
    As the name implies, this module can generate passwords.
    This module is built to generate passwords, with parameters that you choose.
    Any text generated by this module shall conform to the length and complexity
    constraints that you, the user, chooses to specify.
    This is more of a conceptual help topic than a how-to. Before you continue,
    you may want to read the help for New-RandomPassword cmdlet.
    PSPasswordGenerator can be used by itself, in other scripts or in workflows.
    For example, the author himself used this module to create a service account
    for Windows Server's (2012 R2) DHCP Server service. (Names have been changed
    to protect the innocent.)
    #Requires -Version 5.0
    #Requires -Module PSPasswordGenerator
    # Create a long, secure password for this account.
    $passwd = New-RandomPassword -Length 240 -UseExtendedAscii -UseAmbigiousCharacters
    # The rest of this example merely walks through creating an Active Directory
    # service account, and registering it with one server's DHCP Server service.
    # If you wanted to learn how to use New-RandomPassword, you're all done now.
    # If you're studying for a Microsoft exam then I recommend you keep reading!
    # Create the user account. Splatting was added for readability.
    $ADAccountParameters = @{
      Name = 'DNS Dynamic Update'
      DisplayName = 'DNS Dynamic Update service account'
      Description = "Allows App1's DHCP Server to update AD DNS zones."
      AccountPassword = $passwd
      CannotChangePassword = $true
      Enabled = $true
      LogonWorkstations = 'App1'
      PasswordNeverExpires = $true
      Path = 'OU=Service Accounts,DC=internal,DC=contoso,DC=com'
      SAMAccountName = '_DNSDynamicUpdate'
      UserPrincipalName = 'DNSDynamicUpdate@internal.contoso.com'
    $acct = New-ADUser @ADAccountParameters -PassThru
    # Add this service account to the DnsUpdateProxy group, so that it will have
    # permission to do its job. Then, for security, remove it from Domain Users.
    $DUPGrp = Get-ADGroup 'DnsUpdateProxy' -Properties 'primaryGroupToken'
    $acct | Add-ADPrincipalGroupMembership -Identity $DUPGrp
    $acct | Set-ADUser -Replace @{'primaryGroupID' = $DUPGrp.primaryGroupToken}
    $acct | Remove-ADPrincipalGroupMembership -Identity 'Domain Users'
    # Finally, create a PSCredential object from our username and password, then
    # add it to the local machine's DHCP Server service.
    $username = $acct.UserPrincipalName
    $credentials = [Management.Automation.PSCredential]::new($username, $passwd)
    Set-DHCPServerDNSCredential -Credential $credentials
    # Restart the DHCP Server service to make sure changes are applied.
    Restart-Service 'DHCPServer' -Force
This module will gladly let you shoot yourself in the foot.
    Read the following caveats to make sure you don't leave me a one-star rating
    on PowerShellGallery.com. (They do have ratings, right?)
    "Just because you can doesn't mean you should."
    -- Catherine Russell
    "Caveat emptor, quia ignorare non debuit quod jus alienum emit."
    ("Let the buyer beware, for [they] ought not to be ignorant of the nature of
      the property which [they are] buying from another party.")
    -- Latin proverb.
CAVEAT 1: This module may make your passwords too good.
    This module will generate passwords that might be too long or too strong for
    whatever purpose you had in mind. While you are free to generate a password
    that is over ~4.2 billion characters in length, whatever you're pasting this
    password into may ask you to use a shorter password or silently truncate it.
    If you're unlucky, it might simply crash and die trying to process something
    of that length.
    For example, some well-known services have their limits:
     - Old-school LAN Manager passwords are limited to 14 characters.
     - Active Directory Domain Services passwords are limited to 120 characters
       (when setting them with GUI tools like ADAC or aduc.msc).
     - Active Directory Domain Services passwords are limited to 240 characters
       at most (when setting them with the ActiveDirectory PowerShell module).
     - Azure AD and Microsoft 365 accounts are limited to 256 characters.
     - Web sites can use the maxlength attribute to specify a limit.
     - Web sites can not use the maxlength attribute, thereby not specifying any
       limit; rather, they might simply truncate or refuse the password, with or
       without notifying you. Your Web browser may, or may not, be able to warn
       you about this.
CAVEAT 2: Extended ASCII is great -- when supported.
    You are able, and usually encouraged, to use the -UseExtendedAscii parameter
    to create passwords that have characters that no sane person could type on a
    regular keyboard. While this will be your most secure option, offering lots
    of entropy, and (depending on the service's storage mechanism) likely not to
    be cracked before the heat death of the universe, there's a good chance that
    this character set will cause many online services either to reject the nice
    password, or invent some strange way to fail; including, but not limited to,
    saving and hashing your truncated password, giving you no end of frustration
    in an endless cycle of resetting and trying password.
    This author sees that AD DS passwords can contain ASCII Extended characters.
    That's good to hear.
CAVEAT 3: Symbols in passwords.
    This author has worked with (and against!) certain models of Ricoh and Savin
    printers that cannot handle a percent sign ('%') in passwords. That one kept
    him busy for a while, until he decided to try using -NoSymbols, and scanning
    over SMB suddenly worked!
CAVEAT 4: Other stupid requirements.
    This same author also happened across a web site that required your password
    to start with a letter. Hence, the -StartWithLetter switch is an option, in
    case you, too, happen across that same site.
CAVEAT 5, PROBABLY THE MOST OBVIOUS: This doesn't save your passwords!
    This module only exists to generate passwords. Saving these precious tokens
    is wholly your responsibility! You could save these passwords by using some
    app, method, or service. For example, you can:
    - Use a PowerShell module such as SecretsManagement.
    - Use a password storage app such as KeePassX.
    - Use a password storage service such as LastPass or your Firefox Account.
    - Export it to disk with a cmdlet such as Export-CliXml.
    - Paste it into a text editor, then encrypt the text file with your GPG key.
    - Write it on a sticky note and put it under your keyboard. (Don't do this.)
    - Tell it to a friend. (Don't do this, either.)
    This cmdlet is named New-RandomPassword, as the author felt that "New" would
    be the most appropriate verb to use with something like this. But if you're
    like me and always think to type Get-RandomPassword instead, don't worry. I
    have defined that as an alias.
    For more information, run Get-Help New-RandomPassword.
    You can also find this project online and send code or feedback by visiting:
    - New-RandomPassword
    - Get-RandomPassword
    - Password generator
    - Password maker
    - Random password