#Requires -Version 5.0 <# .SYNOPSIS This module configures PSRepositories for a single user context (default: system). .PARAMETER Name The name of a PSRepository. .PARAMETER InstallationPolicy Set the repository as Trusted or Untrusted. .PARAMETER SourceLocation The uri that specifies the repository location. If Ensure is Present and the repository does not exist, this parameter becomes mandatory. #> enum Ensure { Absent Present } enum InstallationPolicy { Trusted Untrusted } [DscResource()] class PowershellRepository { [DscProperty(Key)] [string] $Name [DscProperty()] [Ensure] $Ensure = "Present" [DscProperty()] [string] $InstallationPolicy [DscProperty()] [string] $SourceLocation [PowershellRepository] Get() { $Repository = Get-PSRepository -Name $this.Name -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if ($Repository) { $this.Name = $Repository.Name $this.InstallationPolicy = $Repository.InstallationPolicy $this.SourceLocation = $Repository.SourceLocation } else { $this.Name = $null $this.InstallationPolicy = $null $this.SourceLocation = $null } return $this } [void] Set() { $PSBoundParameters = $this.GetPSBoundParameters() $Repository = Get-PSRepository -Name $this.Name -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $Count = ($Repository | Measure-Object).Count if ($this.Ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present) { if ($Count -ne 1) { Write-Verbose -Message "Registering repository [$($this.Name)]." if ($this.Name -eq "PSGallery") { $PSBoundParameters.Remove("SourceLocation") $PSBoundParameters.Remove("Name") Register-PSRepository -Default @PSBoundParameters } else { Register-PSRepository @PSBoundParameters } } elseif ($this.SourceLocation -and $Repository -and ($Repository.SourceLocation -ne $this.SourceLocation)) { Write-Verbose -Message "Re-register repository [$($this.Name)] to have SourceLocation [$($this.SourceLocation)]." Unregister-PSRepository -Name $Repository.Name if ($this.Name -eq "PSGallery") { $PSBoundParameters.Remove("SourceLocation") $PSBoundParameters.Remove("Name") Register-PSRepository -Default @PSBoundParameters } else { Register-PSRepository @PSBoundParameters } } elseif ($this.InstallationPolicy -and ($Repository.InstallationPolicy -ne $this.InstallationPolicy)) { Write-Verbose -Message "Configuring repository [$($this.Name)] to have InstallationPolicy [$($this.InstallationPolicy)]." Set-PSRepository @PSBoundParameters } } elseif ($this.Ensure -eq [Ensure]::Absent) { if ($Count -gt 0) { Write-Verbose -Message "Unregister repository [$($this.Name)]." Unregister-PSRepository $this.Name } } } [bool] Test() { $Repository = Get-PSRepository -Name $this.Name -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $Count = ($Repository | Measure-Object).Count $Result = $true if ($this.Ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present) { if ($Count -ne 1) { if (-not $this.SourceLocation) { throw "SourceLocation is required when the PSRepository does not currently exist." } Write-Verbose -Message "Expected a single instance of repository [$($this.Name)] but was [$($Count)]." $Result = $false } if ($this.InstallationPolicy -and ($Repository.InstallationPolicy -ne $this.InstallationPolicy)) { Write-Verbose -Message "Expected repository [$($this.Name)] to have InstallationPolicy [$($this.InstallationPolicy)] but was [$($Repository.InstallationPolicy)]." $Result = $false } if ($this.SourceLocation -and ($Repository.SourceLocation -ne $this.SourceLocation)) { Write-Verbose -Message "Expected repository [$($this.Name)] to have SourceLocation [$($this.SourceLocation)] but was [$($Repository.SourceLocation)]." $Result = $false } } elseif ($this.Ensure -eq [Ensure]::Absent) { if ($Count -ne 0) { Write-Verbose -Message "Expected no instance of repository [$($this.Name)] but was [$($Count)]." $Result = $false } } return $Result } # Helper method to output PSBoundParameters in a familiar way [hashtable]GetPSBoundParameters() { $PSBoundParameters = @{ Name = $this.Name; } if ($this.SourceLocation) { $PSBoundParameters["SourceLocation"] = $this.SourceLocation } if ($this.InstallationPolicy) { $PSBoundParameters["InstallationPolicy"] = $this.InstallationPolicy } return $PSBoundParameters } } |