function Remove-Neo4jNodeProperty { <# .SYNOPSIS Remove properties from Neo4j nodes .DESCRIPTION Remove properties from Neo4j nodes Use the 'remove' variable in Cypher parameters like Where and Match .EXAMPLE Remove-Neo4jNodeProperty -Label Server -Property BadProp, OldProp # Remove BadProp and OldProp properties from every node labeled Server .EXAMPLE Remove-Neo4jNodeProperty -Label Server -Hash @{ osfamily = 'windows' } -Property BadProp, OldProp # Remove BadProp and OldProp properties from nodes labeled Server that have osfamily property = windows .EXAMPLE Remove-Neo4jNodeProperty -Match "MATCH (remove:Server) WHERE remove.operatingsystem =~ '.*windows.*'" -Property BadProp, OldProp # Remove BadProp and OldProp properties from nodes labeled Server that have operatingsystem property regex matching .*windows.* .PARAMETER Property Properties to remove from any matching nodes Warning: susceptible to query injection .PARAMETER Match If specified, remove properties from nodes returned from this MATCH statement. You must use variable 'remove' Example: MATCH (remove:SomeLabel) WHERE some =~ 'comparison' .PARAMETER Label Remove properties from nodes with this label Warning: susceptible to query injection .PARAMETER Hash One or more hashtables containing properties and values corresponding to nodes we will delete properties on Warning: susceptible to query injection (keys only. values are parameterized) .PARAMETER Where Filter matching nodes with this. Use 'remove' as the matched item Example: WHERE remove.something = 'blah' Warning: susceptible to query injection .PARAMETER As Parse the Neo4j response as... Parsed: We attempt to parse the output into friendlier PowerShell objects Please open an issue if you see unexpected output with this Raw: We don't touch the response ($Response) Results: We expand the 'results' property on the response ($Response.results) Row: We expand the 'row' property on the responses results ($ We default to the value specified by Set-PSNeo4jConfiguration (Initially, 'Parsed') See ConvertFrom-Neo4jResponse for implementation details .PARAMETER MetaProperties Merge zero or any combination of these corresponding meta properties in the results: 'id', 'type', 'deleted' We default to the value specified by Set-PSNeo4jConfiguration (Initially, 'type') .PARAMETER MergePrefix If any MetaProperties are specified, we add this prefix to avoid clobbering existing neo4j properties We default to the value specified by Set-PSNeo4jConfiguration (Initially, 'Neo4j') .PARAMETER BaseUri BaseUri to build REST endpoint Uris from We default to the value specified by Set-PSNeo4jConfiguration (Initially, '') .PARAMETER Credential PSCredential to use for auth We default to the value specified by Set-PSNeo4jConfiguration (Initially, not specified) .FUNCTIONALITY Neo4j #> [cmdletbinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'LabelHash')] param( [parameter( ParameterSetName = 'Match', Position = 1, Mandatory = $True)] [string]$Match, [parameter(ParameterSetName = 'LabelHash', Position = 1, Mandatory = $True)] [string]$Label, [parameter( ParameterSetName = 'LabelHash', ValueFromPipeline=$True)] [hashtable[]]$Hash, [parameter( Mandatory = $True )] [string[]]$Property, [string]$Where, [validateset('Raw', 'Results', 'Row', 'Parsed', 'ParsedColumns')] [string]$As = $PSNeo4jConfig.As, [validateset('id', 'type', 'deleted')] [string]$MetaProperties = $PSNeo4jConfig.MetaProperties, [string]$MergePrefix = $PSNeo4jConfig.MergePrefix, [string]$BaseUri = $PSNeo4jConfig.BaseUri, [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] [System.Management.Automation.Credential()] $Credential = $PSNeo4jConfig.Credential ) begin { $Queries = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@() $Count = 0 $Var = 'remove' $InvokeParams = @{} $SQLParams = @{} function Get-RemoveString { param([string[]]$Property, $Var) [string[]]$ToDeleteArray = foreach($Prop in $Property) { "$Var.$Prop" } $ToDeleteString = $ToDeleteArray -join ', ' if($ToDeleteString) { "REMOVE $ToDeleteString" } } } process { if($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -like 'LabelHash') { foreach($PropHash in $Hash) { $PropString = $null if($Hash.keys.count -gt 0) { $Props = foreach($Prop in $PropHash.keys) { "$Prop`: `$$Var$Count$Prop" $SQLParams.Add("$Var$Count$Prop", $PropHash[$Prop]) } $PropString = $Props -join ', ' $PropString = "{$PropString}" } $Query = "MATCH ($Var`:$Label $PropString)" if($Where){ $Query = "$Query`n$Where`n" } $Count++ $Remove = Get-RemoveString -Var $Var -Property $Property [void]$Queries.Add("$Query $Remove") } if($Label -and -not $Hash) { $Queries.Add("MATCH ($Var`:$Label) $(Get-RemoveString -Var $Var -Property $Property)") } } else { $Query = $Match if($Where){ $Query = "$Query`n$Where`n" } $Queries.Add("$Query $(Get-RemoveString -Var $Var -Property $Property)") } } end { if($Queries.count -eq 0) { return } if($SQLParams.Keys.count -gt 0) { $InvokeParams.add('Parameters', $SQLParams) } $InvokeParams.add('Query', $Queries) $Params = . Get-ParameterValues -BoundParameters $PSBoundParameters -Invocation $MyInvocation -Properties MetaProperties, MergePrefix, Credential, BaseUri, As Write-Verbose "$($Params | Format-List | Out-String)" Invoke-Neo4jQuery @Params @InvokeParams } } |