function Invoke-Neo4jApi { <# .SYNOPSIS Simple wrapper to invoke Neo4j API queries .DESCRIPTION Simple wrapper to invoke Neo4j API queries .EXAMPLE Invoke-Neo4jApi -RelativeUri user/neo4j # Query the user endpoint for the neo4j user .PARAMETER RelativeUri Relative endpoint for the API, we append this to BaseUri Example to hit -BaseUri -RelativeUri user/neo4j .PARAMETER Method Specifies the method used for the web request. Defaults to Get. The acceptable values for this parameter are: - Default - Delete - Get - Head - Merge - Options - Patch - Post - Put - Trace .PARAMETER Body Specifies the body of the request. The body is the content of the request that follows the headers. The Body parameter can be used to specify a list of query parameters or specify the content of the response. When the input is a GET request, and the body is an IDictionary (typically, a hash table), the body is added to the URI as query parameters. For other request types (such as POST), the body is set as the value of the request body in the standard name=value format. .PARAMETER As Parse the Neo4j response as... Parsed: We attempt to parse the output into friendlier PowerShell objects Please open an issue if you see unexpected output with this Raw: We don't touch the response ($Response) Results: We expand the 'results' property on the response ($Response.results) Row: We expand the 'row' property on the responses results ($ We default 'Raw' See ConvertFrom-Neo4jResponse for implementation details for 'Parsed' .PARAMETER MetaProperties Merge zero or any combination of these corresponding meta properties in the results: 'id', 'type', 'deleted' We default to the value specified by Set-PSNeo4jConfiguration (Initially, 'type') .PARAMETER MergePrefix If any MetaProperties are specified, we add this prefix to avoid clobbering existing neo4j properties We default to the value specified by Set-PSNeo4jConfiguration (Initially, 'Neo4j') .PARAMETER BaseUri BaseUri to build REST endpoint Uris from We default to the value specified by Set-PSNeo4jConfiguration (Initially, '') .PARAMETER Credential PSCredential to use for auth We default to the value specified by Set-PSNeo4jConfiguration (Initially, neo4j:neo4j) .FUNCTIONALITY Neo4j #> [cmdletbinding()] param( [Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WebRequestMethod]$Method = 'Get', [string]$RelativeUri, [object]$Body, [validateset('Raw', 'Results', 'Row', 'Parsed', 'ParsedColumns')] [string]$As = 'Raw', [validateset('id', 'type', 'deleted')] [string]$MetaProperties = $PSNeo4jConfig.MetaProperties, [string]$MergePrefix = $PSNeo4jConfig.MergePrefix, [string]$BaseUri = $PSNeo4jConfig.BaseUri, [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] [System.Management.Automation.Credential()] $Credential = $PSNeo4jConfig.Credential ) $Params = @{ Headers = Get-Neo4jHeader -Credential $Credential Method = $Method Uri = Join-Parts -Parts $BaseUri, $RelativeUri -DontTrimSeparator Body = $Body ErrorAction = 'Stop' } Write-Verbose "$($Params | Format-List | Out-String)" $Response = $null $Response = Invoke-RestMethod @Params Write-Verbose "Params is $($ConvertParams | Format-List | Out-String)" $ConvertParams = . Get-ParameterValues -BoundParameters $PSBoundParameters -Invocation $MyInvocation -Properties MetaProperties, MergePrefix, As ConvertFrom-Neo4jResponse @ConvertParams -Response $Response } |