function Assert-PsOneFolderExists { <# .SYNOPSIS Makes sure the specified folder(s) exist .DESCRIPTION If a folder does not exist, it will be created. .EXAMPLE ($Path = 'C:\test') | Assert-PsOneFolderExists Makes sure the folder c:\test exists. If it is still missing, it will be created. .EXAMPLE 'C:\test','c:\test2' | Assert-PsOneFolderExists Makes sure the folders. If a folder is still missing, it will be created. .EXAMPLE Assert-PsOneFolderExists -Path 'C:\test','c:\test2' Makes sure the folders. If a folder is still missing, it will be created. .LINK #> param ( [Parameter(Mandatory,HelpMessage='Path to folder that must exist',ValueFromPipeline)] [string[]] $Path ) process { foreach($_ in $Path) { $exists = Test-Path -Path $_ -PathType Container if (!$exists) { Write-Warning -Message "$_ did not exist. Folder created." $null = New-Item -Path $_ -ItemType Directory } } } } |