function ConvertTo-Neo4jNodeStatement { <# .SYNOPSIS Generate a Neo4j statement to create a node .DESCRIPTION Generate a Neo4j statement to create a node Uses the following syntax: .EXAMPLE ConvertTo-Neo4jNodeStatements -Label Server -Props @{ ComputerName = 'dc01' } .PARAMETER Label Label for the nodes to create If more than one label is provided, create node with multiple labels Warning: susceptible to query injection .PARAMETER Props Create node with these properties/values .PARAMETER Passthru Whether to return node upon creation .FUNCTIONALITY Neo4j #> [cmdletbinding()] param( [string[]]$Label, [object]$Props, [switch]$Passthru, [switch]$ParseDateInput = $PSNeo4jConfig.ParseDateInput ) $Props = ConvertTo-Neo4jDateTime $Props -ParseDateInput $ParseDateInput $LabelString = $Label -join ':' $Query = "CREATE (node:$LabelString { props } )" if($Passthru) {$Query = "$Query RETURN node"} [pscustomobject]@{ statement = $Query parameters = @{ props = $Props } } } |