Function Get-OMEAlert { <# .SYNOPSIS Gets the events in an Alert log on the OME server. .DESCRIPTION Gets the events in an Alert log on the OME server. .PARAMETER Id Specifies the ID of the device. .PARAMETER Name Specifies the Name of the device. .PARAMETER AssetTag Specifies the Asset Tag of the device. .PARAMETER ServiceTag Specifies the Service Tag of the device. .PARAMETER All Query all alert messages for all the devices. .PARAMETER Severity Query only alert messages with the specific Severity type. .PARAMETER Before Specifies the date and time that this cmdlet get events that occur before. .PARAMETER After Specifies the date and time that this cmdlet get events that occur after. .PARAMETER Newest Specifies the maximum number of events that this cmdlet gets. This cmdlet gets the specified number of events, beginning with the newest event in the log. .PARAMETER Session Specifies the Session Id for the OME server. .EXAMPLE $session=Set-OMEConnection -Name "Session" -Server -IgnoreSSLErrors Get-OMEAlert -Session $session -All -Severity Critical -Newest 5 Id Severity Time DeviceName Message -- -------- ---- ---------- ------- -2147468663 Critical 2016-09-09T03:00:14 Device ... -2147468655 Critical 2016-09-09T11:11:00 Device ... -2147468649 Critical 2016-09-09T22:30:38 Device ... .EXAMPLE Get-OMEAlert -Session $session -Name -Before "2016-09-09T11:10:22" -After "2016-08-02T11:19:34" -Newest 1 Id Severity Time DeviceName Message -- -------- ---- ---------- ------- -2147468663 Critical 2016-09-09T03:00:14 Device ... .NOTES Author: Mike Khar .LINK https://$Server:$Port/api/OME.svc/Alerts #> [CmdletBinding( )] Param( [parameter(Mandatory=$true,ParameterSetName="Id",ValueFromPipeline=$true)] $Id, [parameter(Mandatory=$true,ParameterSetName="Name")] [String]$Name, [parameter(Mandatory=$true,ParameterSetName="AssetTag")] [String]$AssetTag, [parameter(Mandatory=$true,ParameterSetName="ServiceTag")] [String]$ServiceTag, [parameter(Mandatory=$true,ParameterSetName="All")] [Switch]$All, [OMESeverityType]$Severity, [datetime]$Before, [datetime]$After, [int]$Newest, $Session="OMEConnection.DefaultOMESession" ) Begin { $CurrentSession = Get-Variable -Scope Global -Name $Session -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -ValueOnly If (!$CurrentSession) { Write-Warning "Please use Set-OMEConnection first" Break Return } else { $BaseUri="https://"+$CurrentSession.Server+":"+$CurrentSession.Port+"/api/OME.svc" } } Process { Try { If ($Id) { if (!($Id -as [int])) { $Id=$Id.Id } } if ($Name) { $Id=$(Get-OMEDevice -Session $Session -All | where {$_.Name -eq $Name}).Id } if ($AssetTag) { $Id=$(Get-OMEDevice -Session $Session -All | where {$_.AssetTag -eq $AssetTag}).Id } if ($ServiceTag) { $Id=$(Get-OMEDevice -Session $Session -All | where {$_.ServiceTag -eq $ServiceTag}).Id } if ($Id) { $uri=$BaseUri+"/Devices/$Id/Alerts" if ($CurrentSession.Credentials) { $result = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $uri -Credential $CurrentSession.Credentials } else { $result = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $uri -UseDefaultCredentials } if ($result.StatusCode -ne 200) { Out-OMEException -Exception $_ return } else { Write-Debug "HTTP request: $uri HTTP status code: $($result.StatusCode)" [xml]$xml=$result.Content $result=$xml.DeviceAlertsResponse.DeviceAlertsResult.Alert if ($severity) { $result=$result | where {$_.Severity -eq $severity} } if ($Before) { $result=$result | where {[datetime]$_.Time -lt $Before} } if ($After) { $result=$result | where {[datetime]$_.Time -gt $After} } if ($Newest) { $result=$result | Sort-Object {$_.Time -as [datetime]} | select -Last $Newest } } return Convert-XMLtoPSObject -xml $result -ObjectType "OME.Alert" } else { $uri=$BaseUri+"/Alerts" if ($CurrentSession.Credentials) { $result = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $uri -Credential $CurrentSession.Credentials } else { $result = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $uri -UseDefaultCredentials } if ($result.StatusCode -ne 200) { Out-OMEException -Exception $_ return } else { Write-Debug "HTTP request: $uri HTTP status code: $($result.StatusCode)" [xml]$xml=$result.Content $result=$xml.GetAllAlertsResponse.GetAllAlertsResult.Alert if ($severity) { $result=$result | where {$_.Severity -eq $severity} } if ($Before) { $result=$result | where {[datetime]$_.Time -lt $Before} } if ($After) { $result=$result | where {[datetime]$_.Time -gt $After} } if ($Newest) { $result=$result | Sort-Object {$_.Time -as [datetime]} | select -Last $Newest } if ($result) { return Convert-XMLtoPSObject -xml $result -ObjectType "OME.Alert" } } } } Catch { Out-OMEException -Exception $_ } } End{} } |