Function Export-PSNote{ <# .SYNOPSIS Use to export your PSNotes to copy to another machine or share with others .DESCRIPTION Allows you to export your PSNotes to a JSON file, that can then be imported to another machine or by other users. .PARAMETER NoteObject The PSNote objects you want to export. Use Get-PSNote to build the object and pass it to the parameter or use a pipeline to pass it. .PARAMETER All Export all PSNotes .PARAMETER Path The path to the PSNotes JSON file to export to. .PARAMETER Append Use to append the output file. Default is to overwrite. .EXAMPLE Export-PSNote -All -Path C:\Export\MyPSNotes.json Exportall notes to a JSON file. .EXAMPLE Get-PSNote -tag 'AD' | Export-PSNote -Path C:\Export\SharedADNotes.json Exports all notes with the tag 'AD' to the file SharedADNotes.json .LINK #> [cmdletbinding(DefaultParameterSetName="Note")] param( [parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ParameterSetName="Note")] [PSNote[]]$NoteObject, [parameter(Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName="All")] [switch]$All, [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$Path, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [switch]$Append ) begin{ [System.Collections.Generic.List[PSNoteExport]] $ExportObjects = @() Write-Verbose "$($noteObject | FT | Out-String)" } process{ # If All add all objects otherwise only add those passed if($All){ $noteObjects | ForEach-Object{ $ExportObjects.Add( [PSNoteExport]::New( $_ ) ) } } else { $noteObject | ForEach-Object{ $ExportObjects.Add( [PSNoteExport]::New( $_ ) ) } } } end{ Write-Verbose "$($ExportObjects | FT | Out-String)" # if append add append objects before exporting if($Append){ if(-not (Test-Path $path)){ Write-Verbose "File '$path' not found. Will continue with export, but will not append." } else { # import existing from JSON, but overwrite any matching Notes with the new value $(Get-Content $Path -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json) | Select-Object Note, Snippet, Details, Alias, Tags | Where-Object{ $ExportObjects.Alias -notcontains $_.Alias } | ForEach-Object{ $ExportObjects.Add([PSNoteExport]::New( $_ )) } } } $ExportObjects | ConvertTo-Json | Out-File $Path -Encoding UTF8NoBOM } } |