
# Author : Antony Onipko
# Copyright : (c) 2016 Antony Onipko. All rights reserved.
# This work is licensed under the
# Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
# To view a copy of this license, visit

Function New-OneDriveToken {
        Creates a new OneDrive Authentication token from an API response.
        New-OneDriveToken -ResponseUrl $ApiResponse

    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='API Response')]
        # The API response URL from an authentication request.
                   ParameterSetName='API Response')]

        # The access token.
                   ParameterSetName='Token Details')]

        # Type of token requested. Either bearer or code.
                   ParameterSetName='Token Details')]

        # Number of seconds that the token is valid for.
                   ParameterSetName='Token Details')]

        # The requested authentication scope(s).
                   ParameterSetName='Token Details')]

        # The user ID of the requestor.
                   ParameterSetName='Token Details')]

    Process {

        if ($ResponseUrl) {
            $AccessToken = [regex]::Match($ResponseUrl, "access_token=(.+?)&").Groups[1].Value
            $Type        = [regex]::Match($ResponseUrl, "token_type=(.+?)&").Groups[1].Value
            $ExpiresIn   = [regex]::Match($ResponseUrl, "expires_in=(.+?)&").Groups[1].Value
            $Scope       = [regex]::Match($ResponseUrl, "scope=(.+?)&").Groups[1].Value -split " "
            $UserId      = [regex]::Match($ResponseUrl, "user_id=(.+?)(&|$)").Groups[1].Value

        $nt = [pscustomobject]@{
            AccessToken = $AccessToken
            Type        = $Type
            ExpiresIn   = $ExpiresIn
            Created     = Get-Date
            Scope       = $Scope
            UserId      = $UserId

        $nt.PsObject.TypeNames.Insert(0, "PSOD.OneDriveToken")
        Write-Output $nt


Export-ModuleMember -Function 'New-OneDriveToken' -Alias 'odnt'