
Function Copy-PSNote{
        Use to display a list of notes in a selectable menu so you can choose which to copy to your clipboard
        Allows you to search for snippets by name or by tag. You can also search all
        properties by using the SearchString parameter. Search results are displayed
        in a selectable menu and you are prompted to select which one you want to
        add to your clipboard.
        The note you want to return. Accepts wildcards
        The tag of the note(s) you want to return.
    .PARAMETER SearchString
        Use to search for text in the note's name, details, snippet, alias, and tags
        Returns a menu with all notes
        Copy-PSNote -Name 'creds'
        Returns a menu with the note creds
        Copy-PSNote -Name 'cred*'
        Returns a menu with all notes that start with cred
        Copy-PSNote -tag 'AD'
        Returns a menu with all notes with the tag 'AD'
        Copy-PSNote -Name '*user*' -tag 'AD'
        Returns a menu with all notes with user in the name and the tag 'AD'
        Copy-PSNote -SearchString 'day'
        Returns a menu with all notes with the word day in the name, details, snippet text, alias, or tags

        [parameter(Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName="Note", Position = 0)]
        [string]$Note = '*',
        [parameter(Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName="Note")]
        [parameter(Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName="Search", Position = 0)]

    $NoteSelection = @(Get-PSNote @PSBoundParameters)
    $noteSnippet = Write-NoteSnippet $NoteSelection

    if(-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($noteSnippet)){
        $noteSnippet | Set-Clipboard