function Foreach-ObjectFast { <# .SYNOPSIS Faster Foreach-Object .DESCRIPTION Foreach-ObjectFast can replace the built-in Foreach-Object and improves pipeline speed considerably. Foreach-ObjectFast supports only the most commonly used parameters -Begin, -Process, and -End, so you can replace 1..100 | Foreach-Object { 'Server{0:d3}' -f $_ } with 1..100 | Foreach-ObjectFast { 'Server{0:d3}' -f $_ } but you cannot currently replace instances of Foreach-Object that uses the less commonly used parameters, like -RemainingScripts, -MemberNames, and -ArgumentList Foreach-ObjectFast has a performance benefit per iteration, so the more objects you send through the pipeline, the more significant performace benefits you will see. Foreach-ObjectFast is using a steppable pipeline internally which performs better. However because of this, the debugging experience will be different, and internal variables such as $MyInvocation may yield different results. For most every-day tasks, these changes are not important. A complete explanation of what Where-ObjectFast does can be found here: .EXAMPLE $stopwatch = [System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew() $result = 1..1000000 | Foreach-ObjectFast -Process { "I am at $_" } $report = '{0} elements in {1:n2} seconds' $report -f $result.Count, $stopwatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds Demos the speed improvements. Run this script to see how well it performs, then replace Foreach-ObjectFast with the default Foreach-Object, and check out the performace difference. $result is the same in both cases. .LINK #> param ( # executes for each pipeline element [ScriptBlock] $Process, # executes once before the pipeline is started. # can be used for initialization routines [ScriptBlock] $Begin, # executes once after all pipeline elements have been processed # can be used to do cleanup work [ScriptBlock] $End ) begin { # construct a hard-coded anonymous simple function from # the submitted scriptblocks: $code = @" & { begin { $Begin } process { $Process } end { $End } } "@ # turn code into a scriptblock and invoke it # via a steppable pipeline so we can feed in data # as it comes in via the pipeline: $pip = [ScriptBlock]::Create($code).GetSteppablePipeline($myInvocation.CommandOrigin) $pip.Begin($true) } process { # forward incoming pipeline data to the custom scriptblock: $pip.Process($_) } end { $pip.End() } } |