
A module that provides a single entry point to output a log to multiple sources.
C:\PS> Import-Module PSMultiLog
C:\PS> Start-FileLog -FilePath c:\ps\info.log
C:\PS> Write-Log -EntryType Information -Message "Test Log Entry"

# Load strings file
$CurrentPath = Split-Path -Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition -Parent
Import-LocalizedData -BindingVariable r -FileName Strings.psd1 -BaseDirectory (Join-Path -Path $CurrentPath -ChildPath "Localized")
$Script:r = $r

# Array to hold log entries that will be e-mailed when using e-mail logging.
$Script:LogEntries = @()

# Settings for each of the log types.
$Script:Settings = @{
    File = New-Object -TypeName psobject -Property @{
        Enabled = $false
        LogLevel = 0
        FilePath = $null

    Email = New-Object -TypeName psobject -Property @{
        Enabled = $false

    EventLog = New-Object -TypeName psobject -Property @{
        Enabled = $false
        LogLevel = 0
        LogName = $null
        Source = $null

    Host = New-Object -TypeName psobject -Property @{
        Enabled = $false
        LogLevel = 0

    PassThru = New-Object -TypeName psobject -Property @{
        Enabled = $false
        LogLevel = 0

# Public Cmdlets

# File Logging
Function Start-FileLog {
    Begins to log output to file.
    Begins to log output to file. Only entries with a severity at or above the
    specified level will be written.
    .PARAMETER FilePath
    Specifies the path and name of the log file that will be written.
    .PARAMETER LogLevel
    Specifies the minimum log entry severity to include in the file log. The
    default value is "Error".
    .PARAMETER Append
    Specifies that the file at <FilePath> should not be deleted if it already
    exists. New entries will be appended to the end of the file.
    C:\PS> Start-FileLog -FilePath c:\ps\data.log
    This command shows the minimum requirements for enabling file logging. It
    will replace any existing log file of the same name and will only log
    entries of type "Error".
    C:\PS> Start-FileLog -FilePath c:\ps\data.log -Append
    This command will leave an existing log file in place if it exists and
    append new log entries of type "Error" to the end of the file.
    C:\PS> Start-FileLog -FilePath c:\ps\data.log -LogLevel Warning -Append
    This command will leave an existing log file in place if it exists and
    append new log entries of type "Warning" or type "Error" to the end of the

    Param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [ValidateSet("Information", "Warning", "Error")]
        [string]$LogLevel = "Error",


    Process {
        $Script:Settings["File"].Enabled = $false

        # First attempt to remove existing file if necessary
        if (!$Append -and (Test-Path -LiteralPath $FilePath)) {
            try {
                Remove-Item -LiteralPath $FilePath -Force -ErrorAction Stop
            } catch {
                Write-Error -Exception $_.Exception -Message $Script:r.FileLogUnableToRemoveExistingFile

        # Create file if necessary
        if (!(Test-Path -LiteralPath $FilePath)) {
            try {
                New-Item -Path $FilePath -ItemType File -Force -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null
            } catch {
                Write-Error -Exception $_.Exception -Message $Script:r.FileLogUnableToCreateFile

        $Script:Settings["File"].Enabled = $true
        $Script:Settings["File"].LogLevel = Get-LogLevel -EntryType $LogLevel
        $Script:Settings["File"].FilePath = $FilePath

Function Stop-FileLog {
    Stops writing log output to file.
    Stops writing log output to file. Any log data that has already been written
    will remain.
    C:\PS> Stop-FileLog
    This command turns off file logging.

    [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true)]
    Param ()

    Process {
        if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Script:r.CurrentSession)) {
            $Script:Settings["File"].Enabled = $false
            $Script:Settings["File"].FilePath = $null

# E-mail Logging
Function Start-EmailLog {
    Starts recording log events so that they can be e-mailed.
    Starts recording log events so that they can be e-mailed. A separate Cmdlet
    (Send-EmailLog) must be issued to actually send an e-mail.
    .PARAMETER ClearEntryCache
    Specifies whether any existing recorded log entries from the cache of
    entries to be e-mailed should be removed.
    C:\PS> Start-EmailLog
    This command begins the recording of log events so that they can be
    e-mailed. If any entries were already in the cache, they will remain there.
    C:\PS> Start-EmailLog -ClearEntryCache
    This command begins the recording of log events so that they can be e-mailed
    and clears the cache of recorded entries.

    Param (

    Process {
        $Script:Settings["Email"].Enabled = $true

        if ($ClearEntryCache) {
            $Script:LogEntries = @()

Function Stop-EmailLog {
    Stops the recording of log events to the e-mail cache.
    Stops the recording of log events to the e-mail cache. By default, the cache
    is also cleared.
    .PARAMETER RetainEntryCache
    Specifies whether any log entries that have already been recorded should be
    kept or discarded.
    C:\PS> Stop-EmailLog
    This command stops the recording of log entries and clears the e-mail cache.
    C:\PS> Stop-EmailLog -RetainEntryCache
    This command stops the recording of log entries but retains any that were
    already recorded.

    [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true)]
    Param (

    Process {
        if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Script:r.CurrentSession)) {
            $Script:Settings["Email"].Enabled = $false

            if (!$RetainEntryCache) {
                $Script:LogEntries = @()

Function Send-EmailLog {
    Sends an e-mail containing one or more of the log messages collected since
    e-mail logging was enabled.
    Sends an e-mail containing one or more of the log messages collected since
    e-mail logging was enabled in the current session. Parameters can be used to
    control the severity of log message required to trigger sending an e-mail
    and also what levels are sent when an e-mail is triggered.
    .PARAMETER SmtpServer
    Specifies the SMTP server to use to send e-mail.
    Specifies one or more recipients for the e-mail.
    Specifies a from address to use when sending the e-mail. Note that some SMTP
    servers require this to be a valid mailbox.
    .PARAMETER Subject
    Specifies the subject of the e-mail message.
    .PARAMETER Message
    Specifies additional text to include in the e-mail message before the log
    .PARAMETER TriggerLogLevel
    Specifies the condition for sending an e-mail. A log entry at or above the
    specified level must have been recorded for an e-mail to be sent.
    .PARAMETER SendLogLevel
    Specifies what log events to include when sending an e-mail. This can be
    different than the TriggerLogLevel.
    .PARAMETER RetainEntryCache
    Specifies whether or not to keep the log entries that have been recorded.
    The default behavior is to clear them.
    .PARAMETER SendOnEmpty
    Specifies whether or not to send an e-mail if there are no log events that
    match the SendLogLevel parameter.
    C:\PS> Send-EmailLog -SmtpServer -To -From
    This command shows the minimum requirements for e-mailing a log. A default
    subject will be used and no extra message will be added. Because the
    TriggerLogLevel parameter was not provided, the module will try to send an
    e-mail no matter what, using the default SendLogLevel of Error.
    C:\PS> Send-EmailLog -SmtpServer -To -From -TriggerLogLevel Error -SendLogLevel Information
    This command will cause the module only to send an e-mail if any errors were
    encountered, but when sending an e-mail it will send the full log.

    Param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

            Mandatory = $true,
            ValueFromPipeline = $true,
            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [string]$Subject = "",

        [string]$Message = "",

        [ValidateSet("Information", "Warning", "Error")]
        [string]$TriggerLogLevel = "Error",

        [ValidateSet("Information", "Warning", "Error")]
        [string]$SendLogLevel = "Error",

        [switch]$RetainEntryCache = $false,

        [switch]$SendOnEmpty = $false,

        [ValidateSet("Information", "Warning", "Error")]
        [string]$LogLevel = "Error"

    Begin {
        if ($LogLevel) {
            # Deprecated functionality.
            Write-Warning -Message ([string]::Format($Script:r.Parameter_F0_Deprecated_F1, "LogLevel", "TriggerLogLevel and SendLogLevel"))
            $TriggerLogLevel = $LogLevel
            $SendLogLevel = $LogLevel

        # Start by checking if anything was logged that fits our trigger level.
        $TriggerLogLevelNumber = Get-LogLevel -EntryType $TriggerLogLevel
        if ((!$PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("TriggerLogLevel") -and !$PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("LogLevel")) -or $Script:LogEntries | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.LogLevel -le $TriggerLogLevelNumber }) {
            if (!$Subject) {
                $Subject = $Script:r.EmailLogSubject
            $EmailBody = "<style>.log-entries {font-family: `"Lucida Console`", Monaco, monospace;font-size: 10pt;}</style><body>"

            if ($Message) {
                $EmailBody += "<p>$Message</p>"

            $SendLogLevelNumber = Get-LogLevel -EntryType $SendLogLevel
            $Entries = $Script:LogEntries | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.LogLevel -le $SendLogLevelNumber }
            $Empty = $false
            if ($Entries) {
                $EmailBody += "<div class=`"log-entries`">"

                $EmailBody += $Entries | ConvertTo-HtmlUnorderedList -FormatScript {
                    $Line = "[$($_.Timestamp.ToString("u"))] - "

                    switch ($_.EntryType) {
                        "Information" {
                            $Line += "<span style=`"color: Teal`">$($Script:r.Info)</span>"

                        "Warning" {
                            $Line += "<span style=`"color: GoldenRod`">$($Script:r.Warn)</span>"

                        "Error" {
                            $Line += "<span style=`"color: Red`">$($Script:r.Errr)</span>"

                    $Line += ": $($_.Message)"

                    if ($_.Exception) {
                        $Line += "<ul><li>$($Script:r.Message): $($_.Exception.Message)</li><li>$($Script:r.Source): $($_.Exception.Source)</li><li>$($Script:r.StackTrace):"

                        if ($_.Exception.StackTrace -and $_.Exception.StackTrace.Count -gt 0) {
                            $Line += "<ul>"
                            foreach ($Stack in $_.Exception.StackTrace) {
                                $Line += "<li>$Stack</li>"
                            $Line += "</ul>"

                        $Line += "</li><li>$($Script:r.TargetSite): $($_.Exception.TargetSite)</li></ul>"


                $EmailBody += "</div>"
            } else {
                $Empty = $true
                $EmailBody += "<p>$($Script:r.NoEntriesToReport)</p>"

            $EmailBody += "</body>"
        } else {
            # No events occurred that would trigger us to send an e-mail.

    Process {
        if (!$Empty -or $SendOnEmpty) {
            Send-MailMessage -From $From -To $To -Subject $Subject -Body $EmailBody -SmtpServer $SmtpServer -BodyAsHtml

    End {
        if (!$RetainEntryCache) {
            $Script:LogEntries = @()

# Event Log Logging
Function Start-EventLogLog {
    Starts recording log events to the Windows Event Log.
    Starts recording log events to the Windows Event Log. Which log is written
    to and what source is used are configurable.
    .PARAMETER Source
    Specifies the Event Log source to record events under. If the source does
    not exist, the module will attempt to create it, but this requires
    administrative rights. You might need to run the script as an administrator
    the first time to create the source, but once it exists you should not need
    .PARAMETER LogLevel
    Specifies the minimum log entry severity to write to the Event Log. The
    default value is "Error".
    .PARAMETER LogName
    Specifies the Windows Event Log to write events to. The default is
    C:\PS> Start-EventLogLog -Source "MyScript"
    This command shows the minimum required parameter set to enable Event Log
    logging. If the "MyScript" source does not exist in the Event Log, it will
    be created. Because the default LogLevel of "Error" is being used, only
    errors will be written to the Event Log.

    Param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [ValidateSet("Information", "Warning", "Error")]
        [string]$LogLevel = "Error",

        [string]$LogName = "Application"

    Process {
        $Script:Settings["EventLog"].Enabled = $false

        # Check if the source exists.
        try {
            if ([System.Diagnostics.EventLog]::SourceExists($Source)) {
                # It does exist, make sure it points at the right log.
                if ([System.Diagnostics.EventLog]::LogNameFromSourceName($Source, ".") -ne $LogName) {
                    # Source exists but points to a different log. Not good!
                    Write-Error -Message $Script:r.EventLogLogSourceInWrongLog
            } else {
                # Source does not exist, try to create it.
                try {
                    New-EventLog -LogName $LogName -Source $Source
                } catch [System.Exception] {
                    Write-Error -Exception $_.Exception -Message $Script:r.EventLogLogUnableToCreateLogOrSource
        } catch [System.Exception] {
            Write-Error -Exception $_.Exception -Message $Script:r.EventLogLogUnableToReadLogSources

        $Script:Settings["EventLog"].Enabled = $true
        $Script:Settings["EventLog"].LogLevel = Get-LogLevel -EntryType $LogLevel
        $Script:Settings["EventLog"].LogName = $LogName
        $Script:Settings["EventLog"].Source = $Source

Function Stop-EventLogLog {
    Stops writing log output to the Windows Event Log.
    Stops writing log output to the Windows Event Log.
    C:\PS> Stop-EventLogLog
    This command turns off Event Log logging.

    [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true)]
    Param ()

    Process {
        if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Script:r.CurrentSession)) {
            $Script:Settings["EventLog"].Enabled = $false
            $Script:Settings["EventLog"].LogName = $null
            $Script:Settings["EventLog"].Source = $null

# Host Logging
Function Start-HostLog {
    Turns on writing formatted log events to the host display.
    Starts writing formatted log events to the host display. Includes timestamp,
    color-coded entry type, and message text.
    .PARAMETER LogLevel
    Specifies the minimum log entry severity to write to the host. The default
    value is "Error".
    C:\PS> Start-HostLog
    This command turns on host logging.

    Param (
        [ValidateSet("Information", "Warning", "Error")]
        [string]$LogLevel = "Error"

    Process {
        $Script:Settings["Host"].Enabled = $true
        $Script:Settings["Host"].LogLevel = Get-LogLevel -EntryType $LogLevel

Function Stop-HostLog {
    Turns off writing log messages to the host display.
    Turns off writing log messages to the host display.
    C:\PS> Stop-HostLog
    This command turns off host logging.

    [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true)]
    Param ()

    Process {
        if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Script:r.CurrentSession)) {
            $Script:Settings["Host"].Enabled = $false

# "Pass Thru" Logging
Function Start-PassThruLog {
    Turns on "Pass Thru" display of log events by writing them to other streams.
    Turns on "Pass Thru" display of log events by writing them to other streams.
    The streams used are:
        - Information - Verbose Stream
        - Warning - Warning Stream
        - Error - Error stream
    .PARAMETER LogLevel
    Specifies the minimum log entry severity to write to another stream. The
    default value is "Error".
    C:\PS> Start-PassThruLog
    This command turns on "Pass Thru" logging.

    Param (
        [ValidateSet("Information", "Warning", "Error")]
        [string]$LogLevel = "Error"

    Process {
        $Script:Settings["PassThru"].Enabled = $true
        $Script:Settings["PassThru"].LogLevel = Get-LogLevel -EntryType $LogLevel

Function Stop-PassThruLog {
    Turns off "Pass Thru" logging.
    Turns off "Pass Thru" logging.
    C:\PS> Stop-PassThruLog
    This command turns off "Pass Thru" logging.

    [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true)]
    Param ()

    Process {
        if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Script:r.CurrentSession)) {
            $Script:Settings["PassThru"].Enabled = $false

# Main logging method
Function Write-Log {
    Writes a log entry to whichever output formats are currently enabled.
    Writes a log entry to whichever output formats are currently enabled.
    .PARAMETER EntryType
    Specifies what type of log entry to write.
    .PARAMETER Message
    Specifies a descriptive message for the log entry. This is separate from
    the message that is attached to any exception that might be included in the
    log event.
    .PARAMETER Exception
    For error type entries, includes information about an actual exception that
    .PARAMETER EventId
    For Event Log entries, specifies the Event Id to write in the Event Log. The
    default is 1000.
    C:\PS> Write-Log -EntryType Information -Message "This is a sample log message."
    This command writes a simple log message.
    C:\PS> Write-Log -EntryType Error -Message "An exception occurred." -Exception $_.Exception
    This command, which might be used in a try/catch block, logs an error,
    including data about the exception that was caught.

    Param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateSet("Information", "Warning", "Error")]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [System.Exception]$Exception = $null,

        [int]$EventId = 1000

    Process {
        $NewEntry = New-Object -TypeName psobject -Property @{
            Timestamp = Get-Date
            EntryType = $EntryType
            LogLevel = Get-LogLevel -EntryType $EntryType
            Message = $Message
            Exception = $Exception
            EventId = $EventId

        # Log to File
        if ($Script:Settings["File"].Enabled -and $NewEntry.LogLevel -le $Script:Settings["File"].LogLevel) {
            Write-FileLog -Entry $NewEntry -FilePath $Script:Settings["File"].FilePath

        # Log to EventLog
        if ($Script:Settings["EventLog"].Enabled -and $NewEntry.LogLevel -le $Script:Settings["EventLog"].LogLevel) {
            Write-EventLogLog -Entry $NewEntry -LogName $Script:Settings["EventLog"].LogName -Source $Script:Settings["EventLog"].Source

        # Record entry for e-mailing later
        if ($Script:Settings["Email"].Enabled) {
            Write-EmailLog -Entry $NewEntry

        # Write to host
        if ($Script:Settings["Host"].Enabled -and $NewEntry.LogLevel -le $Script:Settings["Host"].LogLevel) {
            Write-HostLog -Entry $NewEntry

        # Pass through to verbose/warning/error streams
        if ($Script:Settings["PassThru"].Enabled -and $NewEntry.LogLevel -le $Script:Settings["PassThru"].LogLevel) {
            Write-PassThruLog -Entry $NewEntry

# Internal Cmdlets
Function Get-LogLevel {
    Gets the integer representation of the specified entry type.
    Gets the integer representation of the specified entry type. Used for
    filtering log output.
    .PARAMETER EntryType
    Specifies the entry type to evaluate.

    Param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateSet("Information", "Warning", "Error")]

    Process {
        switch ($EntryType) {
            "Information" {
                return 2

            "Warning" {
                return 1

            "Error" {
                return 0

Function Format-LogMessage {
    Returns a Formats a log entry for output and returns the formatted string.
    Returns a Formats a log entry for output and returns the formatted string.
    Used by the File and PassThru logging methods.
    .PARAMETER Entry
    Specifies the log entry to format.
    Specifies whether or not to include the log entry type in the formatted
    .PARAMETER Exception
    Specifies an exception object to include information about in the formatted

    Param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]



    Process {
        $ReturnString = "[$($Entry.Timestamp.ToString("u"))]"

        if ($Type) {
            $TypeString = ""
            switch($Entry.EntryType) {
                "Information" {
                    $TypeString = $Script:r.Info

                "Warning" {
                    $TypeString = $Script:r.Warn

                "Error" {
                    $TypeString = $Script:r.Errr

            $ReturnString += " - $TypeString"

        $ReturnString += " - $($Entry.Message)"

        if ($Exception -and $Entry.Exception) {
            $ReturnString += " - $($Script:r.Exception): $($Entry.Exception.Message)"

        return $ReturnString

Function Write-FileLog {
    Writes a log message to a file.
    Writes a log message to a file.
    .PARAMETER Entry
    Specifies the log entry to write.
    .PARAMETER FilePath
    Specifies the file to write the log entry to.

    Param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    Process {
        Format-LogMessage -Entry $Entry -Type -Exception | Out-File -FilePath $FilePath -Append -Encoding ascii

Function Write-EventLogLog {
    Creates a new Event Log object from a log message.
    Creates a new Event Log object from a log message.
    .PARAMETER Entry
    Specifies the log entry which will be used to create the Event Log object.
    .PARAMETER LogName
    Specifies which log in the Windows Event Log to write to.
    .PARAMETER Source
    Specifies the source to use when creating the Event Log object.

    Param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    Process {
        $EventLogMessage = $Entry.Message

        if ($Entry.Exception) {
            $EventLogMessage += "`n`n$($Script:r.ExceptionInformation)" + `
            "`n$($Script:r.Message): $($Entry.Exception.Message)" + `
            "`n$($Script:r.Source): $($Entry.Exception.Source)" + `
            "`n$($Script:r.StackTrace): $($Entry.Exception.StackTrace)" + `
            "`n$($Script:r.TargetSite): $($Entry.Exception.TargetSite)"

        Write-EventLog -LogName $LogName -Source $Source -EntryType $Entry.EntryType -EventId $Entry.EventId -Message $EventLogMessage

Function Write-EmailLog {
    Stores a log entry in the cache used when e-mailing log data.
    Stores a log entry in the cache used when e-mailing log data.
    .PARAMETER Entry
    Specifies the log entry to record.

    Param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    Process {
        $Script:LogEntries += $Entry

Function Write-HostLog {
    Writes a log entry to the host.
    Writes a log entry to the host.
    .PARAMETER Entry
    Specifies the log entry to write to the host.

    Param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    Process {
        Write-Host -Object "[$($Entry.Timestamp.ToString("u"))] - " -NoNewline

        switch ($Entry.EntryType) {
            "Information" {
                Write-Host -Object $Script:r.Info -ForegroundColor Cyan -NoNewline

            "Warning" {
                Write-Host -Object $Script:r.Warn -ForegroundColor Yellow -NoNewline

            "Error" {
                Write-Host -Object $Script:r.Errr -ForegroundColor Red -NoNewline

        $Message = $Entry.Message
        if ($Entry.Exception) {
            $Message += " - $($Script:r.Exception): $($Entry.Exception.Message)"

        Write-Host -Object " - $Message"

Function Write-PassThruLog {
    Writes a log entry to one of the native PowerShell Streams.
    Writes a log entry to one of the native PowerShell Streams.
    .PARAMETER Entry
    Specifies the log entry to write.

    Param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    Process {
        switch ($Entry.EntryType) {
            "Information" {
                Write-Verbose -Message (Format-LogMessage -Entry $Entry)

            "Warning" {
                Write-Warning -Message (Format-LogMessage -Entry $Entry)

            "Error" {
                if ($Entry.Exception) {
                    Write-Error -Message (Format-LogMessage -Entry $Entry) -Exception $Entry.Exception
                } else {
                    Write-Error -Message (Format-LogMessage -Entry $Entry)

Function ConvertTo-HtmlUnorderedList {
    Builds an HTML UnorderedList from the supplied input and returns its string.
    Builds an HTML UnorderedList from the supplied input and returns its string.
    .PARAMETER FormatScript
    Specifies a script block to invoke for each object passed into the Cmdlet.
    .PARAMETER InputObject
    Specifies one or more objects to write to the unordered list.

    Param (

        [scriptblock]$FormatScript = $null,

            Mandatory = $true,
            ValueFromPipeline = $true,
            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true

    Begin {
        $OutputText = "<ul>`n"

    Process {
        @($InputObject) | ForEach-Object -Process {
            $OutputText += "<li>"

            if ($FormatScript) {
                $OutputText += Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $FormatScript
            } else {
                $OutputText += $_

            $OutputText += "</li>`n"

    End {
        $OutputText += "</ul>`n"

# Deprecated Cmdlets
Function Enable-FileLog {
    Param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [ValidateSet("Information", "Warning", "Error")]
        [string]$LogLevel = "Error",


    Process {
        Write-Warning -Message ([string]::Format($Script:r.CmdletDeprecated_F0, "Start-FileLog"))
        Start-FileLog -FilePath $FilePath -LogLevel $LogLevel -Append:$Append

Function Disable-FileLog {
    Param ()

    Process {
        Write-Warning -Message ([string]::Format($Script:r.CmdletDeprecated_F0, "Stop-FileLog"))

Function Enable-EmailLog {
    Param (

    Process {
        Write-Warning -Message ([string]::Format($Script:r.CmdletDeprecated_F0, "Start-EmailLog"))
        Start-EmailLog -ClearEntryCache:$ClearEntryCache

Function Disable-EmailLog {
    Param (

    Process {
        Write-Warning -Message ([string]::Format($Script:r.CmdletDeprecated_F0, "Stop-EmailLog"))

Function Enable-EventLogLog {
    Param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [ValidateSet("Information", "Warning", "Error")]
        [string]$LogLevel = "Error",

        [string]$LogName = "Application"

    Process {
        Write-Warning -Message ([string]::Format($Script:r.CmdletDeprecated_F0, "Start-EventLogLog"))
        Start-EventLogLog -Source $Source -LogLevel $LogLevel -LogName $LogName

Function Disable-EventLogLog {
    Param ()

    Process {
        Write-Warning -Message ([string]::Format($Script:r.CmdletDeprecated_F0, "Stop-EventLogLog"))

Function Enable-HostLog {
    Param (
        [ValidateSet("Information", "Warning", "Error")]
        [string]$LogLevel = "Error"

    Process {
        Write-Warning -Message ([string]::Format($Script:r.CmdletDeprecated_F0, "Start-HostLog"))
        Enable-HostlLog -LogLevel $LogLevel

Function Disable-HostLog {
    Param ()

    Process {
        Write-Warning -Message ([string]::Format($Script:r.CmdletDeprecated_F0, "Stop-HostLog"))

Function Enable-PassThruLog {
    Param (
        [ValidateSet("Information", "Warning", "Error")]
        [string]$LogLevel = "Error"

    Process {
        Write-Warning -Message ([string]::Format($Script:r.CmdletDeprecated_F0, "Start-PassThruLog"))
        Start-PassThruLog -LogLevel $LogLevel

Function Disable-PassThruLog {
    Param ()

    Process {
        Write-Warning -Message ([string]::Format($Script:r.CmdletDeprecated_F0, "Stop-PassThruLog"))

Export-ModuleMember -Function Enable-*, Disable-*, Start-*, Stop-*, Write-Log, Send-EmailLog