function Assert-UnsupportedModels { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([void])] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline)] [string]$Model ) Begin { #Should this list be separated as a JSON or PSD1 static file? $ListOfUnsupportedModels = @( @{ Id = 'gpt-3.5-turbo-0301' Expires = '2023-09-13' }, @{ Id = 'gpt-4-0314' Expires = '2023-09-13' }, @{ Id = 'gpt-4-32k-0314' Expires = '2023-09-13' }, @{ Id = 'code-davinci-001' Expires = '2023-03-23' }, @{ Id = 'code-davinci-002' Expires = '2023-03-23' }, @{ Id = 'code-cushman-001' Expires = '2023-03-23' }, @{ Id = 'code-cushman-002' Expires = '2023-03-23' } ) } Process { $now = [datetime]::Now $m = $ListOfUnsupportedModels | Where-Object { $_.Id -eq $Model } | Select-Object -First 1 if ($expires = $m.Expires -as [datetime]) { if ($now -ge $expires) { $msg = ('The {0} model has been discontinued on {1}. Please consider using a different model.' -f $m.Id, $m.Expires) } elseif (($now - $expires) -ge [timespan]::FromDays(-30)) { $msg = ('The {0} model will be discontinued on {1}. Please consider using a different model.' -f $m.Id, $m.Expires) } if ($msg) { Write-Warning -Message $msg } } } End { } } |