
function ConvertFrom-Neo4jResponse {
       Parse the response from Neo4j

       Parse the response from Neo4j

       Generally only useful and used in PSNeo4j commands


        $Response = Invoke-RestMethod @SomeNeo4jParams
        ConvertFrom-Neo4jResponse -Response $Response

    .PARAMETER Response
        Output from Invoke-RestMethod

        Parse the Neo4j response as...
            Parsed: We attempt to parse the output into friendlier PowerShell objects
                     Please open an issue if you see unexpected output with this
            Raw: We don't touch the response ($Response)
            Results: We expand the 'results' property on the response ($Response.results)
            Row: We expand the 'row' property on the responses results ($

        -As Parsed does a few things:
          * Merges specified 'Meta' information about each item returned
          * Merges 'column' name for each item returned

        We default to the value specified by Set-PSNeo4jConfiguration (Initially, 'Parsed')

        See ConvertFrom-Neo4jResponse for implementation details

    .PARAMETER MetaProperties
        Merge zero or any combination of these corresponding meta properties in the results: 'id', 'type', 'deleted'

        We default to the value specified by Set-PSNeo4jConfiguration (Initially, 'type')

    .PARAMETER MergePrefix
        If any MetaProperties are specified, we add this prefix to avoid clobbering existing neo4j properties

        We default to the value specified by Set-PSNeo4jConfiguration (Initially, 'Neo4j')


        [validateset('Raw', 'Results', 'Row', 'Parsed')]
        [string]$As = $PSNeo4jConfig.As,
        [validateset('id', 'type', 'deleted')]
        [string]$MetaProperties = $PSNeo4jConfig.MetaProperties,
        [string]$MergePrefix = $PSNeo4jConfig.MergePrefix
    if($As -eq 'Raw') {
        return $Response
    if($Response.Errors.count -gt 0) {
        foreach($err in $Response.Errors) {
            Write-Error -ErrorId $err.code -Message $err.message
    if($ -contains 'results') {

    If($As -eq 'Results') {
        return $Response.results
    If($As -eq 'Row') {
        return $
    If($As -eq 'Parsed') {
        # The following merges columns+rows, and rows+meta

        # Is results always an array of 1?
        $Columns = $Response.results.columns
        $Data = @($
        for ($DataIndex = 0; $DataIndex -lt $Data.count; $DataIndex++)
            for ($ColumnIndex = 0; $ColumnIndex -lt $Columns.Count; $ColumnIndex++)
                $Column = $Columns[$ColumnIndex]
                $Datum = $null

                # Neo4j likes to return columns with no data - wat?
                if(-not $Data) {
                    $Meta = $null
                else {
                    if($null -ne $Data[$DataIndex].row[$ColumnIndex]) {
                        $Datum = $Data[$DataIndex].row[$ColumnIndex].psobject.Copy()
                    $Meta = $Data[$DataIndex].meta[$ColumnIndex]
                # Consider just looping properties...
                # Is row always an array of 1?
                foreach($prop in $MetaProperties) {
                    if($null -ne $Meta -and $Meta[0] -contains $prop) {
                        Add-Member -InputObject $Datum -Name "$MergePrefix$Prop" -Value $Meta.$Prop -MemberType NoteProperty -Force
                if($null -ne $Meta) {
                    Add-Member -InputObject $Datum -Name "$MergePrefix`Column" -Value $Column -MemberType NoteProperty -Force
                    if($Datum -is [Object[]] -and $Datum.count -eq 1) {$Datum = $Datum[0]}
                    $Datum = [pscustomobject]@{
                        "$MergePrefix`Column" = $Column
                        "$MergePrefix`Data" = $Datum