#Requires -Version 5.1 enum MustacheTagType { Root Text Comment Interpolation Delimiter Partial SectionStart SectionEnd InvertedStart } class MustacheTag { [MustacheTag]$Parent = $null [MustacheTagType]$Type = [MustacheTagType]::Root [string]$Content = '' [array]$Childs = @() [bool]$Unescape = $false } class PSMustache { static [string]$DelimiterLeftDefault = '{{' static [string]$DelimiterRightDefault = '}}' static [string]$DelimiterLeftUnescapeDefault = '{' static [string]$DelimiterRightUnescapeDefault = '}' static [string]$regexTag = "\s*(?<Operator>[!>=#&^/])?\s*(?<TagContent>.+)" <# \s* # Whitespaces before Operator (?<Operator>[!>=#&^/])? # Operator of Tag, if any \s* # Whitespaces after Operator (?<TagContent>.+) # Tag-Content, normally Tag-Name (except comment-Tags) #> static [string] RenderTemplate([MustacheTag] $leaf, $valueStack, $partials) { $retValue = '' switch ($Leaf.Type) { Text { $retValue = $Leaf.Content break } Interpolation { $retValue = [PSMustache]::GetValue($Leaf.Content, $ValueStack) if (-not $Leaf.Unescape) { $retValue = [System.Net.WebUtility]::HtmlEncode($retValue) } break } SectionStart { $sectionValue = [PSMustache]::GetValue($Leaf.Content, $ValueStack) if ($sectionValue -is [string]) { # When string, check if the string is not empty, otherwise it is equal to false if (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($sectionValue)) { $sectionValue = @($sectionValue) } else { $sectionValue = @() } } elseif ($sectionValue -is [bool]) { # When bool, check if it is true if ($sectionValue) { $sectionValue = @($sectionValue) } else { $sectionValue = @() } } # Ensure it is an array, if not already if (-not ($sectionValue -is [array])) { if ($null -ne $sectionValue) { $sectionValue = @($sectionValue) } else { $sectionValue = @() } } # Loop through each array variable foreach ($curVar in $sectionValue) { # Attach each Child of the section template to the result set for each variable in the stack foreach ($curChild in $Leaf.Childs) { if ($curVar -is [array]) { # Nested Arrays need to join as such $retValue += [PSMustache]::RenderTemplate($curChild, @($curVar, $ValueStack), $partials) } else { $retValue += [PSMustache]::RenderTemplate($curChild, @($curVar) + $ValueStack, $partials) } } } } InvertedStart { $sectionValue = [PSMustache]::GetValue($Leaf.Content, $ValueStack) if ($sectionValue -is [string]) { # When string, check if the string is not empty, otherwise it is equal to false $outputInverted = [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($sectionValue) } elseif ($sectionValue -is [bool]) { # When bool, check if it is true $outputInverted = -not $sectionValue } elseif ($sectionValue -is [array]) { $outputInverted = $sectionValue.Length -eq 0 } else { $outputInverted = $null -eq $sectionValue } if ($outputInverted) { foreach ($curChild in $Leaf.Childs) { if ($sectionValue -is [array]) { # Nested Arrays need to join as such $retValue += [PSMustache]::RenderTemplate($curChild, @($sectionValue, $ValueStack), $partials) } else { $retValue += [PSMustache]::RenderTemplate($curChild, @($sectionValue) + $ValueStack, $partials) } } } } Partial { $partial = $partials.($Leaf.Content.Trim()) if (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($partial)) { if ($leaf.Childs.Length -gt 0) { # Append intentation to every newline except the last one when ending with a newline $partial = $partial -replace "(\n)(?!$)","`n$($leaf.Childs[0].Content)" } $tags = [PSMustache]::ParseTemplate($partial) # Check if intendation Text Tag is appended if ($leaf.Childs.Length -gt 0) { # Prepend Intentation bevore the first element to preserve it $tags.Childs = @($leaf.Childs[0]) + $tags.Childs } $retValue += [PSMustache]::RenderTemplate($tags, $ValueStack, $partials) } } Root { foreach ($curChild in $Leaf.Childs) { $retValue += [PSMustache]::RenderTemplate($curChild, $ValueStack, $partials) } } Default {} } return $retValue } static [object] GetValue([string] $valueName, [array]$valueStack) { $valueName = $valueName.Trim() # Remove Whitespaces from variable name if ($valueName -eq '.') { # Return directly if dotted names if ($valueStack.Count -gt 1) { return $valueStack[0] } return $valueStack } # Loop through valueStack to find the value foreach ($curValue in $valueStack) { $curValueNamePart = $valueName.Split('.') # Lookup if first part of the name in in the current Stack position # If it matches, return the value down the dots, otherwise go stack up if ( (($curValue -is [hashtable]) -and ($curValueNamePart[0] -in $curValue.Keys)) -or (($curValue | Get-Member -MemberType NoteProperty | Where-Object Name -eq $curValueNamePart[0]).count -eq 1)) { $curValueNamePart | ForEach-Object { $curValue = $curValue.$_ } return $curValue } } return $null } static [MustacheTag] ParseTemplate([string]$template) { # Evaluate newLine if ($Template -match "(?<newLine>\r?\n)") { $templateNewLine = $Matches['newLine'] } else { $templateNewLine = $null } # Go with defaults return [PSMustache]::ParseTemplate($template, [PSMustache]::DelimiterLeftDefault, [PSMustache]::DelimiterRightDefault, [PSMustache]::DelimiterLeftUnescapeDefault, [PSMustache]::DelimiterRightUnescapeDefault, $templateNewLine) } static [MustacheTag] ParseTemplate([string]$template, [string]$delimiterLeft, [string]$delimiterRight, [string]$delimiterLeftUnescape, [string]$delimiterRightUnescape, [string]$templateNewLine) { $parseTree = [MustacheTag]@{ Type = [MustacheTagType]::Root } $curParent = $parseTree $lastPosition = 0 $openTagPosition = -1 $closeTagPosition = 0 while (($openTagPosition = $Template.IndexOf($delimiterLeft, $lastPosition)) -ge 0) { # Open Delimiter found, check if Unescape is used $isUnescapeByTriple = $openTagPosition -eq $Template.IndexOf($delimiterLeft + $delimiterLeftUnescape, $openTagPosition, ($delimiterLeft + $delimiterLeftUnescape).Length) if ($isUnescapeByTriple) { # Find Close Delimiter incl. Unescape-Delimiter $closeTagPosition = $Template.IndexOf($delimiterRight + $delimiterRightUnescape, $openTagPosition + $delimiterLeft.Length ) # Find Close Del, pos after Open Del # Get Content excl. Unescape-Delimiter $tagContent = $Template.Substring($openTagPosition + $delimiterLeft.Length + $delimiterLeftUnescape.Length, $closeTagPosition - $openTagPosition - $delimiterLeft.Length - $delimiterLeftUnescape.Length) } else { # Find Close Delimiter $closeTagPosition = $Template.IndexOf($delimiterRight, $openTagPosition + $delimiterLeft.Length) # Find Close Del, pos after Open Del $tagContent = $Template.Substring($openTagPosition + $delimiterLeft.Length, $closeTagPosition - $openTagPosition - $delimiterLeft.Length) } $tagContent -match [PSMustache]::regexTag | Out-Null $tagContentMatch = $Matches if (($null -eq $tagContentMatch['Operator']) -or ($tagContentMatch['Operator'] -eq '&')) { ## Interpolation # Text-Content before Tag, if any if ($openTagPosition - $lastPosition -gt 0) { $curParent.Childs += [MustacheTag]@{ Parent = $curParent Type = [MustacheTagType]::Text Content = $Template.Substring($lastPosition, $openTagPosition - $lastPosition) } } $curParent.Childs += [MustacheTag]@{ Parent = $curParent Type = [MustacheTagType]::Interpolation Content = $tagContentMatch['TagContent'] Unescape = ($isUnescapeByTriple -or ($tagContentMatch['Operator'] -eq '&')) } # Set Position after closing Tag $lastPosition = $closeTagPosition + $delimiterRight.Length if ($isUnescapeByTriple) { $lastPosition += $delimiterRightUnEscape.Length } } else { # On other Tags than Interpolation the complete Line should be removed if standalone in a line # Evaluate Position of previous and next Linebreak from perspective of captured Tag if (-not ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($templateNewLine))) { ## Variable previous LineBreak # Pos. of previous Linebreak $posPreviousLineBreak = $Template.LastIndexOf($templateNewLine, $openTagPosition) # Pos of content beginning in current line $posPreviousContentInLineBegin = -1 # Content in line before Opening Tag $previousContentInLine = '' ## Variables next linebreak # Pos. of next LineBreak $posNextLineBreak = $Template.IndexOf($templateNewLine, $closeTagPosition) # Pos of content beginning after linebreak $posNextLineBreakContentBegin = -1 # Content in line after Closing Tag $nextContentInLine = '' if ($posPreviousLineBreak -eq -1) { # Begin of String, no previous newline $posPreviousContentInLineBegin = 0 } else { # Content begin after the previous $posPreviousContentInLineBegin = $posPreviousLineBreak + $templateNewLine.Length } $previousContentInLine = $Template.Substring($posPreviousContentInLineBegin, $openTagPosition - $posPreviousContentInLineBegin) # Pos. of next Linebreak if ($posNextLineBreak -eq -1) { # No upcoming linebreak $nextContentInLine = $Template.Substring($closeTagPosition + $delimiterRight.Length) } else { $posNextLineBreakContentBegin = $posNextLineBreak + $templateNewLine.Length # Content begin after linebreak $nextContentInLine = $Template.Substring($closeTagPosition + $delimiterRight.Length, ($posNextLineBreak - ($closeTagPosition + $delimiterRight.Length))) # Get Content till linebreak, but not including } # Join previous and trailing content in line to check if it constists only out of whitespaces $isWhiteSpaceLine = ($previousContentInLine + $nextContentInLine) -match "^\s*$" if ($isWhiteSpaceLine) { $curParent.Childs += [MustacheTag]@{ Parent = $curParent Type = [MustacheTagType]::Text Content = $Template.Substring($lastPosition, $posPreviousContentInLineBegin - $lastPosition) } if ($posNextLineBreakContentBegin -eq -1) { # Last line is a whitespace line, set lastPos to end of Template $lastPosition = $Template.Length } else { # Set LastPos to begin of Content after LineBreak $lastPosition = $posNextLineBreakContentBegin } } } else { $isWhiteSpaceLine = $false # No Whitespace line, since single line $previousContentInLine = '' # Used for partial tag } # If whitespace-Line, add the Text of the previous line until the previous LineBreak and set position after newline of current line if (-not $isWhiteSpaceLine) { # No whitespace-Line, add content until opening tag and set lastpos after closing Tag if ($openTagPosition - $lastPosition -gt 0) { $curParent.Childs += [MustacheTag]@{ Parent = $curParent Type = [MustacheTagType]::Text Content = $Template.Substring($lastPosition, $openTagPosition - $lastPosition) } } # Set Position after closing Tag $lastPosition = $closeTagPosition + $delimiterRight.Length } # Add Tag itself switch ($tagContentMatch['Operator']) { '!' { # Comment $curParent.Childs += [MustacheTag]@{ Parent = $curParent Type = [MustacheTagType]::Comment Content = $tagContent } break } '#' { # Section start $curParent.Childs += [MustacheTag]@{ Parent = $curParent Type = [MustacheTagType]::SectionStart Content = $tagContentMatch['TagContent'] } # Set new Parent $curParent = $curParent.Childs[$curParent.Childs.Length - 1] break } '^' { # Inverted start $curParent.Childs += [MustacheTag]@{ Parent = $curParent Type = [MustacheTagType]::InvertedStart Content = $tagContentMatch['TagContent'] } # Set new Parent $curParent = $curParent.Childs[$curParent.Childs.Length - 1] break } '/' { # Section or inverted end $curParent.Childs += [MustacheTag]@{ Parent = $curParent Type = [MustacheTagType]::SectionEnd Content = $tagContentMatch['TagContent'] } # Revert Parent $curParent = $curParent.Parent break } '>' { # Partials $newPartial = [MustacheTag]@{ Parent = $curParent Type = [MustacheTagType]::Partial Content = $tagContentMatch['TagContent'] } if ($isWhiteSpaceLine -and $previousContentInLine -match "(\s+)") { # Check if we have intended before the partial tag $newPartial.Childs += [MustacheTag]@{ Parent = $newPartial Type = [MustacheTagType]::Text Content = $previousContentInLine } } $curParent.Childs += $newPartial break } '=' { # Delimiters if ($tagContentMatch['TagContent'] -match "^(?<delLeft>\S+)\s+(?<delRight>\S+)\s*=$") { $delimiterLeft = $Matches['delLeft'] $delimiterRight = $Matches['delRight'] $curParent.Childs += [MustacheTag]@{ Parent = $curParent Type = [MustacheTagType]::Delimiter Content = $tagContentMatch['TagContent'] } } } } } } # Add trailing text if ($lastPosition -lt $template.Length) { $curParent.Childs += [MustacheTag]@{ Parent = $curParent Type = [MustacheTagType]::Text Content = $Template.Substring($lastPosition) } } return $parseTree } } <# .SYNOPSIS Parses a Mustache-Template, renders it with the given values and returns the result .DESCRIPTION PSMustache supports all mustache Tags excepts lambas. Please refer to the official mustache documentation for more examples and details regarding the syntax. Tag Reference in short: - Interpolations: {{firstname}} is replaced by a value with name 'firstname' - Sections: {{#persons}}Hi {{firstname}}! {{/persons}} is looped vor every member of the array 'persons' - Inverteds: {{^persons}}No persons here.{{/persons}} is only rendered when a value with the name 'persons' does not exists or is empty - Comments: {{! This is a comment }} will be removed - Partials: {{> mypartial }} is replaced with the content of a partial with the name 'mypartial' - Delimiters: {{=<% %>=}} set new delimiters which are used beyond that tag. Details of the processing: - Whitespaces in the tags are mostly ignored so {{ # persons }} and {{#persons}} are equal. - All Tags except interpolation are completely removed when placed in a standalone line with only whitespaces. - When partials are intended, the intentation is applied to each linebreak in the partial to preserve the intentation. - {{.}} Can be used as a shortcut for the current element in a section - All content is HTML-Encoded, when not excluded by triple Delimiter {{{rawContent}}} or the ampersand {{& rawContent}} - If the delimiters are changed to a two length variant with identical chars, the Unescape-Delimiter will also be changed e.g. {{=[[ ]]=}} changes the delimiters to [[content]] and [[[rawContent]]] for unescaped Content .PARAMETER Template A Mustache Template as string .PARAMETER Values All values which shall be used while rendering the template. Values should be defined as hashtables and can include nested elements e.g. @{ 'Name' = 'Joe', 'Repos' = @('Repo1', 'Repo2', 'Repo3') } .PARAMETER Partials Partials should be defined as hashtable, e.g. @{'myPartial' = 'Hi {{name}}'} .EXAMPLE PS> # Very Basic Interpolation: PS> ConvertFrom-MustacheTemplate -Template 'Hi {{Name}}!' -Values @{Name='Joe'} Hi Joe! .EXAMPLE PS> # Define Sections Template: PS> $template = @' >> My Repos: >> {{#repos}} >> * {{.}} >> {{/repos}} >> '@ PS> # Define Values: PS> $values = @{Repos = @('PSMustache', 'AnotherRepo', 'Third Repo')} PS> # Invoke with values PS> ConvertFrom-MustacheTemplate -Template $template -Values $values My Repos: * PSMustache * AnotherRepo * Third Repo PS> # Invoke without values PS> ConvertFrom-MustacheTemplate -Template $template My Repos: .EXAMPLE PS> # Define Sections with second inverted Section. PS> # The inverted section is only evaluated when repos is empty or not found PS> $template = @' >> My Repos: >> {{#repos}} >> * {{.}} >> {{/repos}} >> {{^repos}} >> - No Repos. :-( >> {{/repos}} >> '@ # Invoke without values PS> ConvertFrom-MustacheTemplate -Template $template - My Repos: - No Repos. :-( #> function ConvertFrom-MustacheTemplate { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([string])] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [string] $Template, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] $Values, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [array] $Partials ) process { $parseTree = [PSMustache]::ParseTemplate($Template) return [PSMustache]::RenderTemplate($parseTree, $Values, $Partials) } } |