# =========================================================================== # Repair-PocsLibrary.ps1 -------------------------------------------------- # =========================================================================== # function ---------------------------------------------------------------- # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Repair-PocsLibrary { <# .DESCRIPTION Restore literature and document config files with specified index. .PARAMETER Index .OUTPUTS None. #> [CmdletBinding(PositionalBinding)] [OutputType([Void])] Param( [Parameter(HelpMessage="Restore generated document and bibliography library with specified index.")] [Int] $Index = $PSPocs.Logger.Length - 1 ) Process{ # update existing literature and document libraries Update-PocsLibrary # if index is greater than the history array break if ($Index -gt $PSPocs.Logger.Length - 1) { return } # backup for restoring literature and document libraries $structure = @() $PSPocs.Logger[$Index].Files | ForEach-Object { $structure += @{"Path" = $_["Source"]} } New-ConfigBackup -Structure $structure -Action "restore" # restore literature and document config files with specified index $PSPocs.Logger[$Index].Files | ForEach-Object { $source = $_["Backup"] $destination = $_["Source"] Copy-Item -Path $source -Destination $destination -Force Write-FormattedSuccess -Message "[CP] $($source) to $($destination)" -Module $PSPocs.Name } # update module structures Update-PocsLibrary } } |