#Requires -version 5 function Script:Update-PSGalleryProjectProfile { <# .SYNOPSIS Update a powershell Gallery module upload profile .DESCRIPTION Update a powershell Gallery module upload profile .PARAMETER Name Module short name. .PARAMETER Path Path of module project files to upload. .PARAMETER ProjectUri Module project website. .PARAMETER Tags Tags used to search for the module (separated by spaces) .PARAMETER RequiredVersion Module version .PARAMETER Repository Destination gallery (default is PSGallery) .PARAMETER ReleaseNotes Release notes. .PARAMETER LicenseUri License website. .PARAMETER IconUri Icon web path. .PARAMETER APIKey API key for the site. .PARAMETER OutputFile Input module configuration file (default is .psgallery) .EXAMPLE .NOTES Author: Zachary Loeber Site: Version History 1.0.0 - Initial release #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [parameter(Position=0, HelpMessage='Module short name.')] [string]$Name, [parameter(Position=1, HelpMessage='Path of module project files to upload.')] [string]$Path, [parameter(Position=2, HelpMessage='Module project website.')] [string]$ProjectUri, [parameter(Position=3, HelpMessage='Tags used to search for the module (separated by spaces)')] [string]$Tags, [parameter(Position=4, HelpMessage='Required powershell version (default is 2)')] [string]$RequiredVersion, [parameter(Position=5, HelpMessage='Destination gallery (default is PSGallery)')] [string]$Repository, [parameter(Position=6, HelpMessage='Release notes.')] [string]$ReleaseNotes, [parameter(Position=7, HelpMessage='License website.')] [string]$LicenseUri, [parameter(Position=9, HelpMessage='Icon web path.')] [string]$IconUri, [parameter(Position=10, HelpMessage='API key for the site.')] [string]$NuGetApiKey, [parameter(Position=11, HelpMessage='Input module configuration file (default is .psgallery)')] [string]$InputFile = '.psgallery' ) if (Test-Path $InputFile) { $PublishParams = Import-Clixml $InputFile $MyParams = $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters $MyParams.Keys | Where {$_ -ne 'InputFile'} | ForEach { Write-Verbose "Updating $($_)" if ($PublishParams.$_ -ne $null) { $PublishParams.$_ = $MyParams[$_] } } $PublishParams | Export-Clixml -Path $InputFile -Force } else { Write-Warning "InputFile was not found: $($InputFile)" } } |