function ParseThreadRunStepObject { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline)] [PSCustomObject]$InputObject, [Parameter()] [System.Collections.IDictionary]$CommonParams = @{}, [Parameter()] [switch]$Primitive ) $simplecontent = if ($InputObject.type -eq 'message_creation') { if ($msgid = $InputObject.step_details.message_creation.message_id) { $GetThreadMessageParams = $CommonParams $GetThreadMessageParams.InputObject = $InputObject $GetThreadMessageParams.MessageId = $msgid $msg = PSOpenAI\Get-ThreadMessage @GetThreadMessageParams [PSCustomObject]@{ Role = $msg.role Type = $msg.content.type Content = $msg.content.text.value } } } elseif ($InputObject.type -eq 'tool_calls') { foreach ($call in $InputObject.step_details.tool_calls) { if ($call.type -eq 'code_interpreter') { [PSCustomObject]@{ Role = $InputObject.type Type = $call.type + '.input' Content = $call.code_interpreter.input } foreach ($out in $call.code_interpreter.outputs) { if ($out.type -eq 'logs') { [PSCustomObject]@{ Role = $InputObject.type Type = $call.type + '.output.logs' Content = $out.logs } } elseif ($out.type -eq 'image') { [PSCustomObject]@{ Role = $InputObject.type Type = $call.type + '.output.image' Content = $out.image.file_id } } } } elseif ($call.type -eq 'retrieval') { [PSCustomObject]@{ Role = $InputObject.type Type = $call.type Content = $null } } elseif ($call.type -eq 'function') { [PSCustomObject]@{ Role = $InputObject.type Type = $call.type Content = $call.function.output } } } } # Add custom type name and properties to output object. $InputObject.PSObject.TypeNames.Insert(0, 'PSOpenAI.Thread.Run.Step') ('created_at', 'expired_at', 'cancelled_at', 'failed_at', 'completed_at') | ForEach-Object { if ($null -ne $InputObject.$_ -and ($unixtime = $InputObject.$_ -as [long])) { # convert unixtime to [DateTime] for read suitable $InputObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $_ -Value ([System.DateTimeOffset]::FromUnixTimeSeconds($unixtime).LocalDateTime) -Force } } $InputObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'SimpleContent' -Value $simplecontent -Force Write-Output $InputObject } |