
Obtain a "refreshed" Device token
Obtain a "refreshed" Device token
In case your token has expired (>1 hour) you will need to refresh your token instead of request a new one.
This function will assist you with this process.
Provide the ClientID [Application ID] to which you should connect
Provide the Tenant ID to which you should connect
Provide the Scope for which your current token has access
You should be able to obtain this data from the current token
.PARAMETER RefreshToken
Provide the refresh token information for your current token
PS C:\> $ClientId = 'aaaaaaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaaaaaaaaaa'
PS C:\> $TenantId = 'bbbbbbbb-bbbb-bbbb-bbbb-bbbbbbbbbbbb'
PS C:\> $DeviceCode = New-MSGraphDeviceCode -ClientId $ClientId -TenantId $TenantId
PS C:\> $DeviceToken = New-MSGraphDeviceToken -ClientId $ClientId -TenantId $TenantId -DeviceCode $DeviceCode.device_code
PS C:\> $NewDeviceToken = Update-MSGraphDeviceToken $ClientId $ClientId -TenantId $TenantId -Scope $DeviceToken.TokenScope -RefreshToken $DeviceToken.TokenRefresh
Name: Update-MSGraphDeviceToken.ps1
Author: Robert Prüst
Module: PSP-MSGraph
DateCreated: 04-12-2019
DateModified: 18-12-2019

function Update-MSGraphDeviceToken {
    [string]$GrantType = 'refresh_token'
    $TokenUri = "$tenantId/oauth2/v2.0/token"
    $TokenBody = @{
        grant_type    = $GrantType
        client_id     = $ClientId
        scope         = $Scope
        refresh_token = $RefreshToken

    $MethodProperties = @{
        Method      = 'Post'
        Uri         = $TokenUri
        Body        = $TokenBody
        ContentType = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
        ErrorAction = 'Stop'

    try {
        $AccessToken = Invoke-RestMethod @MethodProperties

            PSTypeName      = 'PSP-MSGraph-Token'
            TokenScope      = $AccessToken.scope
            TokenType       = $AccessToken.token_type
            TokenContent    = $AccessToken.access_token
            TokenExpiration = $AccessToken.expires_in
            TokenRefresh    = $AccessToken.refresh_token
            TokenId         = $AccessToken.id_token
    } catch {
        $errorMessage = $_.ErrorDetails.Message | ConvertFrom-Json
        # If not waiting for auth, throw error
        if ($errorMessage.error -ne "authorization_pending") {