
Gets an authorization code using the authorization code flow.

This function redirects the user to the authorization URL and waits for the authorization code to be provided.

The authorization endpoint URL.

The client ID of the application.

.PARAMETER RedirectUri
The redirect URI provided in the authorization request.

A space-separated list of scopes that you want the user to consent to.

.PARAMETER ResponseType
The response type of the authorization request. Currently only "code" is supported, which is the default value. Hybrid flows are not supported.

.PARAMETER ResponseMode
The response mode of the authorization request. Currently only "query" is supported, which is the default value.

(Optional) The state parameter of the authorization request.

The prompt parameter of the authorization request. The default value is "select_account". Other valid values are "none", "login", and "consent".

(Optional) The login_hint parameter of the authorization request.

.PARAMETER CodeChallenge
The code_challenge parameter of the authorization request.

.PARAMETER CodeChallengeMethod
The code_challenge_method parameter of the authorization request. Currently only "S256" is supported.


Get-AuthorizationCode -AuthUrl $authUrl -ClientId $clientId -RedirectUri $redirectUri -Scope $scope

function Get-AuthorizationCode {
    param (
        [string]$ResponseType = "code",
        [string]$ResponseMode = "query",
        [string]$Prompt = "select_account",

    $encodedClientId = ConvertTo-URL $ClientId
    $encodedRedirectUri = ConvertTo-URL $RedirectUri
    $encodedScope = ConvertTo-URL $Scope

    $authRequestUrl = "$($AuthUrl)?client_id=$encodedClientId&response_type=$ResponseType&prompt=$Prompt&redirect_uri=$encodedRedirectUri&scope=$encodedScope"
    if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($CodeChallenge) -eq $false) {
        $authRequestUrl += "&code_challenge=$CodeChallenge&code_challenge_method=$CodeChallengeMethod"

    if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($State) -eq $false) {
        $State = ConvertTo-URL $State
        $authRequestUrl += "&state=$State"

    if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($LoginHint) -eq $false) {
        $LoginHint = ConvertTo-URL $LoginHint
        $authRequestUrl += "&login_hint=$LoginHint"

    Write-Verbose "Auth Request URL:`t$authRequestUrl"
    Write-Verbose "Starting browser for user authentication..."
    Start-Process $authRequestUrl