Function Write-NoteSnippet { <# .SYNOPSIS Used by the Copy-PSNote and Invoke-PSNote to display a menu and prompt for selection of a note .PARAMETER NoteSelection An array of PSNote objects to create a menu with #> [cmdletbinding()] param( [PSNote[]]$NoteSelection ) $i = 0 $noteMenu = $NoteSelection | ForEach-Object { $i++ $_ | Select-Object @{l = 'Nbr'; e = { $i } }, * } $promptMenu = $noteMenu | Format-Table Nbr, Note, Alias, Details, Tags -AutoSize | Out-String $Prompt = "$($promptMenu)Enter the number to run (or leave blank to cancel) and hit [Enter]" $Selection = Read-Host -Prompt $Prompt if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Selection)) { $null } elseif (-not [int]::TryParse($Selection, [ref]$null)) { Write-Error "The select must a number between 1 and $($NoteSelection.Count)" } elseif ([int]$Selection -gt $NoteSelection.Count -or [int]$Selection -lt 1) { Write-Error "The select must be between 1 and $($NoteSelection.Count)" } else { $NoteSelection[$Selection - 1].Snippet } } |