#Requires -Version 5 [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='Build')] param ( [parameter(Position=0, ParameterSetName='Build')] [switch]$BuildModule, [parameter(Position=1, ParameterSetName='Build')] [switch]$CreatePSGalleryProfile, [parameter(Position=2, ParameterSetName='Build')] [switch]$UpdateRelease, [parameter(Position=3, ParameterSetName='Build')] [switch]$UploadPSGallery, [parameter(Position=4, ParameterSetName='Build')] [switch]$GitCheckin, [parameter(Position=5, ParameterSetName='Build')] [switch]$GitPush, [parameter(Position=6, ParameterSetName='Build')] [switch]$InstallAndTestModule, [parameter(Position=7, ParameterSetName='Build')] [version]$NewVersion, [parameter(Position=8, ParameterSetName='Build')] [string]$ReleaseNotes, [parameter(Position=0, ParameterSetName='CBH')] [switch]$InsertCBH, [parameter(Position=0, ParameterSetName='Help')] [switch]$Help ) $HelpContents = @' This is a wrapper script for invoke-build and a set of build tasks in the included .build.ps1 file. As this is a wrapper script almost all parameters are simple switches. This help output will cover what each of these switches will accomplish. Help - This help output. InsertCBH - So far there is the only helper task that doesn't really do anything as part of a build process. When you run with this switch all the function scripts in .\src\public will be inspected for comment based help (CBH) within its function scriptblock. If one is not readily found then a template CBH will be added in a copy of the script which will be saved in the scratch directory (usually located in .\temp\src\public). This switch is stand-alone and will not work with other switches in this script. Use one or more of the following switches with this script to kick off some of the most common build tasks for your module project. All of the following switches can be stringed together. They are listed in the order they would be processed in were they all to be used at once. CreatePSGalleryProfile - Create an initial PSGallery profile for your project. This will only be useful if you have an API key for the site stored in "$(split-path $PROFILE)\psgalleryapi.txt" and plan on releasing the module to the powershell gallery. UpdateRelease - If you have manually updated the version.txt file then this will trigger the build scripts to begin building and releasing the new version. It updates the module manifest file as well. You can use this in conjunction with the -NewVersion parameter to update the version.txt file as well. NewVersion - Can be used with the -UpdateRelease parameter to start a new version of the module for release. BuildModule - This is the default action if no parameters are passed to this script. This kicks off the build process as defined by the .\build\.buildenvironment.ps1 configuration script. If all goes well a completed and fully packaged build of your project will be created in the following locations: .\release\<version> - Every new version you release will be kept in its own directory .\release\<modulename>-<version>.zip - Every version will have an assoicated zip created .\release\<modulename> - The current release will always be in a folder with the module name .\release\<modulename>.zip - The current release in zip format for easy automated installation InstallAndTestModule - Attempt to install a finished build of the module from .\release\<modulename>. After installing the module we then attempt to load it to ensure it works. UploadPSGallery - Upload a release to the PSGallery for others to install with install-module (PowerShell 5+ only). Every uploaded release requires release notes which can be passed via the -ReleaseNotes parameter. This will also fail outright if you don't have appropriate LicenseURI and IconURI entries uncommented and set in your <modulename>.psd1 manifest file. ReleaseNotes - Used in conjunction with the -UploadPSGallery parameter. GitCheckin - Not finished with this yet, sorry. GitPush - Not finished with this yet, sorry. '@ function PrerequisitesLoaded { # Install InvokeBuild module if it doesn't already exist try { if ((get-module InvokeBuild -ListAvailable) -eq $null) { Write-Host "Attempting to install the InvokeBuild module..." $null = Install-Module InvokeBuild } if (get-module InvokeBuild -ListAvailable) { Write-Host -NoNewLine "Importing InvokeBuild module" Import-Module InvokeBuild -Force Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green '...Loaded!' return $true } else { return $false } } catch { return $false } } function CleanUp { try { Write-Output '' Write-Output 'Attempting to clean up the session (loaded modules and such)...' Invoke-Build BuildSessionCleanup Remove-Module InvokeBuild } catch {} } switch ($psCmdlet.ParameterSetName) { 'Help' { Write-Output $HelpContents } 'CBH' { if (-not (PrerequisitesLoaded)) { throw 'Unable to load InvokeBuild!' } if ($InsertCBH) { try { Invoke-Build InsertMissingCBH } catch { throw } } CleanUp } 'Build' { if (-not (PrerequisitesLoaded)) { throw 'Unable to load InvokeBuild!' } # Create a gallery profile? if ($CreatePSGalleryProfile) { try { Invoke-Build NewPSGalleryProfile } catch { throw 'Unable to create the .psgallery profile file!' } } # Update your release version? if ($UpdateRelease) { if ($NewVersion -ne $null) { $NewVersion.ToString() | Out-File -FilePath .\version.txt -Force } try { Invoke-Build UpdateVersion } catch { throw } } # If no parameters were specified or the build action was manually specified then kick off a standard build if (($psboundparameters.count -eq 0) -or ($BuildModule)) { try { Invoke-Build } catch { Write-Output 'Build Failed with the following error:' Write-Output $_ } } # Install and test the module? if ($InstallAndTestModule) { try { Invoke-Build InstallAndTestModule } catch { Write-Output 'Install and test of module failed:' Write-Output $_ } } # Upload to gallery? if ($UploadPSGallery) { if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($ReleaseNotes)) { throw '$ReleaseNotes needs to be specified to run this operation!' } try { Invoke-Build PublishPSGallery -ReleaseNotes $ReleaseNotes } catch { throw 'Unable to upload projec to the PowerShell Gallery!' } } # Not implemented yet if ($GitCheckin) { # Finish me } # Not implemented yet if ($GitPush) { # Finish me } CleanUp } } |