
Function Get-CommandSplatting {
    Use to output the parameters for a command in splatting format
    Use to output the parameters for a command in splatting format
    .PARAMETER Command
    The command to get the parameters for
    .PARAMETER ParameterSet
    Use to specify a specific parameter set. Use the -ListParameterSets to get a quick
    view of all the different Parameter Set names.
    .PARAMETER ListParameterSets
    Use to list the different Parameter Sets available for the command. Output is shortened
    to only show the names. Use -All to return splatting for all parameter sets.
    Use to return full splatting for all parameter sets
    .PARAMETER IncludeCommon
    Use to include the PowerShell common parameters in the splatting output. (e.g. Verbose, ErrorAction, etc.)
    Get-CommandSplatting -Command 'Get-Item'
    Get the default parameter set for a command
    --- Output ----
    Name : Path
    IsDefault : True
    SetBlock :
            [string[]]$Path = ''
            [string]$Filter = ''
            [string[]]$Include = ''
            [string[]]$Exclude = ''
            [Boolean]$Force = $false # Switch
            [pscredential]$Credential = ''
            [string[]]$Stream = ''
    HashBlock :
            $Item = @{
                    Path = $Path #Required
                    Filter = $Filter
                    Include = $Include
                    Exclude = $Exclude
                    Force = $Force
                    Credential = $Credential
                    Stream = $Stream
            Get-Item @Item
    Get-CommandSplatting -Command 'Get-Item' -ListParameterSets
    List the available parameter sets for a command
    --- Output ----
    ParameterSet : Path
    IsDefault : True
    Parameters : Path, Filter, Include, Exclude, Force, Credential, Stream
    ParameterSet : LiteralPath
    IsDefault : False
    Parameters : LiteralPath, Filter, Include, Exclude, Force, Credential, Stream
    Get-CommandSplatting -Command 'Get-Item' -ParameterSet LiteralPath
    Get specific parameter set for a command
    --- Output ----
    ParameterSet : LiteralPath
    IsDefault : False
    SetBlock :
            [string[]]$LiteralPath = ''
            [string]$Filter = ''
            [string[]]$Include = ''
            [string[]]$Exclude = ''
            [Boolean]$Force = $false # Switch
            [pscredential]$Credential = ''
            [string[]]$Stream = ''
    HashBlock :
            $ItemLiteralPath = @{
                    LiteralPath = $LiteralPath #Required
                    Filter = $Filter
                    Include = $Include
                    Exclude = $Exclude
                    Force = $Force
                    Credential = $Credential
                    Stream = $Stream
            Get-Item @ItemLiteralPath
    Get-CommandSplatting -Command 'Get-Item' -All
    Get all parameter sets for a command
    --- Output ----
    ParameterSet : Path
    IsDefault : True
    SetBlock :
            [string[]]$Path = ''
            [string]$Filter = ''
            [string[]]$Include = ''
            [string[]]$Exclude = ''
            [Boolean]$Force = $false # Switch
            [pscredential]$Credential = ''
            [string[]]$Stream = ''
    HashBlock :
            $ItemPath = @{
                    Path = $Path #Required
                    Filter = $Filter
                    Include = $Include
                    Exclude = $Exclude
                    Force = $Force
                    Credential = $Credential
                    Stream = $Stream
            Get-Item @ItemPath
    ParameterSet : LiteralPath
    IsDefault : False
    SetBlock :
            [string[]]$LiteralPath = ''
            [string]$Filter = ''
            [string[]]$Include = ''
            [string[]]$Exclude = ''
            [Boolean]$Force = $false # Switch
            [pscredential]$Credential = ''
            [string[]]$Stream = ''
    HashBlock :
            $ItemLiteralPath = @{
                    LiteralPath = $LiteralPath #Required
                    Filter = $Filter
                    Include = $Include
                    Exclude = $Exclude
                    Force = $Force
                    Credential = $Credential
                    Stream = $Stream
            Get-Item @ItemLiteralPath
    General notes

    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'ParameterSet')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)]    
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ParameterSet', Position = 1)]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ListParameterSets', Position = 1)]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'All', Position = 1)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 2)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 3)]

    # Get the command
    $commandData = Get-Command $command

    # Get the parameter sets
    $ParameterSets = $null
    if ($All -eq $true) {
        $ParameterSets = @($commandData.ParameterSets)
        if ($ParameterSets.Count -eq 0) {
            throw "Unable to find parameter sets"
    elseif ($ListParameterSets -eq $true) {
        $Output = $commandData.ParameterSets | Select-Object -Property @{l = 'ParameterSet'; e = { $_.Name } }, IsDefault, @{l = 'Parameters'; e = { @($_.Parameters.Name | 
                    Where-Object { $_ -notin [System.Management.Automation.Cmdlet]::CommonParameters }) -join (', ') }
        } |
        ForEach-Object { 
                ParameterSet = $_.ParameterSet
                IsDefault    = $_.IsDefault
                HashBlock    = $_.Parameters
                SetBlock     = $null
    elseif (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($ParameterSet)) {
        $ParameterSets = $commandData.ParameterSets | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $ParameterSet }
        if ($ParameterSets.Count -lt 1 -and $Output.Count -eq 0) {
            throw "Unable to find parameter set '$($ParameterSet)'"
    else {
        $ParameterSets = @($commandData.ParameterSets | Where-Object { $_.IsDefault -eq $trufe })
        if ($ParameterSets.Count -eq 0) {
            $ParameterSets = @($commandData.ParameterSets[0])
        if ($ParameterSets.Count -lt 1) {
            throw "Unable to find the default parameter set"

    $hash = $command.Split('-')[-1]

    if ($ListParameterSets -ne $true) {
        $Output = foreach ($set in $ParameterSets) {
            [System.Collections.Generic.List[PSObject]]$hashBlock = @()
            [System.Collections.Generic.List[PSObject]]$setBlock = @()
            $hashBlock.Add("`$$($hash)$($set.Name) = @{")
            $length = 0

            $Parameters = $set.Parameters
            if ($IncludeCommon -ne $true) {
                $Parameters = $set.Parameters | Where-Object { $_.Name -notin 
                    [System.Management.Automation.Cmdlet]::CommonParameters }
            $Parameters.Name | ForEach-Object { if ($_.Length -gt $length) { $length = $_.length } }

            $LastOrder = $Parameters | Sort-Object Position | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Position -Last 1
            if ($LastOrder -ge 0) {
                $SortedParameters = $Parameters | 
                Select-Object -Property *, @{l = 'Order'; e = { if ($_.Position -lt 0) { $LastOrder + 1 } else { $_.Position } } } |
                Sort-Object Order
            else {
                $SortedParameters = $Parameters | Sort-Object Position

            Foreach ($p in $SortedParameters) {
                $l = $length - $p.Name.Length
                if ($p.ParameterType.Name -eq 'SwitchParameter') {
                    $setBlock.Add("[Boolean]`$$($p.Name) = `$false # Switch")
                else {
                    $setBlock.Add("[$($p.ParameterType)]`$$($p.Name) = ''")    
                [string]$row = "`t$($p.Name)$(' ' * $l) = `$$($p.Name)"
                if ($p.IsMandatory -eq $true) {
                    $row += "$(' ' * $l) #Required"
            $hashBlock.Add("$command @$($hash)$($set.Name)")
                Command      = $Command
                ParameterSet = $set.Name
                IsDefault    = $set.IsDefault
                HashBlock    = ($hashBlock -join ("`n"))
                SetBlock     = ($setBlock -join ("`n"))

    if($Copy -eq $true){
        $Output | Select-Object -First 1 | ForEach-Object{
            "$($_.SetBlock)`n$($_.HashBlock)" | Set-Clipboard
