# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. # Licensed under the MIT License. #region Private implementation functions function GetPowerShellName { switch ($PSVersionTable.PSEdition) { 'Core' { return 'PowerShell Core' } default { return 'Windows PowerShell' } } } function Test-ConfigFile { param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $Path ) if ($Path.EndsWith('pspackageproject.json') -and (Test-Path $Path -PathType Leaf)) { return $true } } function SearchConfigFile { param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $Path ) $startPath = $Path do { $configPath = Join-Path $startPath 'pspackageproject.json' if (-not (Test-Path $configPath)) { $startPath = Split-Path $startPath } else { return $configPath } } while ($newPath -ne '') } function Join-Path2 { param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string[]] $Path, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $ChildPath, [string[]] $AdditionalChildPath ) $paths = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new() $Path | ForEach-Object { $null = $paths.Add($_) } $null = $paths.Add($ChildPath) $AdditionalChildPath | ForEach-Object { $null = $paths.Add($_) } [System.IO.Path]::Combine($paths) } function RunPwshCommandInSubprocess { param( [string] $Command ) if (-not $script:pwshPath) { $script:pwshPath = (Get-Process -Id $PID).Path } & $script:pwshPath -NoProfile -NoLogo -Command $Command } function RunProjectBuild { param( [string] $ProjectRoot ) & "$ProjectRoot/build.ps1" -Clean -Build } function GetHelpPath { param( [cultureinfo] $Culture, [string] $ProjectRoot ) $ProjectRoot = Resolve-Path -Path $ProjectRoot $config = Get-PSPackageProjectConfiguration $cultureName = $Culture.Name return (Join-Path2 $ProjectRoot $config.HelpPath $cultureName) } function GetOutputModulePath { $config = Get-PSPackageProjectConfiguration return (Join-Path $config.BuildOutputPath $config.ModuleName) } function HasCmdletHelp { param( [string] $HelpResourcePath ) if (-not (Test-Path -Path $HelpResourcePath)) { return $false } $files = Get-ChildItem -Path $HelpResourcePath -ErrorAction Ignore | Where-Object Name -Like '*.md' | Where-Object Name -NotLike 'about_*' return $files.Count -gt 0 } function Initialize-CIYml { param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $Path ) $boilerplateCIYml = Join-Path2 -Path $PSScriptRoot -ChildPath 'yml' -AdditionalChildPath 'ci_for_init.yml' $destYmlPath = New-Item (Join-Path -Path $Path -ChildPath '.ci') -ItemType Directory Copy-Item $boilerplateCIYml -Destination (Join-Path $destYmlPath -ChildPath 'ci.yml') -Force $boilerplateTestYml = Join-Path2 -Path $PSScriptRoot -ChildPath 'yml' -AdditionalChildPath 'test_for_init.yml' Copy-Item $boilerplateTestYml -Destination (Join-Path $destYmlPath -ChildPath 'test.yml') -Force $boilerplateReleaseYml = Join-Path2 -Path $PSScriptRoot -ChildPath 'yml' -AdditionalChildPath 'release_for_init.yml' Copy-Item $boilerplateTestYml -Destination (Join-Path $destYmlPath -ChildPath 'release.yml') -Force } function Test-PSPesterResults { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter()] [string] $TestResultsFile = "pester-tests.xml" ) if (!(Test-Path $TestResultsFile)) { throw "Test result file '$testResultsFile' not found for $TestArea." } $x = [xml](Get-Content -raw $testResultsFile) if ([int]$x.'test-results'.failures -gt 0) { Write-Error "TEST FAILURES" # switch between methods, SelectNode is not available on dotnet core if ( "System.Xml.XmlDocumentXPathExtensions" -as [Type] ) { $failures = [System.Xml.XmlDocumentXPathExtensions]::SelectNodes($x."test-results", './/test-case[@result = "Failure"]') } else { $failures = $x.SelectNodes('.//test-case[@result = "Failure"]') } foreach ( $testfail in $failures ) { Show-PSPesterError -testFailure $testfail } } } function Show-PSPesterError { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [Xml.XmlElement]$testFailure ) $description = $testFailure.description $name = $ $message = $testFailure.failure.message $stackTrace = $testFailure.failure."stack-trace" $fullMsg = "`n{0}`n{1}`n{2}`n{3}`{4}" -f ("Description: " + $description), ("Name: " + $name), "message:", $message, "stack-trace:", $stackTrace Write-Error $fullMsg } function Invoke-FunctionalValidation { param ( $tags = "CI" ) $config = Get-PSPackageProjectConfiguration try { $testResultFile = "result.pester.xml" $testPath = $config.TestPath $modStage = "{0}/{1}" -f $config.BuildOutputPath,$config.ModuleName $command = "import-module ${modStage} -Force -Verbose; Set-Location $testPath; Invoke-Pester -Path . -OutputFile ${testResultFile} -tags '$tags'" $output = RunPwshCommandInSubprocess -command $command | Foreach-Object { Write-Verbose -Verbose $_ } return (Join-Path ${testPath} "$testResultFile") } catch { $output | Foreach-Object { Write-Warning "$_" } Write-Error "Error invoking tests" } } function Invoke-StaticValidation { $fault = $false $config = Get-PSPackageProjectConfiguration Write-Verbose "Running ScriptAnalyzer" -Verbose $resultPSSA = RunScriptAnalysis -Location $config.BuildOutputPath Write-Verbose -Verbose "PSSA result file: $resultPSSA" Test-PSPesterResults -TestResultsFile $resultPSSA Write-Verbose "Running BinSkim" -Verbose $resultBinSkim = Invoke-BinSkim -Location (Join-Path2 -Path $config.BuildOutputPath -ChildPath $config.ModuleName) Test-PSPesterResults -TestResultsFile $resultBinSkim } function RunScriptAnalysis { try { Push-Location $pssaParams = @{ Severity = 'Warning', 'ParseError' Path = GetOutputModulePath Recurse = $true } $results = Invoke-ScriptAnalyzer @pssaParams if ( $results ) { $xmlPath = ConvertPssaDiagnosticsToNUnit -Diagnostic $results # send back the xml file path. $xmlPath if ($env:TF_BUILD) { $powershellName = GetPowerShellName Publish-AzDevOpsTestResult -Path $xmlPath -Title "PSScriptAnalyzer $env:AGENT_OS - $powershellName Results" -Type NUnit } } } finally { Pop-Location } } function ConvertPssaDiagnosticsToNUnit { param( [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline)] [Microsoft.Windows.PowerShell.ScriptAnalyzer.Generic.DiagnosticRecord[]] $Diagnostic ) $sb = [System.Text.StringBuilder]::new() $null = $sb.Append("Describe 'PSScriptAnalyzer Diagnostics' { `n") foreach ($d in $Diagnostic) { $severity = $d.Severity $ruleName = $d.RuleName $message = $d.Message -replace "'", "``" $description = "[$severity] ${ruleName}: $message" $null = $sb.Append("It '$ruleName' { `nthrow '$message' }`n") } $null = $sb.Append('}') $testPath = Join-Path ([System.IO.Path]::GetTempPath()) "pssa.tests.ps1" $xmlPath = Join-Path ([System.IO.Path]::GetTempPath()) "pssa.xml" try { Set-Content -Path $testPath -Value $sb.ToString() Invoke-Pester -Script $testPath -OutputFormat NUnitXml -OutputFile $xmlPath } finally { Remove-Item -Path $testPath -Force } return $xmlPath } <# .SYNOPSIS Generates help file stubs. .DESCRIPTION Generates stubs for about_*.md help documentation for a given module. .PARAMETER ProjectRoot The repository root directory path. .PARAMETER ModuleName The name of the module to generate help for. .PARAMETER Culture The culture or locale the help is to be generated in/for. #> function Initialize-PSPackageProjectHelp { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $ProjectRoot, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $ModuleName, [Parameter()] [cultureinfo] $Culture = [cultureinfo]::CurrentCulture ) $ProjectRoot = Resolve-Path -Path $ProjectRoot $helpResourcePath = GetHelpPath -ProjectRoot $ProjectRoot -Culture $Culture $null = New-Item -Path $helpResourcePath -ItemType Directory -ErrorAction Stop New-MarkdownAboutHelp -OutputFolder $helpResourcePath -AboutName $ModuleName } #endregion Private implementation functions #region Public commands function Invoke-PSPackageProjectTest { param( [Parameter()] [ValidateSet("Functional", "StaticAnalysis")] [string[]] $Type ) END { $config = Get-PSPackageProjectConfiguration if ($Type -contains "Functional" ) { # this will return a path to the results $resultFile = Invoke-FunctionalValidation Test-PSPesterResults -TestResultsFile $resultFile $powershellName = GetPowerShellName Publish-AzDevOpsTestResult -Path $resultFile -Title "Functional Tests - $env:AGENT_OS - $powershellName Results" -Type NUnit } if ($Type -contains "StaticAnalysis" ) { Invoke-StaticValidation } } } function Invoke-BinSkim { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'byPath')] param( [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'byPath', Mandatory)] [string] $Location, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'byPath')] [string] $Filter = '*' ) $testscript = @' Describe "BinSkim" { BeforeAll{ $outputPath = Join-Path -Path ([]::GetTempPath()) -ChildPath 'pspackageproject-results.json' if(Test-Path $outputPath) { $results = Get-Content $outputPath | ConvertFrom-Json } } foreach($file in $results.runs.files.PsObject.Properties.Name) { foreach($rule in $ { $fileResults = @($results.runs.results | Where-Object { Write-Verbose "$($_.ruleId) -eq $rule" $_.locations.analysisTarget.uri -eq $File -and $_.ruleId -eq $rule}) $message = $null if($fileResults.Count -ne 0) { $fileResult = $fileResults[0] $message = $results.runs.rules.$rule.messageFormats.($fileResult.Level) -f ($fileResult.formattedRuleMessage.arguments) } if($message){ it "$file should not have errors for " { throw $message } } } } } '@ $eligbleFiles = @(Get-ChildItem -Path $Location -Filter $Filter -Recurse -File | Where-Object { $_.Extension -in '.exe','.dll','','.so','.dylib'}) if($eligbleFiles.Count -ne 0) { $sourceName = 'Nuget' Register-PackageSource -ProviderName NuGet -Name $sourceName -Location -erroraction ignore $packageName = 'microsoft.codeanalysis.binskim' $packageLocation = Join-Path2 -Path ([]::GetTempPath()) -ChildPath 'pspackageproject-packages' if ($IsLinux) { $binaryName = 'BinSkim' $rid = 'linux-x64' } elseif ($IsWindows -ne $false) { $binaryName = 'BinSkim.exe' if ([Environment]::Is64BitOperatingSystem) { $rid = 'win-x64' } else { $rid = 'win-x86' } } else { Write-Warning "unsupported platform" return } Write-Verbose "Finding binskim..." -Verbose $packageInfo = Find-Package -Name $packageName -Source $sourceName $dirName = $packageInfo.Name + '.' + $packageInfo.Version $toolLocation = Join-Path2 -Path $packageLocation -ChildPath $dirName -AdditionalChildPath 'tools', 'netcoreapp2.0', $rid, $binaryName if (!(test-path -path $toolLocation)) { Write-Verbose "Installing binskim..." -Verbose $packageInfo | Install-Package -Destination $packageLocation -Force } if ($IsLinux) { chmod a+x $toolLocation } $resolvedPath = (Resolve-Path -Path $Location).ProviderPath $toAnalyze = Join-Path2 -Path $resolvedPath -ChildPath $Filter $outputPath = Join-Path2 -Path ([]::GetTempPath()) -ChildPath 'pspackageproject-results.json' Write-Verbose "Running binskim..." -Verbose & $toolLocation analyze $toAnalyze --output $outputPath --pretty-print --recurse > binskim.log 2>&1 Write-Verbose "binskim exitcode: $LASTEXITCODE" -Verbose $PowerShellName = GetPowerShellName Publish-Artifact -Path ./binskim.log -Name "binskim-log-${env:AGENT_OS}-${PowerShellName}" $testsPath = Join-Path2 -Path ([]::GetTempPath()) -ChildPath 'pspackageproject' -AdditionalChildPath 'BinSkim', 'binskim.tests.ps1' $null = New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path (Split-Path $testsPath) $testscript | Out-File $testsPath -Force Write-Verbose "Generating test results..." -Verbose Invoke-Pester -Script $testsPath -OutputFile ./binskim-results.xml -OutputFormat NUnitXml Publish-AzDevOpsTestResult -Path ./binskim-results.xml -Title "BinSkim $env:AGENT_OS - $PowerShellName Results" -Type NUnit return ./binskim-results.xml } } function Publish-AzDevOpsTestResult { param( [parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $Path, [parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $Title, [string] $Type = 'NUnit' ) $artifactPath = (Resolve-Path $Path).ProviderPath Write-Verbose -Verbose "Uploading $artifactPath" # Just do nothing if we are not in AzDevOps if ($env:TF_BUILD) { Write-Host "##vso[results.publish type=$Type;mergeResults=true;runTitle=$Title;publishRunAttachments=true;resultFiles=$artifactPath;failTaskOnFailedTests=true;]" } } <# .SYNOPSIS Create or update cmdlet help stubs markdown files. .DESCRIPTION Creates or updates the cmdlet help resource files for the given module. The generated help will be stubs, requiring regions with {{ }} to be filled in. .PARAMETER ProjectRoot The path to the repository root of the module. .PARAMETER ModuleName The name of the module to generate cmdlet help for. .PARAMETER Culture The culture in which cmdlet help should be created. #> function Add-PSPackageProjectCmdletHelp { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $ProjectRoot, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $ModuleName, [Parameter()] [cultureinfo] $Culture ) $ProjectRoot = Resolve-Path -Path $ProjectRoot $helpResourcePath = GetHelpPath -ProjectRoot $ProjectRoot -Culture $Culture RunProjectBuild -ProjectRoot $ProjectRoot $outModulePath = GetOutputModulePath -ProjectRoot $ProjectRoot -ModuleName $ModuleName if (-not (HasCmdletHelp -HelpResourcePath $helpResourcePath)) { New-Item -Path $helpResourcePath -ItemType Directory -ErrorAction Ignore RunPwshCommandInSubprocess -Command "Import-Module '$outModulePath'; New-MarkdownHelp -Module $ModuleName -OutputFolder '$helpResourcePath'" return } RunPwshCommandInSubprocess -Command "Import-Module '$outModulePath'; Update-MarkdownHelp -Path '$helpResourcePath'" } <# .SYNOPSIS Assembles help files into staging output. .DESCRIPTION Compiles markdown help resources into PowerShell external help files and places them into the staging location. .PARAMETER ProjectRoot The path to the project repository root. .PARAMETER ModuleName The name of the module to publish help for. .PARAMETER Culture The locale or culture the help is written for. #> function Export-PSPackageProjectHelp { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $ProjectRoot, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $ModuleName, [Parameter()] [cultureinfo] $Culture = [cultureinfo]::CurrentCulture ) $cultureName = $Culture.Name $helpResourcePath = GetHelpPath -ProjectRoot $ProjectRoot -Culture $Culture $outModulePath = GetOutputModulePath -ProjectRoot $ProjectRoot -ModuleName $ModuleName New-ExternalHelp -Path $helpResourcePath -OutputPath "$outModulePath/$cultureName" -Force } function Invoke-PSPackageProjectBuild { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter()] [ScriptBlock] $BuildScript ) Write-Verbose -Verbose "Invoking build script" $BuildScript.Invoke() New-PSPackageProjectPackage Write-Verbose -Verbose "Finished invoking build script" } function New-PSPackageProjectPackage { Write-Verbose -Message "Starting New-PSPackageProjectPackage" -Verbose $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop' $config = Get-PSPackageProjectConfiguration $modulePath = Join-Path2 -Path $config.BuildOutputPath -ChildPath $config.ModuleName $sourceName = 'pspackageproject-local-repo' $packageLocation = Join-Path2 -Path ([]::GetTempPath()) -ChildPath $sourceName $modulesLocation = Join-Path2 -Path $packageLocation -ChildPath 'modules' if (Test-Path $modulesLocation) { Remove-Item $modulesLocation -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction Ignore } $null = New-Item -Path $modulesLocation -Force -ItemType Directory $scriptsLocation = $modulesLocation Write-Verbose -Message "Starting dependency download" -Verbose # TODO : dynamically detect module dependecies and save them Save-Package2 -Name PlatyPs, Pester -Location $modulesLocation Save-Package2 -Name PSScriptAnalyzer -RequiredVersion '1.18.0' -Location $modulesLocation Write-Verbose -Message "Dependency download complete" -Verbose if (!(Get-PSRepository -Name $sourceName -ErrorAction Ignore)) { Register-PSRepository -Name $sourceName -SourceLocation $modulesLocation -PublishLocation $modulesLocation } Write-Verbose -Verbose "Starting to publish module: $modulePath" Publish-Module -Path $modulePath -Repository $sourceName -NuGetApiKey 'fake' -Force Write-Verbose -Message "Local package published" -Verbose $nupkgPath = (Get-ChildItem -Path $modulesLocation -Filter "$($config.ModuleName)*.nupkg").FullName Publish-Artifact -Path $nupkgPath -Name nupkg Write-Verbose -Message "Starting New-PSPackageProjectPackage" -Verbose } # Wrapper to push artifact function Publish-Artifact { param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ValidateScript({Test-Path -Path $_})] $Path, [string] $Name ) $resolvedPath = (Resolve-Path -Path $Path).ProviderPath if(!$Name) { $artifactName = []::GetFileName($Path) } else { $artifactName = $Name } if ($env:TF_BUILD) { # In Azure DevOps Write-Host "##vso[artifact.upload containerfolder=$artifactName;artifactname=$artifactName;]$resolvedPath" } } function Save-Package2 { param( [string[]] $Name, [String] $Location, [string] $RequiredVersion ) if($RequiredVersion) { Save-Package -Name $Name -Source '' -Path $Location -ProviderName NuGet -RequiredVersion $RequiredVersion } else { Save-Package -Name $Name -Source '' -Path $Location -ProviderName NuGet } } function Initialize-PSPackageProject { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)] [string]$ModuleName, [string]$ModuleBase = ".", [switch]$Force ) if ( [System.Management.Automation.WildcardPattern]::ContainsWildcardCharacters($ModuleBase) ) { throw "Modulebase '${ModuleBase}' contains wildcards" } $ModuleRoot = (Resolve-Path $ModuleBase -ea SilentlyContinue ).Path if ( $ModuleRoot -and ! $force ) { throw "'${ModuleRoot}' already exists, use -Force to overwrite" } if ( ! $ModuleRoot ) { $ModuleRoot = $ExecutionContext.SessionState.Path.GetUnresolvedProviderPathFromPSPath($ModuleBase) } $null = New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $ModuleRoot $ModuleInfo = @{ ModuleName = $ModuleName ModuleRoot = $ModuleRoot } # Create the help directory # and populate a couple of files Initialize-PSPackageProjectHelp -ProjectRoot $ModuleRoot -ModuleName $ModuleName # Create the scaffold for .psd1 and .psm1 $moduleSourceBase = Join-Path $ModuleRoot "src" $null = New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $moduleSourceBase $moduleFileWithoutExtension = Join-Path $moduleSourceBase ${ModuleName} New-ModuleManifest -Path "${moduleFileWithoutExtension}.psd1" -CmdletsToExport "verb-noun" -RootModule "./${ModuleName}.dll" $null = New-Item -Type File "${moduleFileWithoutExtension}.psm1" # Create a directory for cs sources and create a classlib csproj file with # System.Management.Automation as a package reference $moduleCodeBase = Join-Path $moduleSourceBase "code" $null = New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $moduleCodeBase try { Push-Location $moduleCodeBase $output = dotnet new classlib -f netstandard2.0 --no-restore --force $output += dotnet add package PowerShellStandard.Library --no-restore Move-Item code.csproj "${ModuleName}.csproj" @" using System; using System.Management.Automation; namespace ${ModuleName} { [Cmdlet("verb","noun")] public class Cmdlet1 : PSCmdlet { [Parameter(Mandatory=true,Position=0)] public string Name {get;set;} protected override void ProcessRecord() { WriteObject(Name); } } } "@ > Class1.cs } finally { Pop-Location } # make test folder and create a test template $testDir = Join-Path $moduleRoot 'test' $testTemplate = Join-Path $testDir "${moduleName}.Tests.ps1" $null = New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path "${testDir}" @" Describe "Test ${moduleName}" -tags CI { BeforeAll { } BeforeEach { } AfterEach { } AfterAll { } It "This is the first test for ${moduleName}" { `$name = "Hello World" verb-noun -name `$name | Should -BeExactly `$name } } "@ | Out-File "${testTemplate}" # make CI ymls Initialize-CIYml -Path ${moduleRoot} # make build.ps1 $boilerplateBuildScript = Join-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -ChildPath 'build_for_init.ps1' Copy-Item $boilerplateBuildScript -Destination (Join-Path $ModuleRoot -ChildPath 'build.ps1') -Force # make pspackageproject.json $jsonPrj = @{ SourcePath = "src" ModuleName = "${ModuleName}" TestPath = 'test' HelpPath = 'help' BuildOutputPath = 'out' Culture = [CultureInfo]::CurrentCulture.Name # This needs to be settable } | ConvertTo-Json if ($(${PSVersionTable}.PSEdition) -eq 'Desktop') { Write-Warning -Message "UTF-8 characters for module name are not supported in Windows PowerShell." $jsonPrj | Out-File (Join-Path ${moduleRoot} "pspackageproject.json") -Encoding ascii } else { $jsonPrj | Out-File (Join-Path ${moduleRoot} "pspackageproject.json") -Encoding utf8NoBOM } } function Get-PSPackageProjectConfiguration { param( [Parameter()] [string] $ConfigPath = "." ) $resolvedPath = Resolve-Path $ConfigPath $foundConfigFilePath = if (Test-Path $resolvedPath -PathType Container) { SearchConfigFile -Path $resolvedPath } else { if (Test-ConfigFile -Path $resolvedPath) { $resolvedPath } } if (Test-Path $foundConfigFilePath) { $configObj = Get-Content -Path $foundConfigFilePath | ConvertFrom-Json # Populate with full paths $projectRoot = Split-Path $foundConfigFilePath $configObj.SourcePath = Join-Path $projectRoot -ChildPath $configObj.SourcePath $configObj.TestPath = Join-Path $projectRoot -ChildPath $configObj.TestPath $configObj.HelpPath = Join-Path $projectRoot -ChildPath $configObj.HelpPath $configObj.BuildOutputPath = Join-Path $projectRoot -ChildPath $configObj.BuildOutputPath $configObj } else { throw "'pspackageproject.json' not found at: $resolvePath or any or its parent" } } #endregion Public commands |