.SYNOPSIS Expand PhpIpam Token Life if needed .DESCRIPTION Expand PhpIpam Token Life if needed .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Expand-PhpIpamTokenLife Explanation of what the example does .INPUTS Inputs (if any) .OUTPUTS Output (if any) .NOTES General notes #> function Expand-PhpIpamTokenLife { [cmdletbinding()] param( [switch]$force ) if ($script:PhpIpamTokenAuth) { if (!$force) { $TokenStatus = test-PhpIpamToken if ($Tokenstatus -eq "Valid") { $r = invoke-PHPIpamExecute -method patch -controller user if ($r) { $script:PhpIpamTokenExpires = $ return $ } } } if ($TokenStatus -eq "Expired" -or $force) { if (New-PhpIpamSession -useCredAuth -PhpIpamApiUrl $script:PhpIpamApiUrl -AppID $script:PhpIpamAppID -userName $script:PhpIpamUsername -password $script:PhpIpamPassword) { return $script:PhpIpamTokenExpires } } } else { Write-Warning "Because you use encrypted request(You never get a token,Do not use this func if you using encryped request)" } } Export-ModuleMember -Function Expand-PhpIpamTokenLife |