Function Import-PSNote{ <# .SYNOPSIS Use to import a PSNotes JSON fiile .DESCRIPTION Allows you to import shared PSNotes JSON files to your local notes. They can be imported to your personal store, or they can be imported to a seperate file. .PARAMETER NoteObject The PSNote objects you want to export. Use Get-PSNote to build the object and pass it to the parameter or use a pipeline to pass it. .PARAMETER Path The path to the PSNotes JSON file to export to. .PARAMETER Catalog Use to output snippets to a seperate file stored in the folder %APPDATA%\PSNotes. Useful for when you want to share different snippet types. .EXAMPLE Import-PSNote -Path C:\Import\MyPSNotes.json Imports the contents of the file MyPSNotes.json and saves it to your personal PSNotes.json file .EXAMPLE Import-PSNote -Path C:\Export\MyPSNotes.json -Catalog 'ADNotes' Imports the contents of the file MyPSNotes.json and saves it to the file ADNotes.json in the folder %APPDATA%\PSNotes .LINK #> [cmdletbinding(DefaultParameterSetName="Note")] param( [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$Path, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$Catalog ) # If Catalog check name and set path if($Catalog){ # confirm the Catalog string is a valid file name if($Catalog.IndexOfAny([System.IO.Path]::GetInvalidFileNameChars()) -ne -1){ throw "The catalog name '$Catalog' is an invalid file name. Invalid characater found in place $($Catalog.IndexOfAny([System.IO.Path]::GetInvalidFileNameChars()))" } # Set path the path for the catalog item $CatalogPath = Join-Path $UserPSNotesJsonPath "$Catalog.json" } else { $CatalogPath = $UserPSNotesJsonFile } [System.Collections.Generic.List[PSNote]] $ImportObjects = @() $(Get-Content $Path -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json) | Select-Object Note, Snippet, Details, Alias, Tags, @{l='file';e={$CatalogPath}}| ForEach-Object{ $ImportObjects.Add([PSNote]::New($_)) } # Append the new notes to the appropriate file Export-PSNote -NoteObject $ImportObjects -Path $CatalogPath -Append # Reinitialize the Json files to reload everything Initialize-PSNotesJsonFile } |