function Get-OSInfo { <# .SYNOPSIS Get Operating System information for local or remote machines .DESCRIPTION Get Operating System information for local or remote machines. Tries to use CIM to obtain information, but will revert to DCOM if CIM is not available .PARAMETER ComputerName Provide the computername(s) to query Default value is the local machine .EXAMPLE Get-OSInfo -ComputerName 'CONTOSO-SRV01','CONTOSO-WEB01' Description ----------- Gets the Operating System information for CONTOSO-SRV01 and CONTOSO-WEB01 .NOTES Name: Get-OSInfo.ps1 Author: Robert Prüst Module: PSP-Inventory DateCreated: 20-02-2019 DateModified: 01-03-2019 Blog: .LINK #> [OutputType('PSP.Inventory.OperatingSystemInfo')] [Cmdletbinding()] param( [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] [String[]]$ComputerName = $env:COMPUTERNAME ) begin { $InventoryDate = Get-Date -f 'dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss' } process { foreach ($Computer in $ComputerName) { $Computer = $Computer.ToUpper() try { $TimeZone = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_TimeZone -ComputerName $Computer -ErrorAction Stop $OS = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_OperatingSystem -ComputerName $Computer $ProductKey = (Get-CimInstance -Query 'SELECT * FROM SoftwareLicensingService' -ComputerName $Computer).OA3xOriginalProductKey $PageFile = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_PageFile -ComputerName $Computer $OperatingSystem = [PSCustomObject]@{ ComputerName = $Computer Caption = $OS.Caption Version = $OS.Version ServicePack = ("{0}.{1}" -f $OS.ServicePackMajorVersion, $OS.ServicePackMinorVersion) ProductKey = $ProductKey LastReboot = $OS.LastBootUpTime OSArchitecture = $OS.OSArchitecture TimeZone = $TimeZone.Caption PageFile = $PageFile.Name PageFileSizeGB = ([math]::round(($PageFile.FileSize / 1GB), 0)) InventoryDate = $InventoryDate } $OperatingSystem.PSTypeNames.Insert(0, 'PSP.Inventory.OperatingSystemInfo') $OperatingSystem } catch [Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimException] { Write-Warning "'$Computer' does not have CIM access, reverting to DCOM instead" $CimOptions = New-CimSessionOption -Protocol DCOM $CimSession = New-CimSession -ComputerName $Computer -SessionOption $CimOptions try { $TimeZone = Get-CimInstance -CimSession $CimSession -ClassName Win32_TimeZone -ErrorAction Stop $OS = Get-CimInstance -CimSession $CimSession -ClassName Win32_OperatingSystem $ProductKey = (Get-CimInstance -CimSession $CimSession -Query 'SELECT * FROM SoftwareLicensingService').OA3xOriginalProductKey $PageFile = Get-CimInstance -CimSession $CimSession -ClassName Win32_PageFile $OperatingSystem = [PSCustomObject]@{ ComputerName = $Computer Caption = $OS.Caption Version = $OS.Version ServicePack = ("{0}.{1}" -f $OS.ServicePackMajorVersion, $OS.ServicePackMinorVersion) ProductKey = $ProductKey LastReboot = $OS.LastBootUpTime OSArchitecture = $OS.OSArchitecture TimeZone = $TimeZone.Caption PageFile = $PageFile.Name PageFileSizeGB = ([math]::round(($PageFile.FileSize / 1GB), 0)) InventoryDate = $InventoryDate } $OperatingSystem.PSTypeNames.Insert(0, 'PSP.Inventory.OperatingSystemInfo') $OperatingSystem } catch { Write-Warning "Unable to get WMI properties for computer '$Computer'" } } catch { Write-Warning "Unable to get WMI properties for computer '$Computer'" } } } } |