<# .SYNOPSIS Sends a notification on Linux. .DESCRIPTION Sends a notification on Linux. Under the hood, this uses notify-send(1) .PARAMETER Body The body or main content of the notification. .PARAMETER Summary The summary or title of the notification. .PARAMETER Urgency Specifies the urgency level (low, normal, critical). .PARAMETER ExpireTime Specifies the timeout in milliseconds at which to expire the notification. .PARAMETER Icon Specifies an icon filename or stock icon to display. .PARAMETER Category Specifies the notification category. .PARAMETER SoundFile Specifies the sound file to run when notification is fired. .EXAMPLE Send-PSNotification 'Hello World' .EXAMPLE Send-PSNotification 'Hello World' -Urgency critical .EXAMPLE Send-PSNotification 'Hello World' -Category email,email.arrived .EXAMPLE Send-PSNotification 'Hello World' -Icon my-icon .NOTES Not all linux distros support ExpireTime. They will fire the notification for a constant duration regardless of what is set. Not all linux distros support passing a path in for Icon. They will show nothing if not supported. Best practice is to put the icon file in $HOME/.local/share/icons and then specify the name of the file: -Icon my-icon Not all linux distros support Category. They will show nothing if not supported. #> function Send-PSNotification { [cmdletbinding(SupportsShouldProcess=$true)] param( [Parameter(Mandatory,ValueFromPipeline,Position=0)] [object] $Body, [String] $Summary = 'PowerShell Notification', [ValidateSet('low', 'normal', 'critical')] $Urgency, [int] $ExpireTime, [string[]] $Icon = "powershell-logo", [ValidateSet("device","device.added","device.error","device.removed", "email","email.arrived","email.bounced", "im","im.error","im.received", "network","network.connected","network.disconnected","network.error", "presence","presence.offline","", "transfer","transfer.complete","transfer.error")] [string[]] $Category, [string] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] $SoundFile ) begin { $notifySendArgs = @( if ($Urgency) { "--urgency=$Urgency" } if ($ExpireTime) { "--expire-time=$ExpireTime" } if ($Category) { "--category=$($Category -join ',')" } if ($SoundFile) { "--hint=string:sound-file:$SoundFile" } if ($Icon) { if ($Icon -eq "powershell-logo") { Add-DefaultPSIcon } "--icon=$($Icon -join ',')" } $Summary # To be filled with the body later "" ) } process { $notifySendArgs[$notifySendArgs.Length - 1] = $Body If ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("notify-send $($notifySendArgs -join ' ')")) { & "notify-send" $notifySendArgs } } end {} } |