literature and document libraries.")]
        [System.Object] $Library,

        [Parameter(Position=1, ValueFromPipeline, HelpMessage="If switch is true, the created file will be opened in system's editor.")]
        [Switch] $Open
    Process {

        # create a config file and write specified libraries to file
        $temp_file = New-TemporaryFile -Extension ".ini"
        $Library | Out-IniFile -FilePath $temp_file -Force -Loose -Pretty
        # open if corresponding switch is true
        if ($Open) {
            Start-Process -FilePath "code" -NoNewWindow -ArgumentList "--new-window",  "--disable-gpu", $temp_file

        return $temp_file

# function ----------------------------------------------------------------
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
function New-ConfigBackup {

        Creates a backup file for configuration file.
    .PARAMETER Library




        [Parameter(Position=1, HelpMessage="Structure of library, containing details about the ocomposition of sections.")]
        [System.Object] $Structure,

        [Parameter(HelpMessage="Performed action for logging purposes.")]
        [System.String] $Action
    Process {
        $logger_length = $PSPocs.Logger.Length
        $path_list = @()
        $Structure | ForEach-Object{
            # create temporary file with content of source
            $path = @{
                "Source" = $_.Path
                "Backup" = New-TemporaryFile -Extension ".ini"
            # copy source to backup location
            Copy-Item -Path $path.Source -Destination $path.Backup -Force
            $path_list += $path

        # store information about backup in module logger
        $PSPocs.Logger += [PSCustomObject] @{
            "Id" =  $logger_length
            "Date" = Get-Date -Format "HH:mm:ss MM/dd/yyyy"
            "Action" = $Action
            "Files" = $path_list


# function ----------------------------------------------------------------
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
function Get-LocalConfigContent {

       Get local config settings from specified literature and document library.
        System.Object. Local configuration file content.



        [Parameter(HelpMessage="Name of document and bibliography library.")]
        [System.String] $Name
    Process {
        # get specific document and bibliography library
        $library = $PSPocs.Library | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq $Name} | Select-Object -ExpandProperty "Content"

        # extract the related local configuration file and return its content
        $config_file = Get-LocalConfigFile -Library $library
        if ($config_file){
            return Get-IniContent -FilePath $config_file -IgnoreComments 

# function ----------------------------------------------------------------
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
function Get-LocalConfigFile {

       Extract local config file from document and bibliography library settings.
    .PARAMETER Library
        System.String. Local config file of ocument and bibliography library.



        [Parameter(HelpMessage="Literature and document library.")]
        [System.Object] $Library

    Process {
        # extract local config file from document and bibliography library settings
        $library = $Library
        if ($library.Keys -contains "local-config-file"){
            $config_file = $library["local-config-file"]

            # if variable subsitution is enabled, the corresponding pattern '%(variable)'
            $config_folder = [regex]::Match($library["local-config-file"], "\%\((.+)\)s").captures.groups[1].value
            if ($config_folder) {
                # if the pattern is found it has to be replaced with the corresponding path
                $config_file = $config_file -replace "\%\((.+)\)s",  $library[$config_folder]
                if (Test-Path -Path $config_file){
                    return $config_file

# function ----------------------------------------------------------------
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
function Get-LibraryStructure {

        Extract Specific document and bibliography library, local configuration file content.
        System.Object. Structure of library.



        [Parameter(HelpMessage="Name of document and bibliography library.")]
        [System.String] $Name
    Process {

        if ($Name) {
            # get sepcific literature and document library
            $library = $PSPocs.Library | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq $Name} | Select-Object -ExpandProperty "Content"
            # create structure of library
            $structure = @( 
                [PSCustomObject] @{ 
                    "Key" = @($Name) 
                    "Path" = $PSPocs.PapisConfig
                    "Library" = @{ $Name = $library} 
                    "Source"= $PSPocs.PapisConfigContent 

            # get file path of local literature and document library configuration file and read its content
            $config_file = Get-LocalConfigFile -Library $library
            if ($config_file) {
                $local_library = $(Get-LocalConfigContent -Name $Name)

                # create structure of library
                $structure += [PSCustomObject] @{ 
                    "Key" = @($local_library.Keys)
                    "Path" = $config_file
                    "Library" = $local_library
                    "Source" = $local_library

            return $structure
            # get the whole content of general literature and document library configuration file
            $library = $PSPocs.PapisConfigContent
            # create structure of library
            return  @( 
                [PSCustomObject] @{ 
                    "Key" = @($library.Keys)
                    "Path" = $PSPocs.PapisConfig
                    "Library" = $library
                    "Source"= $PSPocs.PapisConfigContent 

# function ----------------------------------------------------------------
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
function Update-LibraryStructure {

        Update library structure from content of another library.
    .PARAMETER Library
    .PARAMETER Structure
        System.Object. Structure of library.



        [Parameter(HelpMessage="Literature and document library.")]
        [System.Object] $Library,

        [Parameter(Position=2, HelpMessage="Structure of library, containing details about the ocomposition of sections.")]
        [System.Object] $Structure

    Process {

        # Update library structure from content of reference library.
        $Structure | ForEach-Object {
            $structure_library = $_
            # Update each section of sepcified library structure, which can be found in the reference library
            for ($i = 0; $i -lt $structure_library.Key.Length; $i++){
                $key = $structure_library.Key[$i]
                $structure_library.Library[$key] = $Library[$key]
                $structure_library.Source[$key] = $Library[$key]

        return $Structure

# function ----------------------------------------------------------------
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
function Add-LibraryStructure {

        Add library to library structure.
    .PARAMETER Library
    .PARAMETER Structure
        System.Object. Structure of library.



        [Parameter(HelpMessage="Literature and document library.")]
        [System.Object] $Library,

        [Parameter(Position=2, HelpMessage="Structure of library, containing details about the ocomposition of sections.")]
        [System.Object] $Structure

    Process {

        # Update library structure from content of reference library.
        $Structure | ForEach-Object {
            $structure_library = $_
            # Update each section of sepcified library structure, which can be found in the reference library
            foreach ($key in $Library.Keys) {
                $structure_library.Library[$key] = $Library[$key]
                $structure_library.Source[$key] = $Library[$key]

        return $Structure

# function ----------------------------------------------------------------
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
function Update-PocsLibraryFromInput{

        Update existing literature and document libraries
    .PARAMETER Library
    .PARAMETER Action
        System.Object. Structure of library.



        [Parameter(Position=1, HelpMessage="Structure of library, containing details about the ocomposition of sections.")]
        [System.Object] $Structure,

        [Parameter(HelpMessage="Performed action for logging purposes.")]
        [System.String] $Action


        # backup for updating literature and document libraries
        New-ConfigBackup -Structure $Structure -Action $Action

        # backup for updating literature and document libraries

        $Structure | ForEach-Object{
            # write module config content to literature and document library file
            $_.Source | Out-IniFile -FilePath $_.Path -Force -Loose -Pretty


        Write-FormattedSuccess -Message "Action $($Action) accomplished " -Module $PSPocs.Name

        # update module structures