function Test-PSOnePing { <# .SYNOPSIS Sends a ping (ICMP) to a computer .DESCRIPTION Sends a ping (ICMP) to a computer .EXAMPLE Test-PSOnePing -ComputerName, microsoft.com, powershell.one -Timeout 2000 Pings three computers with a maximum timeout of 2000 milliseconds .EXAMPLE '', 'microsoft.com', 'powershell.one' | Test-PSOnePing -Timeout 2000 Pings three computers with a maximum timeout of 2000 milliseconds .EXAMPLE Get-ADComputer -Filter * | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name | Test-PSOnePing -Timeout 2000 Pings all computers received from Get-ADComputer with a maximum timeout of 2000 milliseconds Module "ActiveDirectory" required for Get-ADComputer .LINK https://powershell.one/tricks/network/ping #> param ( # Computername or IP address to ping [Parameter(Mandatory,ValueFromPipeline)] [string[]] $ComputerName, # Timeout in milliseconds [int] [ValidateRange(100,50000)] $Timeout = 2000 ) begin { $Online = @{ Name = 'Online' Expression = { $_.Status -eq 'Success' } } $obj = New-Object System.Net.NetworkInformation.Ping } process { $ComputerName | ForEach-Object { $obj.Send($_, $timeout) | Select-Object -Property $Online, Status, Address | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Name -Value $_ -PassThru } } } |