
function Expand-PSOneToken
      Expands all nested token from a token of type "StringExpandable"
      Recursively emits all tokens embedded in a token of type "StringExpandable"
      The original token is also emitted.
      Get-PSOneToken -Code '"Hello $host"' -TokenKind StringExpandable | Expand-PSOneToken
      Emits all tokens, including the embedded (nested) tokens

  # use the most specific parameter as default:
    # binds a token of type "StringExpandableToken"

    # binds all tokens

      # recursively expand token of type "StringExpandable"
      'ExpandableString'  { 
        $StringExpandable.NestedTokens | 
          Where-Object { $_ } | 
      # return regular token as-is:
      'Token'             { $Token }
      # should never occur:
      default             { Write-Warning $_ }