function Invoke-Teams { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][String]$Name # The telegram channel to use #,[Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][String]$Path = "" # The path in the url after the object #,[Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][PSCustomObject]$Query = [PSCustomObject]@{} # Query parameters for the url #,[Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][Switch]$Paging = $false # Automatic paging through the result, only needed for a few calls #,[Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][Int]$Pagesize = 0 # Pagesize, if not defined in settings. For reports the max is 100. ,[Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][ValidateScript({ If ($_ -is [PSCustomObject]) { [PSCustomObject]$_ # } elseif ($_ -is [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]) { # [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]$_ # } #} ElseIf ($_ -is [System.Collections.ArrayList] -or $_ -is [Array]) { # [System.Collections.ArrayList]$_ } })]$Body = [PSCustomObject]@{} # Body to upload, e.g. for POST and PUT requests, will automatically transformed into JSON ) DynamicParam { # All parameters, except Uri and body (needed as an object) $p = Get-BaseParameters "Invoke-WebRequest" [void]$p.remove("Uri") [void]$p.remove("Body") $p } Begin { #$base = "" # Check if the telegram channel exists $channel = Get-TeamsChannel -Name $Name # Decrypt webhook url $webhook = Convert-SecureToPlaintext -String $channel.definition.webhook # check type of body, if present <# If ($Body -is [PSCustomObject]) { Write-Host "PSCustomObject" } ElseIf ($Body -is [System.Collections.ArrayList]) { Write-Host "ArrayList" } else { Throw 'Body datatype not valid' } #> # check url, if it ends with a slash # If ( $base.endswith("/") -eq $true ) { # #$base = $Script:settings.base # } else { # $base = "$( $base )/" # } # Reduce input parameters to only allowed ones $updatedParameters = Skip-UnallowedBaseParameters -Base "Invoke-WebRequest" -Parameters $PSBoundParameters # Add additional headers from the settings, e.g. for api gateways or proxies $Script:store.additionalHeaders.PSObject.Properties | ForEach-Object { $updatedParameters.add($_.Name, $_.Value) } # normalize the path, remove leading and trailing slashes # If ( $Path -ne "") { # If ( $Path.StartsWith("/") -eq $true ) { # $Path = $Path.Substring(1) # } # If ( $Path.EndsWith("/") -eq $true ) { # $Path = $Path -replace ".$" # } # } } Process { #$finished = $false #$return = $null # Prepare query # $nvCollection = [System.Web.HttpUtility]::ParseQueryString([String]::Empty) # $Query.PSObject.Properties | ForEach-Object { # $nvCollection.Add( $_.Name, $_.Value ) # } # Add the contenttype $updatedParameters.ContentType = "application/json;charset=utf-8" #"application/json" # Prepare URL #Write-Verbose $Path -verbose # $uriRequest = [System.UriBuilder]::new("$( $base )bot$( $token )/$( $Path )") # $uriRequest.Query = $nvCollection.ToString() $updatedParameters.Uri = $webhook #$uriRequest.Uri.OriginalString # Prepare Body If ( $updatedParameters.ContainsKey("Body") -eq $true ) { #$bodyJson = ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $Body -Depth 99 $updatedParameters.Body = ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $Body -Depth 99 } # Execute the request try { # Output parameters in debug mode # If ( $Script:debugMode -eq $true ) { # Write-Host "REST: $( Convertto-json -InputObject $updatedParameters -Depth 99 )" # } # If ( $Script:logAPIrequests -eq $true ) { #Write-Verbose -Message "$( $updatedParameters.Method.ToString().ToUpper() ) $( $updatedParameters.Uri )" -verbose #Write-verbose -message "$( $updatedParameters.Body )" -verbose # } $wr = Invoke-WebRequest @updatedParameters -UseBasicParsing If ( $wr.StatusDescription -eq "OK" ) { $return = $wr.Content } else { throw "Error at teams request" } #$finished = $true } catch { #Write-Log -Message $_.Exception.Message -Severity ERROR throw $_ } $return } End { } } |