function Write-MOTDIfDue { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([bool])] Param() # For performance reasons, check if we should never write a tip before doing anything else. if ($env:MotdCadence -eq [MotdFrequency]::Never) { return } [DateTime] $lastMotd = Read-LastMOTDDate [TimeSpan] $timeSinceLastMotd = [DateTime]::Now - $lastMotd [int] $daysSinceLastMotd = $timeSinceLastMotd.Days [bool] $shouldShowMotd = $false switch ($env:MotdCadence) { ([MotdFrequency]::Never) { $shouldShowMotd = $false; break } ([MotdFrequency]::EverySession) { $shouldShowMotd = $true; break } ([MotdFrequency]::Daily) { $shouldShowMotd = $daysSinceLastMotd -ge 1; break } ([MotdFrequency]::Weekly) { $shouldShowMotd = $daysSinceLastMotd -ge 7; break } } if ($shouldShowMotd) { [bool] $isSessionInteractive = Test-PowerShellInteractive if (-not $isSessionInteractive) { Write-Verbose "PSMotd is configured to write a MOTD, but this session is non-interactive. PSMotd will only write automatic tips when it is imported into an interactive PowerShell session. This prevents a tip from being written at unexpected times, such as when the user or an automated process runs PowerShell scripts." return } Write-Motd } else { Write-Debug "Showing a PSMotd is not needed at this time." } } |