function New-PhpIpamSession { <# .DESCRIPTION Defines global variables (PhpIpam top url,AppID,username, and password) so they do not have to be explicitly defined for subsequent calls. If you do not define any switches, New-PhpIpamSession will prompt you for credentials. This is best for an interactive session. .PARAMETER PhpIpamApiUrl url which phpipam use for example http://ipam/api/ .PARAMETER UseCredAuth switch to use username and password (token based auth) .PARAMETER UseAppKeyAuth switch to use Appid and Appkey (encrypt request) .PARAMETER AppID the AppID of using the API. .PARAMETER AppKey AppKey for phpipam .PARAMETER Username Username for phpipam .PARAMETER Password Password for phpipam .EXAMPLE New-PhpIpamSession -userCredAuth .EXAMPLE New-PhpIpamSession -useCredAuth -phpIpamApiUrl http://ipam/api/ -username username -password password -appid script .EXAMPLE New-PhpIpamSession -useAppKeyAuth -PhpIpamApiUrl http://ipam/api/ -appid script -appkey 'de36328dbe3df0bc7d39ff2306e9aesa' #> [cmdletbinding()] param( [parameter( mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = "UseCredAuth", HelpMessage = "Using name and password auth when app security is None or SSL" )] [switch] [Alias("CredAuth")] $UseCredAuth, [parameter( mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = "UseCryptAuth", HelpMessage = "Using Appid and AppCode to crypt request when app security is Crypt" )] [switch] [Alias("UseCryptAuth", "CryptAuth", "UseEncryptAuth")] [ValidateScript( { if ($PSVersionTable.PSEdition -eq 'Core') { throw("CrptoAuth need Rijndael256, it's not implemented in powershell core") } })] # for compatible , leave this parameter name not changed, it may be confusing $UseAppKeyAuth, [parameter(mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = "UseStaticAppKeyAuth", HelpMessage = "Using Static Appid and AppCode(token) when app security is SSL with AppCode")] [switch] [Alias("SSLCodeAuth", "StaticTokenAuth")] $UseStaticAppKeyAuth, [parameter(mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = "Enter the url of PHPIpam API")] [validatescript( { $_.startswith("http") })] [string]$PhpIpamApiUrl, [parameter(mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = "UseCredAuth", HelpMessage = "Enter the AppID of PhpIpam")] [parameter(mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = "UseCryptAuth", HelpMessage = "Enter the AppID of PhpIpam")] [parameter(mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = "UseStaticAppKeyAuth", HelpMessage = "Enter the AppID of PhpIpam")] [Alias("AppCode")] [string]$AppID, [parameter(mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = "UseCryptAuth", HelpMessage = "Enter the AppKey of PhpIpam")] [parameter(mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = "UseStaticAppKeyAuth", HelpMessage = "Enter the AppID of PhpIpam")] [validatepattern("^[\w\-_]{32}$")] [string]$AppKey, [parameter(mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = "UseCredAuth", HelpMessage = "Enter the Username of PhpIpam.")] [string]$userName, [parameter(mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = "UseCredAuth", HelpMessage = "Enter The password of PhpIpam.")] [string]$password, [switch]$SkipCertificateCheck ) if ($PhpIpamApiUrl.EndsWith("/")) { $PhpIpamApiUrl = $PhpIpamApiUrl.TrimEnd("/") } if ($useCredAuth) { $token = "{0}:{1}" -f $username, $password $base64Token = [convert]::ToBase64String([char[]]$token) $headers = @{ Authorization = "Basic {0}" -f $base64Token } $uri = "{0}/{1}/user/" -f $PhpIpamApiUrl, $AppID try { $r = Invoke-RestMethod -Method post -Uri $uri -Headers $headers if ($r -and $r.success) { # success Remove-PhpIpamSession | Out-Null $script:PhpIpamUsername = $username $script:PhpIpamPassword = $password $script:PhpIpamApiUrl = $PhpIpamApiUrl $script:PhpIpamAppID = $AppID $script:PhpIpamAppKey = $AppKey $script:PhpIpamToken = $ $script:PhpIpamTokenExpires = $ $script:PhpIpamTokenAuth = $true return $true } else { Write-Error "Something error there" return $false } } catch { write-error $_.ErrorDetails.message return $false } } if ($UseStaticAppKeyAuth) { $headers = @{ token = $AppKey } $uri = "{0}/{1}/sections/" -f $PhpIpamApiUrl, $AppID try { $r = Invoke-RestMethod -Method get -Uri $uri -Headers $headers if ($r -and $r.success) { # success Remove-PhpIpamSession | out-null $script:PhpIpamApiUrl = $PhpIpamApiUrl $script:PhpIpamAppID = $AppID $script:PhpIpamAppKey = $AppKey $script:PhpIpamToken = $AppKey $script:PhpIpamTokenExpires = (get-date).AddYears(100) $script:PhpIpamTokenAuth = $true $script:PhpIpamStaticToken = $true return $true } else { Write-Error "Something error there" return $false } } catch { write-error $_.ErrorDetails.message return $false } } if ($useAppKeyAuth) { # useAppKeyAuth=encrypted request $request_json = @{'controller' = 'sections' } | ConvertTo-Json -Compress $enc_request = Protect-Rijndael256ECB -Key $AppKey -Plaintext $request_json $Encode_Crypt_request = [System.Web.HttpUtility]::UrlEncode($enc_request) $uri = "{0}/?app_id={1}&enc_request={2}" -f $PhpIpamApiUrl, $AppID, $Encode_Crypt_request try { $r = Invoke-RestMethod -Method get -Uri $uri write-debug $r if ($r -and $r.success) { # success Remove-PhpIpamSession | out-null $script:PhpIpamApiUrl = $PhpIpamApiUrl $script:PhpIpamAppID = $AppID $script:PhpIpamAppKey = $AppKey return $true } else { return $false } } catch { write-error $_.ErrorDetails.message return $null } } } Export-ModuleMember -Function New-PhpIpamSession |