
function Script:New-CommentBasedHelp {
        Create comment based help for a function.
        Create comment based help for a function.
        Multi-line or piped lines of code to process.
    .PARAMETER ScriptParameters
        Process the script parameters as the source of the comment based help.
       PS > $testfile = 'C:\temp\test.ps1'
       PS > $test = Get-Content $testfile -raw
       PS > $test | New-CommentBasedHelp | clip
       Takes C:\temp\test.ps1 as input, creates basic comment based help and puts the result in the clipboard
       to be pasted elsewhere for review.
        PS > $CBH = Get-Content 'C:\EWSModule\Get-EWSContact.ps1' -Raw | New-CommentBasedHelp -Verbose -Advanced
        PS > ($CBH | Where {$FunctionName -eq 'Get-EWSContact'}).CBH
        Consumes Get-EWSContact.ps1 and generates advanced CBH templates for all functions found within. Print out to the screen the advanced
        CBH for just the Get-EWSContact function.
       Author: Zachary Loeber
       Requires: Powershell 3.0
       Version History
       1.0.0 - Initial release
       1.0.1 - Updated for PSModuleBuild

        [parameter(Position=0, ValueFromPipeline=$true, HelpMessage='Lines of code to process.')]
        [parameter(Position=1, HelpMessage='Process the script parameters as the source of the comment based help.')]
    begin {
        $FunctionName = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name
        Write-Verbose "$($FunctionName): Begin."
        function Get-FunctionParameter {
                Return all parameters for each function found in a code block.
                Return all parameters for each function found in a code block.
            .PARAMETER Code
                Multi-line or piped lines of code to process.
            .PARAMETER Name
                Name of fuction to process. If no funciton is given first the entire script will be processed for general parameters. If none are found every function in the script will be processed.
            .PARAMETER ScriptParameters
                Parse for script parameters only.
            PS > $testfile = 'C:\temp\test.ps1'
            PS > $test = Get-Content $testfile -raw
            PS > $test | Get-FunctionParameter -ScriptParameters
            Takes C:\temp\test.ps1 as input, gathers any script's parameters and prints the output to the screen.
            Author: Zachary Loeber
            Requires: Powershell 3.0
            Version History
            1.0.0 - Initial release
            1.0.1 - Updated function name to remove plural format
                        Added Name parameter and logic for getting script parameters if no function is defined.
                        Added ScriptParameters parameter to include parameters for a script (not just ones associated with defined functions)

                [parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$true, HelpMessage='Lines of code to process.')]
                [parameter(Position=1, HelpMessage='Name of function to process.')]
                [parameter(Position=2, HelpMessage='Try to parse for script parameters as well.')]
            begin {
                $FunctionName = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name
                Write-Verbose "$($FunctionName): Begin."
                $Codeblock = @()
                $ParseError = $null
                $Tokens = $null

                # These are essentially our AST filters
                $functionpredicate = { ($args[0] -is [System.Management.Automation.Language.FunctionDefinitionAst]) }
                $parampredicate = { ($args[0] -is [System.Management.Automation.Language.ParameterAst]) }
                $typepredicate = { ($args[0] -is [System.Management.Automation.Language.TypeConstraintAst]) }
                $paramattributes = { ($args[0] -is [System.Management.Automation.Language.NamedAttributeArgumentAst]) }
                $output = @()
            process {
                $Codeblock += $Code
            end {
                $ScriptText = ($Codeblock | Out-String).trim("`r`n")
                Write-Verbose "$($FunctionName): Attempting to parse AST."

                $AST = [System.Management.Automation.Language.Parser]::ParseInput($ScriptText, [ref]$Tokens, [ref]$ParseError) 
                if($ParseError) {
                    $ParseError | Write-Error
                    throw "$($FunctionName): Will not work properly with errors in the script, please modify based on the above errors and retry."

                if (-not $ScriptParameters) {
                    $functions = $ast.FindAll($functionpredicate, $true)
                    if (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Name)) {
                        $functions = $functions | where {$_.Name -eq $Name}
                    # get the begin and end positions of every for loop
                    foreach ($function in $functions) {
                        Write-Verbose "$($FunctionName): Processing function - $($function.Name.ToString())"
                        $Parameters = $function.FindAll($parampredicate, $true)
                        foreach ($p in $Parameters) {
                            $ParamType = $p.FindAll($typepredicate, $true)
                            Write-Verbose "$($FunctionName): Processing Parameter of type [$($ParamType.typeName.FullName)] - $($p.Name.VariablePath.ToString())"
                            $OutProps = @{
                                'FunctionName' = $function.Name.ToString()
                                'ParameterName' = $p.Name.VariablePath.ToString()
                                'ParameterType' = $ParamType[0].typeName.FullName
                            # This will add in any other parameter attributes if they are specified (default attributes are thus not included and output may not be normalized)
                            $p.FindAll($paramattributes, $true) | Foreach {
                                $OutProps.($_.ArgumentName) = $_.Argument.Value
                            $Output += New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $OutProps
                else {
                    Write-Verbose "$($FunctionName): Processing Script parameters"
                    if ($ast.ParamBlock -ne $null) {
                        $scriptparams = $ast.ParamBlock
                        $Parameters = $scriptparams.FindAll($parampredicate, $true)
                        foreach ($p in $Parameters) {
                            $ParamType = $p.FindAll($typepredicate, $true)
                            Write-Verbose "$($FunctionName): Processing Parameter of type [$($ParamType.typeName.FullName)] - $($p.Name.VariablePath.ToString())"
                            $OutProps = @{
                                'FunctionName' = 'Script'
                                'ParameterName' = $p.Name.VariablePath.ToString()
                                'ParameterType' = $ParamType[0].typeName.FullName
                            # This will add in any other parameter attributes if they are specified (default attributes are thus not included and output may not be normalized)
                            $p.FindAll($paramattributes, $true) | Foreach {
                                $OutProps.($_.ArgumentName) = $_.Argument.Value
                            $Output += New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $OutProps
                    else {
                        Write-Verbose "$($FunctionName): There were no script parameters found"

                Write-Verbose "$($FunctionName): End."
        $CBH_PARAM = @'

        $Codeblock = @()
    process {
        $Codeblock += $Code
    end {
        $ScriptText = ($Codeblock | Out-String).trim("`r`n")
        Write-Verbose "$($FunctionName): Attempting to parse parameters."
        $FuncParams = @{}
        if ($ScriptParameters) {
            $FuncParams.ScriptParameters = $true
        $AllParams = Get-FunctionParameter @FuncParams -Code $Codeblock | Sort-Object -Property FunctionName
        $AllFunctions = @($AllParams.FunctionName | Select -unique)
        foreach ($f in $AllFunctions) {
            $OutCBH = @{}
            $OutCBH.'FunctionName' = $f
            [string]$OutParams = ''
            $fparams = @($AllParams | Where {$_.FunctionName -eq $f} | Sort-Object -Property Position)
            $fparams | foreach {
                $ParamHelpMessage = if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($_.HelpMessage)) {' ' + $_.ParameterName + " explanation`n`r"} else {' ' + $_.HelpMessage + "`n`r"}
                $OutParams += $CBH_PARAM -replace '%%PARAM%%',$_.ParameterName -replace '%%PARAMHELP%%',$ParamHelpMessage

            $OutCBH.'CBH' = $Script:CBHTemplate -replace '%%PARAMETER%%',$OutParams

            New-Object PSObject -Property $OutCBH

        Write-Verbose "$($FunctionName): End."