# Global Variables $script:UserPSNotesJsonPath = Join-Path $env:APPDATA '\PSNotes\' $global:UserPSNotesJsonFile = Join-Path $UserPSNotesJsonPath '\PSNotes.json' [System.Collections.Generic.List[PSNote]] $script:noteObjects = @() # Import the functions foreach($folder in @('private', 'public')){ $root = Join-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -ChildPath $folder if(Test-Path -Path $root) { Write-Verbose "processing folder $root" $files = Get-ChildItem -Path $root -Filter *.ps1 -Recurse # dot source each file $files | where-Object{ $ -NotLike '*.Tests.ps1'} | ForEach-Object{Write-Verbose $; . $_.FullName} } } # Load all commands to noteObjects Initialize-PSNotesJsonFile # load Aliases for commands $noteObjects | ForEach-Object{ Set-Alias -Name $_.Alias -Value Get-PSNoteAlias } # Check id Set-Clipboard cmdlet is found. If not if(-not (Get-Command -Name 'Set-Clipboard' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)){ # ClipboardText module is found then set an alias for the Set-Clipboard command if(Get-Module ClipboardText -ListAvailable){ if(-not (Get-Alias -Name 'Set-Clipboard' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)){ Set-Alias -Name 'Set-Clipboard' -Value 'Set-ClipboardText' } } else { $warning = "Cmdlet 'Set-Clipboard' not found. Copy functionality will not work until this is resovled. " + "`n`t You can install the ClipboardText module from PowerShell Gallery, to add this functionality. " + "`n`n`t`t Install-Module -Name ClipboardText`n" + "`n`t More Details:" Write-Warning $warning } } Function Get-NotesGridView{ Get-PSNote | Out-GridView -PassThru } Set-Alias -Name 'PSNotes' -Value Get-NotesGridView |